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Published June 12, 2021

Dwayne Johnson to voice Superman’s dog

Dwayne Johnson will voice Superman’s dog, Krypto the Super-Dog, in the new animated DC film DC League of Super-Pets.

The movie is based on DC Comics characters. It follows Krypto as he teams up with a flying cat to stop crime while Superman is on vacation. DC League of Super-Pets hails from Warner Bros. and Warner Animation Group. Jared Stern will write the film and co-direct with Sam Levine. Additional cast members have yet to be announced.

DC League of Super-Pets will open in theatres on May 20, 2022.

Peter Rabbit is tree-planting project ambassador

Recently, Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit was selected as the Children’s Ambassador for The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative, a special Platinum Jubilee project that will see a nation-wide tree planting take place in honour of the Queen in 2022.

The initiative was launched under the theme ‘Trees in Literature’, as the QGC Ambassador Dame Judi Dench recited a poem in her garden in memory of loved ones.

First published in 1902, The Tale of Peter Rabbit will be celebrating its 120th birthday during the Platinum Jubilee. The project will help children understand the importance of trees as a sanctuary for animals, and to encourage families to become involved in the planting process together. Planting season starts in October.

Spider-Man to connect to spin-offs

When Spider-Man: No Way Home hits theatres in December, the deal that allows the web-slinger to move between Marvel Studios and Sony will be officially over. In the meantime, Sony is building a whole universe of spin-offs focused on Peter Parker’s worst enemies, starting with Venom, Carnage, Morbius and so on.

Recently, the studios announced an upcoming feature focused on Kraven, the Hunter. The list might expand in the future, according to Sony Pictures Motion Picture Group President Sanford Panitch.

Panitch said, “We have a Marvel universe. The volume of characters we have — you know, wait until you see this next Venom. You don’t miss Spider-Man.” At the moment, Sony’s plan for the future of Spider-Man isn’t clear. Hypothetically, the producers could bring back Peter Parker in the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters, to lock horns with all sorts of villains. Many hints indicate that Spider-Man: No Way Home might introduce the multiverse.

Published in Dawn, Young World, June 12th, 2021



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