“Global Parliament of Mayors” will help UN reach its goals | | UN News
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“Global Parliament of Mayors” will help UN reach its goals

“Global Parliament of Mayors” will help UN reach its goals


A new “Global Parliament of Mayors” due to convene in The Hague in September, will help the UN reach its global goals.

That’s the view of Jozias van Aartsen, who is mayor of The Hague, in the Netherlands, a city which is already home to several key international bodies.

The Hague hosts the International Court of Justice, as well as the International Criminal Court.

Mr van Aartsen was at UN headquarters in New York early this week, and met UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

Matthew Wells caught up with the mayor afterwards, and began by asking him to outline the historic ties between his city, and the UN.

Duration: 3’13”

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