John Reardon - Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

John Reardon

Reardon is asked for a “Winter” opera (1972)
Reardon is asked for a “Winter” opera (1972)
Reardon’s first appearance (1968)
Reardon and Mister Rogers working on an opera (1971)

Metropolitan Opera singer John Reardon, known in the Neighborhood of Make-Believe simply as Reardon, is a welcome visitor who plays a major role in the delightful Neighborhood operas.


It’s a special time in Make-Believe when opera singer John Reardon visits. His arrival always bring excitement because it’s the signal that King Friday XIII is going to command him to create an opera – by the end of the week! Obeying the King’s wish, over the years Reardon “produces” and stars in 13 original Neighborhood operas, written by Fred Rogers.


Did you know?

John Reardon was a classmate and friend of Fred Rogers at Rollins College. His singing and acting talents took him to leading roles on Broadway, the New York opera and the Metropolitan Opera stage.


Let’s make an opera!

In addition to his magnificent baritone voice, what makes the operas especially charming is Reardon’s creative spirit, as he warmly encourages all of the neighbors to be a part of the excitement and accepts everyone’s ideas – no matter how outlandish. He himself takes on a wide variety of leading roles in the operas – a swan, a newscaster, a straw salesman, an organ grinder and more.