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Baldi's Basics in a Little Bit of Everything Wiki

Joe is a minor character who appears in the kitchen in BBialboE. He also appears in BBie, as a shopkeeper.


Baldi's Basics in a little bit of Everything[]

He looks similar to the original Joe, but with a differently coloured shirt, a handle in one hand, and a Chef Hat.

Baldi's Basics in Everything[]

He just looks like the original Joe.


Baldi's Basics in a little bit of Everything[]

Joe will sit behind the kitchen counter unless the player interacts with him. When interacted with, he will begin moving around his kitchen and making cooking noises. A timer on the microwave will count down from 60 seconds (120 seconds in Hard Mode), and when it reaches zero he will produce a random food item. This can be done an infinite number of times.


  • Welcome! - When Tag Clicks Joe.
  • "Screaming" - When he's finished preparing the meal.


Baldi's Basics in a little bit of Everything[]




Original Characters

BaldiPrincipal of the ThingPlaytimeGotta SweepArts and CraftersIt's a BullyCloudy CopterChalklesJoe

Original BBIALBOE Characters

Pencil BoyAliceNurseFilename3

Original BBIE Characters

The SuperintendentInk GirlCandy Kid
