Jeff Beck / Definitive Yokohama 1989 / 2CD+1 Bonus DVDR – GiGinJapan

Jeff Beck / Definitive Yokohama 1989 / 2CD+1 Bonus DVDR

Jeff Beck / Definitive Yokohama 1989 / 2CD+1 Bonus DVDR/ Wardour
Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan 11th & 12th August 1989 plus Bonus DVDR “YOKOHAMA 1989: THE VIDEO”

Play sample :

Click Image To Enlarge

The famous recording of the prestigious “Kinney” representative of the “GUITAR SHOP” era has been brushed up. A press 2CD that permanently preserves the detailed sound of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available.
Engraved on this work are the two performances here in Japan. It is the best audience recording of the “August 11th / 12th, 1989: Yokohama Arena” performance. Jeff’s live career will be greatly depressed in the 90’s, but the “GUITAR SHOP” era was just before that. First of all, let’s take a bird’s eye view of the activity overview of such a turning point and check the position of the show.

● 1989
・July 1: Appearance at Pistoia Blues Festival
・August 5-12: Japan (6 performances) ← Coco
《“GUITAR SHOP” Released in October》
・ October 25-December 8: North America (33 performances)
● 1990
・ April 23-May 14: Europe (13 performances)
・ July 28th + 29th: London (2 performances)

[Retransfer from original cassette] This is Jeff Beck in 1989/1990. For the next 4 years (1991-1994), there were only 2 event-like stages and almost no activity. Indeed, it was a world tour on the verge of falling into the dark ages. The Yokohama performance of this work is the highlight of Japan, which was the starting point. It was a concert corresponding to the 5th / 6th performance.
This work, which records these two performances, is a masterpiece that shines a light on the sound source barren era. Originally, it was acclaimed as a top-class recording in the prestigious “Kinney” collection, but this work returns to the original cassette and re-transfers. We were able to finely digitize the subtleties that could not be picked up at the time of the first CD in 2017. The effect is reviving each sound, but is it the clapping between songs in an easy-to-understand place? Applause has an extremely strong attack sound, and the peak is easily distorted. In fact, in the previous edition “YOKOHAMA 1989 (Wardour-213)”, there was a feeling that the peak was clogged, and the subsequent ringing was also distorted. However, the transfer this time is beautiful with its striking sound and ringing natural.
What I would like to emphasize here is that I am not saying, “You can hear beautiful applause, it’s amazing.” Applause is just an example of “accuracy is easy to understand”. The performance sound itself, which is essential, has similarly improved accuracy, and the on-site sound that the tape was sucking in is reproduced without leaking to the maximum. Of course, the precision of finishing is also outstanding. For example, this time we also used phase correction that does not allow a 1/1000th of a second shift, which improves the left/right stereo balance and sense of stability. When listening with headphones, the feeling of pulling the head to the right disappears, and the ensemble is clearly audible.

[Complemented with another recording and updated the longest ever] More importantly, the longest recording time has been updated. Tape change cuts are inevitable only for analog cassette recording, but this work patches such points with another recording. The longest record on both days has been realized. As a matter of fact, the last two songs “People Get Ready” and “Going Down” on the first day of Yokohama (DISC 1) are not included in Kinney’s original cassette. Other sound sources were patched in the previous edition, but this time the processing was redone from scratch. The result is a more natural and comfortable finish.
“So what is the longest full show like?” Finally, let’s organize the whole view of the precious “GUITAR SHOP Tour”.

●Guitar Shop (8 songs)
・Savoy/Sling Shot/Day In The House(★)/Big Block/Behind The Veil/Guitar Shop/Where Were You/Stand On It
● Others (5 songs)
・Wired: Goodbye Pork Pie Hat / Blue Wind
・Other: Freeway Jam/People Get Ready/Going Down
* Note: “★” marks are limited songs only for this tour.

… and it looks like this. Most of the songs were featured on the 1995 tour six years later, but only “Day In The House” is a rare song that was not played there. And the ensemble that spells such a set is also amazing. Despite the special formation of baseless, there is no feeling of lack, and Terry Posio and Tony Hymas are like demons. And Jeff also collided head-on and did not back down even half a step. Jeff continues to play wonderful guitars to this day, but it is undeniable that he gradually became addicted to something like a “type”, even though he was free. However, at this time, there was no such gesture at all, and from one phrase to another, he was furiously brilliant and versatile as if to further expand the possibilities of the guitar as an instrument. It is a live album that hits the true value of the “GUITAR SHOP trio” more vividly than the studio work, including the two who play Jeff.
Jeff was also in a good mood, and DISC 1 honestly absorbed the hot mood of the first day in Yokohama. DISC 2 on the second day showed off the serious playing power of the “GUITAR SHOP Trio” with high concentration. This is a press 2CD that permanently preserves two Yokohama performances with different personalities. A superb recording of the prestigious “Kinney” that conveys the “GUITAR SHOP” era when there were few sound sources and it was difficult to look back. Please fully experience this brushed-up work.

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(remastered memo)
★Newly digitized from the original cassette on both days!

* Although the phase is corrected, the original recording is shifted to the right.

* Slight band correction by digitizing as it is. Recording as it is without scraping applause

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★ “August 11/12, 1989: Yokohama Arena” performance recording of the best audience. A branded product by the prestigious Kinney, brushed up with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. The part that was re-digitized from the original cassette and was not recorded was also patched with another recording. We are updating the longest and highest peak quality. The super rare “Day In The House” is also a masterpiece of the “GUITAR SHOP” era where you can fully experience two delicious performances.

『GUITAR SHOP』時代を代表する名門“キニー”の名録音がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密サウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDが登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは、ここ日本での2公演。「1989年8月11日/12日:横浜アリーナ」公演の極上オーディエンス録音です。ジェフのライヴ・キャリアは90年代に大きく落ち込む事になりますが、『GUITAR SHOP』時代はその直前。まずは、そんなターニング・ポイントの活動概要を俯瞰し、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・7月1日:Pistoia Blues Festival出演
《10月『GUITAR SHOP』発売》

そんな2公演を記録した本作は、音源不毛時代に光を当てた名作。元々、名門“キニー”のコレクションでもトップクラスの極上録音として絶賛を集めたわけですが、本作はその大元カセットに立ち返って再トランスファーを敢行。2017年の初CD化の際には拾いきれなかった機微の機微まできめ細かにデジタル化できたのです。その効果は1音1音を甦らせているのですが、分かりやすいところでは曲間の拍手でしょうか。拍手というのはアタック音が極端に強い特性があり、ピークが歪みやすい音。実際、前回版『YOKOHAMA 1989(Wardour-213)』ではピークに詰まった感じがあり、続く鳴りも歪んでいました。ところが、今回のトランスファーは打音も鳴りもナチュラルなまま美しいのです。

さらに重要なのが収録時間の最長を更新したこと。アナログのカセット録音だけにテープチェンジのカットは避けられないわけですが、本作はそうしたポイントを別録音でパッチ。両日の過去最長盤が実現しているのです。実のところ、横浜初日(DISC 1)最後の2曲「People Get Ready」「Going Down」はキニーの大元カセットに未収録。前回盤でも他音源がパッチされていたのですが、今回はその処理もゼロからやり直し。より自然で違和感のない仕上がりになっています。
そうして最長を更新したフルショウとはどんなものなのか。最後に、貴重な“GUITAR SHOP Tour”の全景を整理しておきましょう。

・Savoy/Sling Shot/Day In The House(★)/Big Block/Behind The Veil/Guitar Shop/Where Were You/Stand On It
・ワイアード:Goodbye Pork Pie Hat/Blue Wind
・その他:Freeway Jam/People Get Ready/Going Down

……と、このようになっています。ほとんどの曲が6年後の1995年ツアーでも取り上げられましたが、「Day In The House」だけはそこでも演奏しなかったレア曲です。そして、そんなセットを綴るアンサンブルがまた凄い。ベースレスの特殊な編成にも関わらず不足感がまるでなく、テリー・ポジオもトニー・ハイマスも鬼神のよう。そして、ジェフも真正面からぶつかり、半歩も引かない。ジェフは現在に至るまで素晴らしいギターを聴かせ続けていますが、やはり自在とは言っても少しずつ“型”のようなものにハマッていったのは否めない。しかし、この時はそんなそぶりもまったくなく、1フレーズ1フレーズからして猛烈に才気走り、ギターという楽器の可能性を更に広げるかのように多彩。そんなジェフを弾き出す2人も含め、“GUITAR SHOPトリオ”の真価をスタジオ作以上の鮮やかで叩きつけてくるライヴアルバムなのです。
ジェフもご機嫌で、横浜初日の熱いムードを正直に吸い込んだDISC 1。集中力も高く“GUITAR SHOPトリオ”のシリアスな演奏力を見せつけるような2日目のDISC 2。個性の異なる横浜2公演を永久保存するプレス2CDです。音源が少なく、なかなか振り返る事のできなかった『GUITAR SHOP』時代を伝えてくれる名門“キニー”の極上録音。どうぞ、ブラッシュアップされた本作で存分にご体験ください。







★「1989年8月11日/12日:横浜アリーナ」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。名門キニーによる銘品で、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングでブラッシュアップ。大元カセットから再デジタル化され、録音漏れになっていたパートも別録音でパッチ。最長・最高峰クオリティを更新しています。激レア「Day In The House」も美味しい2公演をフル体験できる『GUITAR SHOP』時代の代表作です。


Disc 1(68:05)
Live at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan 11th August 1989

01. Intro.
02. Savoy
03. Sling Shot
04. Day In The House
05. Big Block
06. Behind The Veil
07. Freeway Jam
08. Guitar Shop ★5:30-5:37(演奏後曲間)補填
09. Where Were You
10. Stand Out It
11. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
12. Blue Wind ★6:08(演奏後)以降丸ごと別ソース
13. People Get Ready ★別ソース
14. Going Down ★別ソース

Disc 2(67:38)
Live at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan 12th August 1989

01. Intro.
02. Savoy
03. Sling Shot
04. Day In The House
05. Big Block
06. Behind The Veil
07. Freeway Jam
08. Guitar Shop
09. Where Were You ★2:53-2:59(曲間)別ソースで補填メインソースに戻るタイミングで歓声が盛り上がるため、繋ぎが不自然に感じますが、元々の曲間がこういうもの
10. Stand Out It
11. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
12. Blue Wind★5:45-6:01(曲間)別ソースで補填。但し別ソース自体にも曲間カットが1箇所あるのでそこは違和感なく補正
13. People Get Ready
14. Going Down(with Steve Lukather, Neal Schon & John Waite)★5:19以降別ソースで補填(アナウンスが収録された)

Jeff Beck – Guitars
Tony Hymas – Keyboards
Terry Bozzio – Drums



Jeff Beck / Yokohama 1989 The Video / 1DVDR / Non Label
Live at Yokohama Arena, Yokohama, Japan 12th August 1989

Click Image To Enlarge

The main press 2CD is a decision board that updated the highest peak of the legendary recording by the prestigious “Kinney”. It is a world-famous masterpiece that conveys the live performance of the “GUITAR SHOP” era. As a bonus, we have prepared a video work that allows you to witness the scene that spreads “beyond the masterpiece”.

A superb view video where you can enjoy the main part of the live performance
This work was filmed at the “August 12, 1989: Yokohama Arena” performance. The main press 2CD was a complete recording of Yokohama 2DAYS, but this work records the last day of the Japan tour with two types of images. First of all, the main audience shot appears. On the left side of the stage (Terry Bozzio side), it is a shot overlooking from the second floor, and the whole show is recorded. The image quality is a little sweet and can’t be said to be “clear to hands and facial expressions”, but you can clearly witness the unique staging created by the “GUITAR SHOP trio”. Bozzio and Tony Hymas, who do not move from their fixed positions, rise behind them like a fortress, and in front of them, Jeff alone manipulates the guitar with flashy actions. It is exactly a scene unique to 1989.
In addition, “Freeway Jam” and “Going Down” are the must-see points of this day only. In the former, Warren Ham of STEVE LUKATHER BAND will jump in and show off the harmonica co-star. This scene can be heard on the main press 2CD, but it was a little difficult to understand because there was no MC to introduce Warren. However, the scenery is perfect for the mood. It seems that Warren wanted to co-star with Jeff, but because of that, he did not get along well even though he shared the stage, and he did not play a battle with sparks. You can witness the subtle air firmly. On the contrary, the last song, “Going Down,” gets entwined with excitement. Steve Lukather, Neil Schon, and John Waite appeared in the gorgeous co-starring, and both the stage and the audience were in a fuss. Especially on this last day, Lukather is hilarious, exchanging guitars with Jeff, and hugging. You can see a lot of fun scenery.

● Drum perspective shot taken by the staff
Now, the second video that appears after such an audience shot. This was taken by a person involved, starting from the dressing room passage during the performance. As it is, the staff heads to the stage while shooting, and records up close from behind Bozzio. Think of it as close as a professional shot drum camera. Of course, if it becomes a pull, Jeff’s figure will also be reflected firmly.
This is a short video of 5 songs, but I’m happy that the last “Going Down” is included. The joyful mood was fully conveyed even in the main audience shot, but this is a closeness that allows you to understand the expressions of the guitarists. It is a valuable close-up shot that shines even more gorgeously co-starring.
The “GUITAR SHOP Trio” threw a fierce ensemble despite being baseless. A masterpiece video that allows you to experience the unique tension in the “spectacle” and approach the co-starring of the three gorgeous guitar heroes up close. One of the best in terms of expanding the image of the main live album and being a witness to a precious scene. Please enjoy it together with the main press 2CD.

本編プレス2CDは、名門“キニー”による伝説録音の最高峰を更新した決定盤。まさに『GUITAR SHOP』時代のライヴを伝える世界的な大名盤です。そのボーナスには「名盤の向こう側」に広がる光景を目撃できる映像作品をご用意しました。

そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1989年8月12日:横浜アリーナ」公演。本編プレス2CDは横浜2DAYSを完全収録していましたが、本作はジャパンツアー最終日を2種の映像で記録しています。まず登場するのはメインのオーディエンス・ショット。ステージ左側(テリー・ボジオ側)2階席からの見下ろしショットで、ショウ全編を収録しています。画質はやや甘く「手元や表情までクッキリ」とは言えないのですが、“GUITAR SHOPトリオ”の醸す独特なステージングはシッカリと目撃できる。定位置から動かないボジオとトニー・ハイマスが要塞のように背後にそびえ、その前方でジェフ独りが派手なアクションでギターを操る。まさに1989年ならではの光景なのです。
さらに、この日だけの必見ポイントなのが「Freeway Jam」と「Going Down」。前者ではSTEVE LUKATHER BANDのウォーレン・ハムが飛び入りし、ハーモニカでの共演を披露する。このシーンは本編プレス2CDでも聞けるのですが、ウォーレンを紹介するMCがないためにやや分かりづらかった。しかし、光景ならムードまでばっちり。どうもウォーレンはジェフと共演したいがために押しかけだったそうですが、そのせいかステージを分け合ってはいても特に仲良く絡むでもなく、火花散るバトルを演じるわけでもない。なんとも微妙な空気がしっかりと目撃できるのです。その反対に盛大に絡んで盛り上がるのがラストの「Going Down」。スティーヴ・ルカサー、ニール・ショーン、ジョン・ウェイトが登場しての豪華共演に、ステージ上も観客も大騒ぎになります。特に、この最終日ではルカサーがはしゃぎまくり、ジェフとギターを交換したり、ハグしたり。やたらと楽しそうな光景が見られます。

こちらは5曲分と短い映像なのですが、最後の「Going Down」を押さえているのが嬉しい。メインのオーディエンス・ショットでも楽しげなムードは十分に伝わりましたが、こちらはギタリスト陣の表情までしっかりと分かる近さ。豪華共演の華やかさが一層輝く貴重な接写ショットなのです。
ベースレスにも関わらず猛烈なアンサンブルを叩きつけた“GUITAR SHOPトリオ”。その独特な緊張感を“光景”で体験でき、さらに豪華ギターヒーロー3人の共演に間近で迫れる傑作映像。本編ライヴアルバムのイメージを膨らませる意味でも、貴重なシーンの目撃者になるにも最高の1枚。どうぞ、本編プレス2CDと併せ、たっぷりとお楽しみください。

1. Savoy
2. Sling Shot
3. Day In The House
4. Big Block
5. Behind The Veil
6. Freeway Jam
7. Guitar Shop
8. Where Were You ★CDは2:53でテープチェンジ
9. Stand Out It
10. Goodbye Pork Pie Hat
11. Blue Wind
12. People Get Ready
13. Going Down (with Steve Lukather, Neal Schon & John Waite)

Bonus Track ★関係者映像(ボジオの後ろからの撮影)
14. Savoy
15. Sling Shot
16. Day In The House
17. Blue Wind
18. Going Down (with Steve Lukather, Neal Schon & John Waite)

Jeff Beck – Guitars
Tony Hymas – Keyboards
Terry Bozzio – Drums

COLOUR NTSC Approx.87min.

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