James Kirkwood Sr. Movies and Shows - Apple TV

James Kirkwood Sr.

James Kirkwood Sr. was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. Kirkwood's career began with his directing of various independent films, including "Dulcie's Adventure" (1916), "Melissa of the Hills" (1917) and "Environment" (1917). He also appeared in "Over There" (1917) and "Eve's Daughter" (1918). In addition to directing, Kirkwood acted in "Behind the Scenes" (1914). His film career continued throughout the twenties and the thirties in productions like "Circe the Enchantress" (1924), "Million Dollar Mystery" (1927) and "Someone to Love" (1928). He also appeared in "The Spoilers" (1930) with Gary Cooper. In the latter part of his career, he tackled roles in the Joan Bennett drama "She Wanted a Millionaire" (1932), "My Pal, the King" (1932) and the romance "The Lady From Cheyenne" (1941) with Loretta Young. He also appeared in "No Hands on the Clock" (1941) with Chester Morris and "The Nevadan" (1950). Kirkwood last acted in the drama "The Search For Bridey Murphy" (1956) with Teresa Wright. Kirkwood was married to Gertrude Robinson and had two children. Kirkwood passed away in August 1963 at the age of 80.