The X Files: Too White for Wikipedia, by Gregory Hood - The Unz Review
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The X Files: Too White for Wikipedia

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Christopher Rufo has been unveiling the anti-white statements of Katherine Maher, the new head of NPR.

An editor resigned after he wrote about left-wing bias at taxpayer-funded NPR.

The new anti-white head will keeps her job despite her views, and NPR boots a dissident. Institutional control is secure.

People make fun of scholars from a century ago who tried to define race, but even the most complicated taxonomy is simple compared to racial categories on campuses today.

Remember, in today’s political orthodoxy, this black woman is the person who lacks “privilege:”

After the following clip, one might wonder how much American “history” is fake.

Most media take for granted that Thomas Jefferson slept with his slave, even though this is unproven and doubtful. The evidence was always thin. Thomas Jackson wrote the definitive article on this. This nonsense is a disturbing reminder of the low standards most journalists and academics have, especially when they see a chance to smear an American icon.

A joke went over about 48,000 leftists’ heads.

For those who need it explained:

Taylor Swift spends much of her time apologizing for her previous image, including her relatively apolitical stance early in her career and for opening for conservative country star Toby Keith. (She still has said nothing since Keith died). Apologies do her no good.

Yesterday was St. George’s Day. The English national holiday prompted the usual rage and scorn from non-white occupiers.

St. George wasn’t “Turkish.” There were no Turks in the historic heartland of the Eastern Roman Empire. A supposed anti-imperialist accepts and approves the results of imperialism and colonialism if they were against whites.

The police used force against a small demonstration, something they didn’t do during recent non-white, left-wing protests.

The federal government is suing Sheetz because it doesn’t hire enough convicted criminals, who, of course, are more likely to be black. This is not “political correctness gone mad,” like some foolish conservatives say. This has been standard practice since the 1970s.

An excellent article describes the pattern:

It is well worth your time.

At Columbia, protesters who believe Israel is “white supremacy” have halted classes through protests. The Ivy League school is now essentially an online degree mill.

There is also excitement at NYU.

Senator Josh Hawley thinks President Biden should send in troops.

If the Republican Party reacted to the decades of anti-white discrimination the way it has to anti-Israel protests, we would have a lot far fewer problems. Instead, one of the country’s most “right-wing” senators reinforces civil rights mythology.

Another black attacked a white in a nursing home.

You cannot trust institutions with a “diverse” work force. We may need to start our own nursing homes and hospices so whites can end their days in peace.

The war on free speech continues. In Australia, one senator said someone like Elon Musk should be locked up.

Anti-white speech on TikTok is common, and no government cares.

TikTok may end up banned in the United States, but not because it’s anti-white.

“Law and Order” specializes in making fictional versions of white-on-black crimes, which titillate viewers who might be disturbed by the more banal color of crime. In a recent episode, it combined the Daniel Penny subway case with the spread of Active Clubs where young whites train in fitness and martial arts.

National Museums Liverpool is decommissioning a museum ship because it claims it doesn’t have the money.

It does have the money for a major anti-racist program and to revamp a slavery museum that will cost about 60 million pounds.

A snapshot of American life.

Finally, I offer a sincere tribute to the New York Post Euphemism Guy, who comes up with descriptions of black criminals that never call them black.

Whoever writes that stuff, I salute your creativity.

(Republished from American Renaissance by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Gregory Hood is a good writer when he writes, but this is a bunch of twats or X’s (or whatever their called today) stuck together with scotch tape.

    If the jews are going to ban anything, I wish they’d ban twatter X, I couldn’t care less about Tick Tock with seems to be for teenagers. Twatter X is for adult imbeciles who Can’t string together sentences with for than 4 words together and have the attention span of a squirrel.

  2. I’ve noticed even (especially?) since last October a general hesitancy among Derbyshire, Sailer, and the AmRen and VDare authors cross-published here to discuss what’s happening in Gaza. I suspect that they’re partial to Israel’s and Uncle Sam’s actions and positions, but don’t want to come out and say so.

    Mr. Hood has raked up quite a bit here about free speech, censorship, and identity politics, including these statements by US politicians:

    The radical Left has turned our universities into hotbeds for antisemitism.

    It’s time for Biden to call out the National Guard at our universities to protect Jewish Americans.

    Does he agree or disagree with these statements?

    • Disagree: Pastit
  3. Gallatin says:

    The Australian politician assumes Australia can just jail Elon Musk, an American, for the crime of letting a video of a priest being stabbed because it supposedly could influence the population to question mass-migration of Muslims to Australia?

    I don’t get it. A felony was caught on tape, and wasn’t preemptively censored. That’s a crime? What’s next? Videos of speeding cars taboo because they make the drivers (usually men) look bad?

    She was a real piece of work. She wants to be commissar of a global Oceania so bad. I have a feeling she won’t be re-elected. She bared her fangs to openly here. That will turn voters off.

  4. xyzxy says:
    @Greta Handel

    Does he agree or disagree with these statements?

    Hood, like almost the entire Vdare/Amren syndicate, skirts foundational issues. My guess is that it’s because both have a few substantial Jewish doners they don’t want to alienate, but who really knows?

    In any case, where is the journalistic meat in this kind of Hour of Slack media barrage? Hood’s ‘cut and paste collage’ is too exhausting to plow through in order to try and figure out what the hell he is trying to say.

    For sure it is a common way to do things these days, but more interesting ‘pop journalists’ use the patchwork to make explicit points, via pointed commentary between the tweets (or whatever they are called).

    Instead, we get:

    Anti-white speech on TikTok is common, and no government cares. TikTok may end up banned in the United States, but not because it’s anti-white.

    What does Hood mean? Is he implying that it’s being banned because it is anti-Jew, and Jews are not Hu–White, and it is Jews who are calling the media shots via their Congressional whores? Or is because it’s Chinese related? Or because it is eating Twitter and Facebook and You Tube’s lunch, and a ban is protectionism in another way? Or a combination of all those?

    With Hood it’s all a guessing game.

    • Agree: Greta Handel
  5. @Greta Handel

    The Diffident Right

    Good one.

    • Agree: Renard
  6. @xyzxy

    Hood’s ‘cut and paste collage’ is too exhausting to plow through in order to try and figure out what the hell he is trying to say.

    Did he write his own headline? Cause if the bit about the NPR boss dissing the X Files for being too white is in here I missed it. I didn’t read every single word in it. Nobody reads a twitter sneeze closely.

    The NPR boss looks like she was probably decent looking 20 years ago. I bet there were hot guys offering to fix her car and stuff back then.

    • Replies: @xyzxy
  7. xyzxy says:
    @Emil Nikola Richard

    If NPR boss was serious she would: 1) immediately kill herself for being white and privileged; or 2) if she is too cowardly to do the Japanese seppuku honor thing, she should resign, giving her position to an angry black woman–preferably a lesbian.

    But she will do neither since she’s just an attention seeking whore living off daddy’s dollar. That is why she is so guilty.

    It’s white women like her that make trad Asian women attractive to white men.

    • Agree: Gallatin, Renard
  8. All post-secondary institutions in the US need to be torn down and rebuilt.

    And that NPR blondie is a CIA spook if I’ve ever seen one. It’s as obvious as the stinky twat between her legs.

  9. @Greta Handel

    Well, we’ve certainly come a long way from the genteel, almost hilarious toleration of Archie Epps and his famous, “Unhand me, motherfucker” in Cambridge at the University Hall takeover back in 1969.

    Hmm, wonder what (((exactly))) has changed?

    • Replies: @Greta Handel
  10. @The Germ Theory of Disease

    Even since I posted #2, the chokehold on anyone speaking out against the destruction in Gaza has increased dramatically. (Take heart – those losing their grip always squeeze harder.)

    The silence about that is likewise deafening. So far, nothing beyond the broadbrush “serves them right for burning down buildings by posting BLM posters” narrative that serves the Establishment by keeping people distracted, divided & conquered.

    Derbyshire’s apparently gone AWOL. Taylor and Kersey talk about anything but. Sailer’s wryly detached headlines alone show that these are difficult times for the Diffident Right.

    • Agree: Renard
  11. JPS says:

    Fidel Castro’s bastard son as premiere of Canada is another “little joke” on all of us by the “Elders of Zion” or “the Illuminati” or whatever you want to call them.

    The simple fact is that it HAS ALWAYS BEEN TRUE that these shitlibs would vote for Fidel Castro before they’d vote for any sort of conservative in government. They’ve always been Communists. And now they’re in our face about it. Yes, we’re Communists, and we’re in charge, you can’t do a damned thing about it.

  12. Wokechoke says:
    @Greta Handel

    I’m going to keep pointing out the possibility no matter how silly it sounds that the indulgence of BLM 2015-21 was an attempt to enrage whites in the US just enough to make them identify with the Israelis when the time came to pound Gaza into paste.

    Suddenly the (often IDF trained) Police are now at liberty to arrest darkies again. Especially those showing some solidarity with Gaza. Doesn’t do white any good of course but it suits Adam Schiff and Chuck Schumer anyway. VDare guys can collect shekels again. Phwew.

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