United States of America: country data and statistics

United States of America

Federal presidential republic

United States of America
North America
Surface area:
9,525,067 km²
Washington, D.C.
the United States of America on the world map


The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world after Russia, Canada and China. With an area of 9.53 million km², it stretches across North America from the Pacific Ocean in the west to the Atlantic Ocean in the east. They border Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. This makes the country, which is divided into 50 partly sovereign states, over 39 times the size of the United Kingdom.

The USA is divided into numerous geographical zones across its exceptionally large area. In addition to vast ice deserts, Alaska also boasts the two highest mountains in the country. The highest mountain peak, Denali (formerly Mount McKinley), is 6,194 meters above sea level. This is followed by the Sierra Nevada in California and the elongated Rocky Mountains, which also divide the country climatically. Between the Sierra Nevada and the Wasatch Mountains lies the Great Basin, the largest desert in North America.

Due to its location between the major oceans and the 18,617 (partly uninhabited) islands, the coastal regions also play a major role. This is where the most populous areas are located. The coastline itself is 19,924 km long. An exceptionally high proportion of 83.1% of the total 333.29 million belongs to the urban population.


Life expectancy females:
Ø 79.3 years
Birth rate:
11.0 ‰
Death rate:
10.4 ‰
49.5% : 50.5%

Population pyramid

Population pyramid United States of America 2022
The currency in the United States of America is the US dollar (USD).
1 Dollar is divided into 100 Cents.
Status: 04/26/2024
1 Euro = 1.07 Dollars
1 Dollar = 0.93 Euro

Climate in the United States of America

With an area of almost 10 million km², the country has a wide variety of climates, from cold and snowy Alaska to sunny Florida. While the north has a year-round arctic climate, the interior has a largely continental to subtropical climate. In California, on the other hand, it is more Mediterranean and the southern tip of Florida already belongs to the tropics. Since there is no continuous mountain range except for the Rocky Mountains, cold air from the Arctic can move south unhindered, especially in winter, and it can affect even Texas and Florida. At over 40°C, it gets hottest in California's Death Valley.

Average daytime and nighttime temperatures
Average daytime and nighttime temperatures in the United States of America


The USA does not have an official language. However, due to its prevalence, American English has the status of a national language.

Mother tongueDistribution
English82.1 %
Spanish10.7 %
Chinese0.9 %
French0.7 %
German0.6 %
Italian0.6 %
Tagalog0.4 %
Korean0.3 %
Polish0.3 %
Japanese0.2 %
Portuguese0.2 %
Russian0.2 %
Vietnamese0.2 %
other2.6 %


Roman Catholics21.8%



GDP:25,439.70 bn $
Exportations:3,018.46 bn $
Importations:3,969.64 bn $
Tourism receipts:82.97 bn $
Debt rate:121.38 %
Unemployment rate:3.61 %
Inflation rate:8.00 %
Corruption index:69 (moderate)
Energy consumption:3,897.9 bn kWh

With a Human Development Index (HDI) of 0.927, the United States of America counts as one of the high developed economies by UN definition. The IMF also shares this classification.

With an average annual income of 76,770 USD the United States of America is one of the high-income countries. Even considering purchasing power parity, it is still among the 10 richest countries in the world.

The United States is also called a tax haven by some institutions.

Land use

8% Urban areas:802,054 km²
44% Agricultural areas:4,226,272 km²
34% Forest:3,226,140 km²
4% Water areas:377,647 km²
13% Others:1,270,601 km²



Roadways:6,832,000 km
Railways:293,564 km
Waterways:41,009 km
Reg. vehicles:305,000,000

States of the USA

From the 16th century onwards, settlers from predominantly European countries advanced into various regions of North America. Most of them were located on the east coast of what is now the USA and Canada. With the Declaration of Independence in 1776, 13 of the former British colonies joined together to form a confederation, the entirety of which is the "United States of America". Over time, the union grew to 50 states. Each individual state has its own constitution, judiciary, legislature and executive. The federal government only takes on tasks that are assigned to it in the constitution.

The biggest state capitals

Population refers to the city proper, not metropolitan areas.
CityFederal StatePopulation
Washington, D.C. / CapitalWashington, D.C.672,000
Oklahoma CityOklahoma695,000
RaleighNorth Carolina477,000
Saint PaulMinnesota312,000
Baton RougeLouisiana221,000
Des MoinesIowa211,000
Salt Lake CityUtah205,000
Little RockArkansas203,000
ProvidenceRhode Island190,000
ColumbiaSouth Carolina140,000

The difference between the urban area and the city proper alone can be considerable. New York City, for example, has an urban population of 19,426,000. However, the actual proper city is much smaller with only 8,336,000 inhabitants. The difference to metropolitan regions, i.e. conurbations with several cities, is even greater.

Political indicators

(Based on the "Worldwide Governance Indicators" project of the World Bank)

Political stability:
Rule of law:
Regulatory quality:
Voice accountability:
Democratic values:
Death penalty:Legally allowed

Existing trade agreements


Dependent territories

American Samoa (Polynesia)
Guam (Micronesia)
Northern Mariana Islands (Micronesia)
Puerto Rico (Caribbean)
United States Minor Outlying Islands (Micronesia)
Virgin Islands (Caribbean)
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Obtaining abbreviations and international codes for this country:
ISO 3166-1 alpha3: USA   ISO 3166-1 alpha2: US   ISO 3166-1 numeric: 840   FIPS10: US   STANAG: USA   IOC: USA   License plate: USA   UN/LOCODE: US   Internet domain: us   Dialing code: +1

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This page was first published in September 2014 and has been continuously updated since then. Last modified: April 2024