Interview With A Hitman. what a movie, what an end got to say… | by good mousic | Applaudience | Medium

Interview With A Hitman

good mousic
Dec 30, 2016 · 3 min read
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what a movie, what an end got to say thumbs up :)
true when I sat to watch it, I was kind of bored with nothing to do or watch, but the end erased it all it’s kind of a typical English mafia movie, about a boy raised in a poor family with a drinking father who used to abuse his mother
so to take his revenge (kind of) he goes to see the man whom his father owes money to, asking him for a job, the man confused whether the boy is lunatic or just wanting to pay off his father’s dept. after some laughs he asks the child whether or not he wants a work for his father’s sake. Surprised by the kid’s answer “it’s not my debt, “ he went off again in a confused thought. But a red flag cuts it off so he accepted the boy’s offer and rewarded it with a bill. The next thing you know the boy is a natural killer.
Since names do not matter, let’s call the boy A and the man B. B gives A a job which is retrieving some money from a man to whom he landed it. So A thinking he is some kind of a boss goes to this man’s house and asks him for B’s money. the man feeling offended refuses not politely, as A was thirsty for blood shoots the man and his wife. when he turned to kill his daughters B magically shows up to stop him. behind the scenes B grabbed the girls for his own sake “to put them to work”
What A did not know was that this was the first time he met he’s child’s mother, let’s cal her C.
so C tried to stay strong and endure everything in the hope of avenging her family. So magically she got an information that A would be at this bar drinking, the scene came as A drinking and C got in to drink herself but some losers came in to bug her. when she bends to pick her purse to leave A sees her scars and relate to his dead mother, who was killed by his and B’s boss. In his shining suit A comes to rescue her. they live together happily until she gets pregnant when A enters a whirlpool of confused thoughts where he tries to kill her a couple of times but he ended by accepting his fate. The final scene shows the lovely couple with this man who was interviewing A about his career as a hitman. This writer, who turns up to be one of those who abused the girl and her sister. C gives A the order to kill him and then surprises A by killing him and explaining the whole story. that’s it I hope you enjoyed it.

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