FAQs | Institut Le Rosey

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to apply for entry to Le Rosey for the last two years of secondary (US grades 11 and 12; UK years 12 and 13) to prepare for the International Baccalaureate?

Yes, but we do not recommend it.  Demand for one of the few places on our IB course is highly competitive and every year we find ourselves refusing excellent applicants.


Yet it is not only a matter of competition for places. We are also very hesitant about the value of spending only the last two hectic and academically demanding years at Le Rosey.  And we are not the only ones to think like this: younger siblings of those accepted in Class 1 always apply to join us earlier.

Which year group or grade is it best to apply for?

It depends on the profile of the student.  Some students are ready for boarding school at the age of 8; others prefer to wait.  Parents, for their part, should be also ready! They will have to accord their children increased autonomy and allow them to leave home for a part of the year without trying to exercise permanent control over them.


Many students arrive at Le Rosey aged between 12 and 14 and remain with us until they graduate.  Some begin earlier and the Junior Section is particularly well suited to 8- to 12-year-olds, providing a very supportive environment within the school as a whole.


It is worth noting that competition for places from class 3 onwards (US grade 9/UK year 10) is becoming increasingly intense.

How long is it best to stay at Le Rosey – until graduation?

The vast majority of Roséens graduate from Rosey in their “senior” year and then leave for university, usually because they really don’t want to leave! Nevertheless, there are some students (usually younger ones) who stay for only two or three years before moving on, usually to an equally prestigious school in the UK or US.  It is extremely rare for students over the age of 15 to leave Rosey before graduating.

Is there an advantage in applying a year or two before I want to come to Le Rosey?

Given that young people are always developing and changing, we don’t admit students before September for the following academic year.  That being said, if we receive an outstanding application two years before entry date, we may offer a conditional place, based on the applicant maintaining the same level and satisfactory reports at their current school.


Some students apply very early indeed, and we obviously keep notes and records, and these can be useful in making decisions when the application becomes official.

What is a “rolling admissions” policy?

Unlike some schools in the USA or UK, Le Rosey does not have a fixed application deadline since we receive and consider applications from all over the world and at all times of the year (although, as explained below, an early application is better).  There are two reasons for this:

  1. Roséens come from many systems across the world and where school calendars and application cycles can be very different.
  2. Admissions decisions are taken on a regular basis by the Senior Management Team of the school (Direction générale) who can make decisions based on the progress and trends of students already in the school.
When is the best time of the year to apply?

The sooner, the better. Each age level and each nationality has a quota and will reach their limits in the course of the year, meaning that even excellent applicants – particularly older students – can only be placed on the Waiting List.

How long does it take to get a decision?

As soon as the dossier is complete, the admissions exams corrected (by Rosey teachers) and the application fee paid, our admissions committee will consider an application.   It is read in detail by three people including the Headmaster and discussed in our weekly admissions meeting by a committee comprising the Director General, Headmaster, and Director of Admissions.   The turn-around time from a completed application to decision is usually two weeks.

What decisions are possible and what is the Waiting List?

Four decisions are possible:

  1. Acceptance: in a few cases this may be linked to academic results throughout the year at the candidate’s current school
  2. Refusal, which means that a candidate cannot come to Le Rosey in the following September; the application can, however, be carried over into the next academic year
  3. Waiting List, meaning that candidates have the qualities to be admitted but that there are currently no places left for technical reasons (the class is full, or the national quota has been reached, for example). If the situation changes (something which does not depend on the school and which can, unfortunately, be as late as during the summer), parents are informed and decide whether to accept the place.
  4. In a number of cases, the admissions decision may be deferred because of competition for the class applied for. This is usually for classes 1 and 2 or for certain linguistic quotas; this means that the commission considers all such dossiers together at a later date (usually the end of January).
Surely, there is always room for one more at Le Rosey so won’t a family with “connections” or ready to make a generous donation always get a place?

This is never the case.  The quality of the application and the degree to which we feel the candidate will flourish at Le Rosey is the basis of every decision. What is more, the family’s values and respect for fairness and transparency should correspond to our own. There is a limited number of beds at Le Rosey and even the most brilliant and well-qualified student with the “best” connections may not be admitted if there is no room.


Le Rosey never accepts donations.  While most schools in the English-speaking world depend on their parents’ and alumni’s generosity, Le Rosey has no “Endowment Fund”: school fees are the sole source of finance for the school’s running and development, allowing us to remain entirely independent.

How important are nationality quotas?

Very. Le Rosey is an exceptionally diverse community and we are very strict about overall nationality or language group numbers at all levels.

Are sports and arts important?

Discovering and developing a student’s talents is one of the hallmarks of Le Rosey. Talent in sport or the arts or involvement in school life is a crucial component of an application even if academic level, language ability and suitability for boarding school life are the key factors in our decision. We strongly encourage applicants to include relevant details and diplomas (such as ABRSM grades or information about participation in sporting activities).

Is it possible to start in the middle of year?

Rarely, but a place may open up in the course of the year following an early departure.  This is usually at the start of the second or third term (the beginning of January and April).

Is it important to visit Le Rosey during the admission process?

Yes!  Not only does it allow us to interview applicants and their families properly, it also gives students the chance to spend time with Roséens and decide whether this is the school for them.  After all, this is an important decision for all of us.

Is Le Rosey a good choice for all students?

Le Rosey provides a particularly active and united international community, so it is best suited to children, themselves active and curious, and who want to share their lives with others from different cultural backgrounds. They will respond well to academic demands and will aim to play a dynamic role in society – beginning with that of their school. Roséens need to possess a real desire to improve and develop their talents and they will be ready to take on the workload and sacrifice that may be required.


It is worth noting that the worst reason for wanting to come to Le Rosey is to show off parents’ wealth and prestige.


And, of course, it may be that a child is ready to become a Roséen but that parents are hesitant. This has to be a family decision.


These are things that our experienced admissions committee always takes into account, and for this reason it is extremely unusual for a student to be unhappy at Rosey for any length of time or to leave the school in the course of the year

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