Infinitum Nihil

From the Audiovisual Identity Database, the motion graphics museum


This is the production company of Johnny Depp, created in 2004. The name translates to "Nothing Infinite" in Latin.

Logo (October 28, 2011-February 11, 2022)

Visuals: On a black background, there is a red square slowly fading in, crossed with four lines in all directions. Part of the diagonal line is not finished. The square flashes and the words "infinitum nihil" appear at the top and bottom of the square in a typewriter effect.

Variant: On Minamata, the logo is black and white and is zoomed out.

Technique: A combination of CGI and 2D animation for the text.

Audio: A whoosh sound, followed by an explosion, and a typewriter sound as the words type in. Otherwise, the opening theme of the movie or none.

Availability: Seen on Hugo, The Rum Diary and Minamata.
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