Steve Lukather Reveals Insights on Recording the Iconic "Beat It" Guitar Riff - Sound Gazette

Steve Lukather Reveals Insights on Recording the Iconic “Beat It” Guitar Riff

Unveiling the Story: Steve Lukather’s Unforgettable Contribution

In an exclusive interview with renowned musician and producer Rick Beato, Steve Lukather, the acclaimed guitarist and founding member of Toto, shared captivating insights into the making of the iconic guitar riff in Michael Jackson’s timeless hit, “Beat It.” Lukather’s firsthand account sheds light on the creative genius behind the scenes and the challenges faced during the recording process, offering a deeper appreciation for this groundbreaking musical masterpiece.

Collaboration and Spontaneity: The Art of Recording

Recording sessions often thrive on collaboration and spontaneity, resulting in exceptional musical moments. Lukather highlights the power of bringing together talented musicians with distinct time feels, citing the example of Steely Dan’s album “Asia.” Despite the presence of a detailed chart, the organic interplay and creative synergy that emerged during the recording process elevated the music to new heights. Lukather emphasizes the intangible “X Factor” that arises when artists come together, contributing to the magic of a recording.

Eddie Van Halen plays guitar on stage with Michael Jackson during the Victory Tour in 1983 Credit: Getty

The Story behind “Beat It”: Lukather’s Role and Unexpected Challenges

Delving into the captivating backstory of the recording, Lukather reveals intriguing details about his involvement in “Beat It” and the unexpected challenges that arose. Lukather initially contributed the distinctive guitar part and showcased his expertise on bass. However, an accidental mishap during the recording caused a sync issue between Eddie Van Halen’s guitar solo and Michael Jackson’s vocals. Lukather, along with a team of skilled engineers, had to find a creative solution to salvage the iconic solo.

With the tape cut and the sync issue at hand, Lukather stepped in by playing the drums in sync with the original track. This innovative approach allowed the groove to be restored and preserved the essence of the song. Lukather’s adaptability and seamless integration with the existing parts played a crucial role in overcoming the challenge and ensuring the success of the final recording.

Injecting Funk into “Human Nature”: Lukather’s Contribution

Lukather’s creativity extended beyond “Beat It” to his contribution in injecting a funkier vibe into Michael Jackson’s hit song, “Human Nature.” Through his mastery of common tones and an intuitive understanding of the song’s key, Lukather crafted a muted guitar part that added a distinct funk element while maintaining the overall groove of the composition.

Steve Lukather & Eddie Van Halen

Lukather explains that his approach to “Human Nature” was not solely based on technical prowess but rather on finding common tones and creating parts that seamlessly blended with the musical changes. This allowed him to enhance the song without overpowering it, leaving his unique mark on the final recording. Lukather’s proficiency and musical sensibility greatly influenced the overall feel of “Human Nature.”

The Legend Unveiled: Steve Lukather’s Remarkable Talent

Steve Lukather’s firsthand account unveils the fascinating journey behind the creation of the iconic guitar riff in Michael Jackson’s “Beat It.” From the collaborative spirit in recording sessions to overcoming unexpected challenges, Lukather’s contributions and adaptability were vital to the success of the final recordings. By delving into the creative process, we gain a deeper appreciation for the genius behind the legendary “Beat It” guitar riff and Lukather’s remarkable talent.