Editorial : Drone Performances Are Worth Consideration - 20240228 - 英文 - 每日明報 - 明報新聞網


Editorial : Drone Performances Are Worth Consideration

【明報專訊】THE GOVERNMENT'S NEW BUDGET is to be published tomorrow (28 February). The government intends to introduce more measures to attract tourists. "A Symphony of Lights", which is staged every night on both sides of Victoria Harbour, is expected to have a shakeup, and might include monthly firework displays and drone shows in the future.

The practice of staging firework displays on the second day of the Lunar New Year began around 40 years ago. They have seemingly become one of the most important festive events in Hong Kong every year. Large-scale firework displays are also very popular during the New Year's Eve countdown, the Handover celebrations on 1st July, and the National Day celebrations on 1st October, attracting a large number of citizens and tourists every time. Take last year. According to people in the tourism industry, every time there was a firework display, the number of tourists rose significantly on those days before and after the display. They argue that any method that can attract more tourists is worth a try, so monthly firework displays are worth consideration.

However, the law of diminishing marginal returns is also a fundamental theory in economics. Currently, Hong Kong Disneyland basically sets off fireworks every night, and there are indeed tourists who stay until night-time to watch the firework displays. However, for those returning visitors who have watched them before, fireworks might not be a selling point. If large-scale firework displays become a monthly routine, will their ability to attract visitors decline as a whole? Will that in effect dilute the tourists who come to Hong Kong specifically to watch the fireworks during major festivals? These are issues that the authorities need to consider in depth.

No doubt it does not mean that the number of large-scale firework displays to be held each year cannot be increased. Perhaps one more firework display during the Mid-Autumn Festival can exhilarate moon-watching citizens and tourists even further. Furthermore, in the case of some special events, such as major football matches or performances by superstars, smaller-scale firework displays used as a backdrop can also heighten the atmosphere at the scene. But overdoing this might indeed backfire, and a delicate balance must be obtained. If the authorities feel that the daily "Symphony of Lights" is too formulaic and want to bring some uniqueness and attractiveness to one or two days a month, they can actually consider holding more large-scale drone performances.

The global market size of drone light shows has grown from almost zero to approximately US$1 billion within just ten years. It is expected to reach US$2.2 billion in 2031. True, for a drone show to be dazzling, scale is important. It is quite costly to assemble a fleet consisting of hundreds or thousands of drones. However, considering the fact that the fleet can be reused, the average cost, if the shows are performed frequently, might actually be lower than that of monthly firework displays.

In recent years, a number of drone shows have been held in Hong Kong, and the outcomes and reception have been quite satisfactory. The SAR government is determined to develop innovation and technology and wants to promote creative arts. In this sense, the drone performance industry is deserving of the support of the authorities as it is an emerging industry with unlimited potential. To revamp "A Symphony of Lights" to increase the selling points of Victoria Harbour's nightscape, the authorities might as well start with drone performances, thus giving the industry a bigger stage to develop.

明報社評2024.02.27:煙花雖美不宜太濫 無人機表演值推廣







■/ Glossary 生字 /

fundamental : central; forming the necessary basis of something

exhilarate : to make somebody feel very happy and excited

reception : the type of welcome that is given to somebody/something

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