What are some examples of impulse ?
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What are some examples of impulse ?

Last updated date: 03rd May 2024
Total views: 331.2k
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Hint: To solve this problem learn the definition of impulse and look around your surrounding environment, you will find thousands of examples regarding impulse. Impulse of force the time integral of force applied on a body.

Complete answer:
We know that impulse is when an amount of force (whether constant or variable force) is applied for a certain amount of time then the integral of the force with respect to time is called the impulse in classical mechanics.
\[impulse = \int\limits_T {Fdt} \]
where, \[F\] is the force applied and \[T\] is the total time in which the force is applied
So, impulse of force is nothing but the time integral force or net change in momentum of the body.

Now, we see in our surrounding so many examples of impulse, we can discuss here a few of them:
-When a hammer is hit on a nail head: when a hammer is hit on a nail head a large amount of force is applied on the nail to push it into the wall.
-When an engine starts and exerts force constantly: when a car engine is running for a certain amount of time that gives a certain amount of force constantly for a certain time limit to change the momentum of the car.
-When a ball is hit with a bat: when a ball is hit with a bat the bat exerts a large amount of force on the ball for a small amount of time that tends to change the momentum of the ball.

Note: When a large amount of force is applied on a body for a very small amount of time then the force applied on the body is called impulsive force. So, impulse and impulsive force are two totally different things. One is the product of force and time and another is only a type of force it’s dimension is the same as the force's dimension.
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