If Tomorrow Comes (Tracy Whitney, #1) by Sidney Sheldon | Goodreads
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Tracy Whitney #1

If Tomorrow Comes

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This is a story of intrigue and revenge. Tracy Whitney is young, beautiful and intelligent - and about to marry into wealth and glamour. Until, suddenly, she is betrayed, framed by a ruthless Mafia gang, abandoned by the man she loves. Only her ingenuity saves her and helps her fight back.

501 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1985

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About the author

Sidney Sheldon

306 books8,086 followers
Sidney Sheldon (1917-2007) was an American writer who won awards in three careers—a Broadway playwright, a Hollywood TV and movie screenwriter, and a best-selling novelist.

His TV works spanned a twenty-year period during which he created I Dream of Jeannie (1965-70), Hart to Hart (1979-84), and The Patty Duke Show (1963-66), but it was not until after he turned 50 and began writing best-selling novels such as Master of the Game (1982), The Other Side of Midnight (1973) and Rage of Angels (1980) that he became most famous.

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Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews5,978 followers
October 15, 2022
لا ..لم تكن تريسي ويتني مكسورة الجناح ابدا🐥قد نحسبها لأول وهلة بلهاء..ساذجة..و لكن كم كنا نحن ساذجين
رواية شعبية انتقامية مثيرة خرجت من عباءة الكونت دي مونت كريستو..إنها من طرازي المفضل اذن
تريسي محاسبة بنك نابهة💰 ..مخطوبة لشاب ثري. .ينهار عالمها في لحظات بعد انتحار امها و تشويه اسمها واعلان إفلاسها !! بعد ان وقعت ضحية عملية نصب مافياوية كبرى ..قررت تريسي الإنتقام بسذاجة لتجد نفسها ملقاة في السجن ل15عام!! فقدت كل شيء اذن في ساعات
..لكن هل فقدت عقلها؟؟ لا ..اذن ستحول منحتها لاستثمار العمر
ستمنح ظالميها دروسا نهائية عن معنى العبث مع : تريسي

قرأتها في نسخة دار الهلال المترجمة المنقحة المختصرة كالعادة📖
..بالطبع الشخصيات سطحية نوعا تفتقر لبعض الدوافع المنطقية كعادة روايات الاثارة الشعبية ؛ و هذا ما يفرقها عن رائعة كينج" الخلاص من شاوشنك "رغم تشابههما المبدئي

كم كان الاسم موحيا جديدا ..
كم كانت الضجة التي حققتها الرواية و الفيلم الطويل في منتصف الثمانينات ..فهي كانت قاطرة لعدد من الروايات التي تمنح المرأة دورا اكبر بكتير من الجري بجوار البطل💭 و الصراخ طلبا للنجاة
105 reviews41 followers
September 16, 2015

I didn't think I should write a review owing to the fact that more than 1000s of reviews were written as to how awesome this book is but I had to point out and pour my heart out about so many things that I couldn't resist myself.

In the present day context, where women are being treated better than in the past, we come across books with female protagonists being entirely SPINELESS, super weak and helpless.

But this book, written around 1985, was able to really highlight the fact that women are not effing dumb little birds. I am not trying to be a 'ranting' feminist or anything but it really bothers me, how women are portrayed in books these days. They piss the shit out of me even. That's why it's surprises me how a book written by MAN in the 80's could make such a beautiful iron hearted woman when these days women writers still write their female characters in a weak vulnerable way.
I am not saying all women need be strong or anything like that. What I mean is it would be nice to have protagonists like this in a few popular books. (I am not talking about dysopia. It's the NA genre where I see the trend of doormats.)

Tracy is this women who is framed by mafia gang(who cause the death of her Mother) for a crime she hadn't done. She is then sent to jail and encounters the worst things any woman can ever encounter. The phrase 'Living hell' aptly describes her life in prison. She is determined to avenge herself on those who took away her happy life. But all the events convert her into a con woman, rather a woman ROBIN HOOD. She steals from the people who are greedy and obtain their wealth through wrong means. I MEAN ISN'T THAT A GOOD ENOUGH REASON TO READ THIS BOOK?

Every single con in this book is just enough to make u want to go do the gangnam style in your school canteen,while everyone watches you. It was So unpredictable, exciting and original! She is smart, snarky and BRAVE. She is a woman I want to be. I just fell in love with her more than I did with Jeff (but my love for Tracy comes with ADMIRATION so all of u can stop thinking what u are!)

This book was really long but I was so sad when it ended Sydney Sheldon just writes book so damn well that I don't care if it never ended! I would still go on reading and reading!
The story line was so well sequenced, I was so surprised that such a book could even exist. Everything made sense, I for one who takes a little more time than anyone else to understand the logic behind a con understood it with so much ease!

I wouldn't really recommend this book if you are a person who enjoys drama and romance in plots, this book hardly has any of those. But its definitely worth a try!

So this book on the whole
Profile Image for Piyush Bhatia.
108 reviews160 followers
February 25, 2024
Sidney Sheldon's writing style is capable of arousing and holding the attention of the reader. This book is no different and kept me engrossed throughout the story. The protagonist, Tracy Whitney, initially seeks justice for the wrongs done to her, only to realize it later that she's been conned by none other than the ones who promised her reparations. Eventually, in the quest to avenge the injustice done to her, she becomes a con woman. This is where the story gets even more gripping and exhorts the reader to reach its culmination, making it an irresistible page-turner.

I fancy a quote from this book: Everything is a matter of psychology.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,564 reviews161 followers
April 25, 2018
If Tomorrow Comes, Sidney Sheldon
If Tomorrow Comes is a 1985 crime fiction novel by American author Sidney Sheldon. It is a story portraying an ordinary woman who is framed by the Mafia, her subsequent quest for vengeance towards them and her later life as a con artist. The novel was adapted into a three-part TV miniseries with the same name in 1986, starring Madolyn Smith and Tom Berenger.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: هفتم ماه ژانویه سال 2002 میلادی
عنوان: اگر فردا بيايد؛ نویسنده: سیدنی شلدون؛ مترجم: محمد قصاع؛ مشخصات نشر: تهران، پیکان، 1381، در 466 ص، موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان آمریکایی قرن 20 م
اگر فردا بیاید ماجرای زندگی زنی به اسم تریسی ست که به اشتباه زندانی و آنگاه که آزاد میشود دیگر آن زن ساده نیست، و پایش به دنیای خلاف باز شده است. ایده های ذهنی تریسی برای دزدیهایش موضوع اصلی داستان اگر فردا بیاید است. ا. شربیاین
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,970 reviews837 followers
March 6, 2016
I've seen the miniseries If Tomorrow Comes several times and I have read this book many years ago. But I wanted to read this book again since I've planned to read the sequel by Tilly Bagshawe. It's just been a couple of months since I saw the miniseries last, so my memory is quite fresh when it comes to the story. I must confess that I do prefer the miniseries, but I still love this book and they have made a very good job with the miniseries because most of the story is there from the book. Of course, there are some differences. Like for instance, Tracy meeting Jeff in the beginning of the miniseries instead on the train in the book. I much prefer how they first met in the miniseries, it feels more like fate than the one in the book. There are things like that in the book, like more heists, more dialog, and a different ending. But it works, the book is terrific and Sheldon really knew how to write an engaging story about a woman who after being framed fights back against those that framed her and then became a brilliant thief. It's just great fun to read this book, well the prison part is not so fun.

In Swedish, the title is Tracy's Hämnd, Tracy's revenge, but I kind of prefer the English title since there is a point towards the end when the title get's its explanation. And, that is such a wonderful moment.

A wonderful book made into a great miniseries with a very sexy young Tom Berenger!

Profile Image for Mahsa.
311 reviews365 followers
June 19, 2017
اعتراف اولم اینکه تا همین چندروز پیش سمت سیدنی شلدون نرفته بودم. اعتراف دومم اینکه فکر میکردم باید حداقل برای آشنایی باهاش یه کتاب ازش بخونم تا بفهمم با شنیدن اسمش باید چه حسی داشته باشم و این کتاب رو انتخاب کردم. و اعتراف آخر اینکه حالا که خوندمش، فکر میکنم اگه هیچوقت نمیخوندم هم هیچ اتفاق خاصی نمی افتاد و چیزی رو از دست نمیدادم.

طی اکثر صفحات و با خوندن خیلی از جملات، مدام سوال "شوخی میکنی؟" رو از نویسنده می‌پرسیدم؛ گاهی سر تکون میدادم از سطحی بودن و غیر واقعی بودن خیلی از روایات، گاهی خنده م میگرفت از خوندن مکالمات ساده و به اصطلاح آبکی کتاب، و گاهی سرمو به دیوار میکوبیدم که بلد نیستم کتابی رو نصفه رها کنم و دارم به خوندنش ادامه میدم!
باید بگم تنها نکته ی جالب کتاب برام، خوندن ایده های "تریسی" برای دزدی ها و کلاهبرداری هاش بود، ایده هایی که گاهی برام جذاب میشدن.

شاید همه ی این تنفر ناخودآگاهم از این کتاب، برمیگرده به حسم به سوپرمن های تخیلی با قدرت های عجیبشون. که هیچوقت نتونستم باهاشون ارتباط برقرار کنم و ازم دور بودن. که قهرمان هایی که هرگز نمیبازند و هرگز شکست نمیخورند رو نمیتونم در لغت نامه ی جهانم بپذیرم.
و تریسی این قصه، یه ابرقهرمان بود که همیشه از پلیس و از رقباش یه قدم جلوتر بود. که هرگز دستگیر نمیشد و باختن رو بلد نبود. که ناگهانی و بعد از گذروندن چندروز ناقابل توی انفرادی، یه تحول عظیم - واقعا عظیییم - در شخصیتش رخ میده و از یه دختر ساده و احمق تبدیل میشه به یه دختر باهوش و شکست ناپذیر. خب خنده داره، نیس؟ و میدونم که یه قسمت از دلیل این احساسم نسبت به کتاب اینه که مناسب سنم نبود و خوندنش برام دیر بود، اما فکر می کنم حتی اگه چندین سال قبل هم خونده بودمش، دوستش نمیداشتم.
خوندنِ اگر فردا بیاید، مثل زنگ تفریحی بود که یه دلقک رو برای اجرای نمایش به مدرسه دعوت کرده باشن. زنگ تفریح بدی نبود، اما مشکل اینجا بود که من هیچوقت دلقک دوست نداشتم.

در نهایت اینکه جریان انتقام های تریسی از مقصرهای سرنوشت خودش و مادرش، گاهی منو یاد آریا، شخصیت گیم آو ثرونز می انداخت. :دی

خرداد 96
February 9, 2017
Another my fave of Sidney Sheldon with impressive 4.8 Stars.

So Tricky.. this is what thief-ish book should be! I love reading the book with thief characters, but I have never read the book that have A LOT of clever robbering plans. The robberies are complicated and very-well planned. I really admire Sheldon of how he can think and create them.

Tracy and Jeff are such intelligent, smart, and sly characters and I love them! I also really enjoy the romance between these two. Tracy and Jeff are like rival for each other, their equal match. They outwit each other in the game of robbery. Yeah, I found myself giggle over their war. It's that cute!!

This book remind me so much of Catspaw by Anne Stuart which the character is also the burglar. I think if you love Catspaw or thief-ish plot, you might also love this book and vice versa. Really recommend! :)
21 reviews7 followers
July 9, 2008
For what it is, it's brilliant. I read this book AGES ago, sometime in my teens. It was the first, and the best, of any Sidney Sheldon books I ever read. And though it is not a literary masterpiece, it is great. Revenge, heists, drama, romance, thrills...I still think it would be a box office hit if it was ever made into a Hollywood movie!
If you want a light, entertaining, read that will keep you on the edge of your seat and take you back to the 80's, this is your book. Perfect vacation reading!
Profile Image for Gypsy.
426 reviews567 followers
October 19, 2017

من واقعاً بازم بعد شیش‌سال، دوسش دارم. وختی خوندمش که خیلی کوچیک‌تر از الآن بودم. کارهای این‌جوری رو نمی‌پسندیدم و همچنانم نمی‌پسندم. ولی سیدنی شلدون سبک خودشو داره. نه سعی می‌کنه فاجر بنویسه، نه تکنیکی و نه عامّه‌پسند. از زندگی می‌نویسه. آدما. دوستی‌ها. خیانت‌ها. پول. لذّت. قدرت. شهوت. طرز نگاهش به‌دنیا واقعاً جالب توجّه ـه. به‌خصوص تو این‌کتاب. اگر فردا بیاید.. این‌اسم چقد با آدم بازی می‌کنه در تمام صحنه‌های داستان.. امّا خب، من مثل قدیما دیگه شیفتگی ندارم. خصوصاً که حرکات ژانگولری و غیرمنطقی هم توش کم نبود. ولی نمی‌شه خیلی از تردستی‌های نویسنده هم نادیده گرفت.

و من باید یه‌اعترافی هم بکنم؛ شیش‌سال پیش واقعاً عاشق جف شده بودم. :)) حالا می‌بینم اصلاً کِیس مناسبی برای زندگی نیست. :D
Profile Image for Ësrât  Járïñ.
480 reviews71 followers
May 23, 2022
থ্রিলার পড়া শুরু করি শেলডনকে দিয়েই,তারপর মেঘে মেঘে অনেক বেলাই় হয়েছে,পড়েছি আরো নানা বিখ‍্যাত লেখকের নানা ভাষায় লেখা শ্বাসরুদ্ধকর টানটান রোমাঞ্চে টইটম্বুর থ্রিলার কিন্তু শেলডনের লেখা পড়ার মত আরাম আমি খুব কম লেখাই পেয়েছি,এর এক কারন হলো শেলডনের সব গল্পের মূল চালিকাশক্তি হলো মেয়ে,অসম্ভব সুন্দরী বুদ্ধিমতী দুঃসাহসী এ গল্পগুলোর নায়িকারা আপনাকে শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত একদম যাকে বলে সোজা বাংলায় তাদের মধ্যে বন্দি করে রাখবে,যতই চেষ্টা করেন না কেন এই ফাঁদ থেকে নিস্তার পেয়েছে এমন নিরাসক্ত বান্দা আমি খুবই কম দেখেছি.

এক মিনিটের মধ্যেই এই ললনারা আপনাকে জাহান্নাম থেকে জান্নাতের অনুভূতি যেমন দিতে পারে তেমনি এদের প্রতিশোধ স্পৃহা আর দৃঢ়চিত্ত মনোভাব আপনাকে বিমূঢ় করে দিবে না এটার গ‍্যারান্টি আজ পর্যন্ত কেউ দিতে পারেনি.

Tell me your dreams,are you afraid of dark,and nothing lasts forever is my all time favourite bedtime Sheldon's story বারবারই পড়ি তাও আমার অবস্থা ঐ "আমার স্বাদ না মিটিলো আশা না পুরিলো সকলি ফুরায়ে যায় "এর মতো.

শেলডনের সব নায়িকার মধ্যে আমার এ যাবতকালে সবচেয়ে বেশি পছন্দের ছিল নোয়েল পেজ,উফ্ কি ভয়াবহ তার প্রতিশোধ, ভিসুভিয়াসের মত চাপা তার ক্রোধ আর আগুনঝরা রূপের এই রমনী আমাকে বরাবরই বিমোহিত করে এবং আমার মোটামুটি এই ধারনাই ছিল নোয়েলের জায়গা নেওয়াটা অন‍্য কারো জন্য বেশ শক্তই হবে, এরকম দিবাস্বপ্ন দেখতে দেখতে আর অন্য বইয়ের মাঝে ডুব সাঁতার কাটতে থাকা আমি গত দুই বছরে একবারের জন্যও সিডনি সাহেবের সাথে দেখা সাক্ষাৎ করার কথা বেমালুম ভুলে গেছিলাম.

হঠাৎ করেই গুডরিডসে এক বান্দার বিশাল রিভিউ দেখে মনে পড়লো যাই পুরোনো প্রেমটা একটু রোমন্থন করে আসি,and I took Tracy তারপর বাকিটা সেই পলাশী যুদ্ধের আমল থেকে চলে আসা ইতিহাসের মত আমার মন প্রান মনোযোগ সময় সব কিছু অন‍্য সবার সাথে মীরজাফরী করে মগ্ন হয়ে রইলে মিস হুইটনির witty and জেফের জাদুতে.

পারলাম না নোয়েল পারলাম না তোমার জায়গাটা একদম ভাগ না করে পারলামই না আমি,ট্রেসিপু কখন যে সুন্দর করে আধা ভাগ নিয়ে ফেলছে তার বুঝে বাধা দেওয়ার আগেই কেল্লা ফতে. 😆

দেখি বাকি গুলোতে আর কি কি ভানুমতির খেল উনি দেখান.😅
Profile Image for Tahani Shihab.
592 reviews1,067 followers
June 26, 2020
زمان كان ممكن اعجب بهذه الرواية، أما الآن أشوفها رواية بسيطة وسطحية.

Profile Image for Maliha Tabassum Tisha.
127 reviews391 followers
June 9, 2020
This is apparently the only book by Sidney Sheldon I've ever read in my life. I've no idea why that is so, bcoz I read it about five years ago and liked it a lot. :/
Profile Image for Dystopian.
328 reviews105 followers
November 6, 2023
খুব ঠান্ডা আরামদায়ক আর গিল্টি প্লেজার সহ যদি দারুন একটি ওয়ানটাইম থ্রিলার পড়তে চান, এটা হবে বেস্ট চয়েজ।

ভালো লাগার অনেক কিছুই ছিল পুরো উপন্যাস জুড়ে তবে কিছু কিছু যায়গাই প্রচন্ড ড্রামাটিক আর কাকতালীয় এমন ভাবে দেখানো হয়েছে যা ফ্যান্টাসিতে ও আসে না।

তবে যদি চানাচুর জনরার থ্রিলার রিকমেন্ড করতে হয় সেক্ষেত্রে অবশ্যই আমি রিকমেন্ড করব। বই থেকে আমার যা এক্সপেক্টেশন ছিল তা আমি পেয়েছি।
তবে অনেকেই বাজারি লেখক ট্যাগ দিয়ে রাখেন শেল্ডন কে তাদের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানিয়ে বলতে বাধ্য হচ্ছি, শেল্ডনের ৫০০ পেজের বই মাঝে মাঝে এমন টনিকের কাজ করে যা হাই ভোল্টেজ এও সেই অল ইন ওয়ান কম্ফোর্ট দিতে পারে না।
Profile Image for Alex.
162 reviews37 followers
September 12, 2019
Finally a Sidney Sheldon novel that was really funny and enjoyable! I laughed a lot. Funny is not a word you associate with Sheldon novels. They can be dark, gloomy, thrilling, mysterious and lustful. This book was a bit different from his cliche'd works. Though it begins the usual way, i.e. a naive, innocent young girl gets into trouble, the rest of the novel is rather interesting. While the entire plot of the novel is deeply unrealistic I can say that it is truly entertaining.

When I started reading this book, I couldn't stop thinking how dumb Tracy Whitney was. Maybe the most dumbest female character ever by Sheldon ever. But she changes and the book becomes exciting.

My 4 stars are for the chess match and the Puerto painting ideas. They were brilliant. Ingenious!! I liked the character of Jeff Stevens. He was a lot more interesting and funny and charming than Sheldon's other male characters who were though handsome and charming , fell flat when it came to cracking jokes. They were all moody, serious and gloomy. But Jeff was witty. Good work on that.

Like every other Sheldon novel, this book also has a crazy, weird, maniac who is a really disturbing character. So while the novel is like the rest of his other works, it stands out in certain places. That's the reason why I thought I will write a review.

Have a nice day!
Profile Image for Farnaz Farid.
246 reviews28 followers
January 8, 2024
سیدنی شلدون معمایی نویس مورد علاقه ی دوران نوجوانی من بود. و با خوندن این کتاب پرتاپ شدم به سالهای دور .
ذهن خلاق نویسنده همیشه منو مبهوت می کرد و همچنان همین طوره .
این کتاب هم یکی از معمایی های خوب و‌دلنشین بود و از شنیدنش لذت بردم .
این کتاب داستان انتقامه.
در ایتدا با دختری به نام تربسی آشنا میشیم که در آستانه ی یک ازدواج خیلی خوبه اون دختری زیبا و‌موفقه
اما خودکشی مادرش و دلیل این خودکشی باعث میشه حوادثی براش پیش بیاد و سر از زندان دربیاره
و این داستان انتقام تریسی برای آنچه سر مادرش و‌خودش اومده س .

ترجمه: خوب هر چند ممکنه با سانسور یوده باشه
امتیازم ۴/۲

پ.ن: با صدای نگین خواجه نصیر می تونید بشنوید که گوینده ی خوبی هم هست و صدای دلنشینی داره.
Profile Image for Sully (sully.reads).
384 reviews135 followers
March 14, 2013
"She was going to make them pay… Tomorrow, she thought. If tomorrow comes."

If Tomorrow Comes is a crime fiction novel by the Master of the Unexpected, Sidney Sheldon. It is a story about an ordinary woman who is ruthlessly framed by a mafia, her quest for vengeance towards them and then her struggles for a better life as a con artist.

This novel is definitely a thrilling and enjoyable read. Your mind will be blown away exactly how Tracy Whitney's life is drastically revolutionized in the course of twenty-four (24) hours. Aside from the awesome pacing and enthralling characters, the story spans over America and Europe, and it will force your heart and mind to work together and follow the race of a lifetime. And unexpectedly, after you reached the last page, you would wish for more...:3

Another MASTERPIECE from my love, Sidney Sheldon ♥

Who run the world? (GIRLS!!)
Who run the world? (GIRLS!!)
Who run the world? Tracy Whitney!
Beyonce's 'Who run the world' song kept playing inside my head while reading this. Hoho
Profile Image for ~IreneOust~.
509 reviews780 followers
October 4, 2013

Truly an oldie but a goodie! I read this years ago for the very first time & just reread it a few weeks ago. I remember being obsessed with the series that followed ...

Madolyn Smith (as Tracy) and Tom Berenger (as Jeff) in the 80s ... OMG!!! I feel OLD!!!

 photo 1986_if_tomorrow_comes_sidney_sheldon_zps7642f1d0.jpg

I still own the series on VHS (!!!) from all those years ago and recently purchased it on DVD as well.

Awesome characters! Great story! Both [the book and the series] are a must for any Sidney Sheldon fan!

Profile Image for Manugw.
280 reviews11 followers
June 11, 2011
Sheldon tried to create a plot consisting of a string of unrelated scams pulled by his heroine Tracy White, succeeding in all of them, certainly, this is very difficult to believe by a serious reader. The main character and heroine, Tracy White working for a man named Gunther, becomes a modern Robin Hood ripping off cardboard characters of unsavory reputations with no logical reason at all, just for the sake of doing. The so called story goes superbly fast and the scores of situations popping up get solved in a couple of pages one after another with an abuse of twist and turns but there is no plot after all. I have rated it two stars one goes for the poor quality and another goes for the fun the story sometimes carries on, particularly in the beginning. If this is your first time with Sidney Sheldon, try other Sheldon novels, i.e "Master of the Game".
Profile Image for Negin.
95 reviews10 followers
February 6, 2024
اولین خاطره من از شلدون از شش سالگیمه، از اون شبی که در اون شهر بندری، تو اتاقم کنار تخت زانو زده بودم و توی دفتر مشقم نوشتم: "و مامانم درحال خواندن کتاب جدیدی از سیدنی شلدون است!". بله تقریبا شانزده سال بعد از اون شب بود که خودم اولین کتابم رو از سیدنی شلدون به دست گرفتم و حالا چهارمین کتابمو هم ازش تموم کردم. کتابی که به جرعت قوی و قشنگ بود و جزو معدود ۵۰۰ و خورده ای صفحه ای هایی که دو سه روزه تمومش کردم‌.
کتاب های شلدون سبک خاص خودشونو دارن که شاید توی هیچکدوم از کتاب های نویسنده های دیگه ژانر خودش دیده نشه، اما نقطه اشتراک بارزشون، داشتن شخصیت زن اصلی قوی و خودساخته است و حال و هوای جنایی و مرموزی که تا اخرین صفحه شما رو منتظر نگه میداره. اما چیزی که برای من خاصشون میکنه اینه که منو شاید بیشتر از هر چیز دیگه ای یاد مادرم میندازن.
همیشه برام سوال بود که چطور شد که انقدر تو دنیای کتاب ها غرق شدم، اما الان که فکر میکنم میبینم من از اون زمانی که هنوز خواندن و نوشتن بلد نبودم به هر کتاب فروشی ای میرسیدم اسم کتابای مورد علاقه مامانمو میگفتم که ببینم دارن یا نه! یکم بعد هم که رفتم مدرسه، یادمه که چطور تو دورافتاده ترین جاهای دنیا، دو نفری عین دوتا ماجراجو به دنبال کتابای مورد علاقمون می افتادیم و حالا میدونم این روحیمو از کی به ارث بردم.
بنابراین این ریویورو بیشتر از اینکه ریویو باشه یه جور یادگاری برا خودمه. برا این که بدونم تا ۹ بهمن ۱۴۰۲
خط خون
از رویاهایت را برایم بگو
ستاره ها می درخشند
اگر فردا بیاید
، چهارتا کتاب از شلدون رو خوندم، و ۸ جلد دیگه ازش تو کتابخونه مون باقی مونده که منتظر منن و باید خونده بشن:)
حالا عمیقا به این فکر میکنم که چه کتابی قراره بچه آینده خودم رو به یاد من بندازه و آیا اون کتاب و اون نویسنده هم ممکنه اونو به کتاب خوندن علاقه مند کنه؟ شما چی؟ تاحالا به این فکر کردین که دوست داشتید فرزندتون شمارو با چه کتابی به یاد بیاره؟
Profile Image for Anh.
475 reviews190 followers
December 26, 2011
Well, Sidney Sheldon's style is not exactly my favorite but I thought it was passable, since it was the first Sheldon novel I read. At 16, I was new to this type of novels. 3 years later I read another book by Sheldon and didn't like it. I realized everything was so smooth, so predictable: the woman and the man were beautiful and successful and nothing went wrong for them. Happy ending for the criminals.

In short, there's nothing noticeable, the plots were so boring that the next thing you know is waking up.
Profile Image for prag ♻.
608 reviews632 followers
November 25, 2016
There are people I know irl who swear by this. For whom this is the best book they've ever read. I'm just really sorry they haven't ever experienced a Leigh Bardugo level book
Profile Image for Crime Addict Sifat.
177 reviews93 followers
September 6, 2018
Lovely, idealistic Tracy Whitney is framed into a fifteen year sentence in an escape-proof penitentiary. With dazzling ingenuity she fights back to destroy the untouchable crime lords who put her there. With her intelligence and beauty as her only weapons, Tracy embarks on a series of extraordinary escapades that sweep her across the globe. In an explosive confrontation Tracy meets her equal in irresistible Jeff Stevens, whose past is as colorful as Tracy's. You would love this story, I bet.
Profile Image for ناصر سليم.
544 reviews26 followers
June 3, 2018
اولین کتابی که از سیدنی شلدون می خونم
فکر کنم ایشون ابتدا سناریو نویس بوده بخاطر همین من با خوندن این رمان خب احساس کردم که سینمایی رمانش و شروع کرده تلفیقی از سناریو و رمان...

اگر کسی برای تفنن کتاب بخونه، کتاب های سیدنی شلدون براش معرکه خواهد بود
تو این داستان دختری به اسم تریسی ویتنی نقش اصلی رمان بود ، یک دختر ساده و کارمند بانک که یهو و بصورت کاملا اتفاقی تبدیل به تبهکارترین خلافکار دنیا میشه!
دزدی های ملیون دلاری!
فرار های پی در پی از دست پلیس !
سرکار گذاشتن اینترپل!
این کتاب و که خوندم یاد کتابی افتادم که سال ها پیش خونده بودم زنان وحشی آمازون( اگه اشتباه نکنم) از منوچهر مطیعی ، که شخصیت اصلی هر وقت که قرار بود بمیره دوستش میومد نجاتش می داد
جریان این سرقت ها هم تقریبا یه چیزی تو همین مایه ها بود
Profile Image for Mada Linx.
248 reviews29 followers
September 17, 2018
I had so much fun reading this, what a ride it has been. The ending made laugh, I have not expected such a clever ending.
January 1, 2017

I remember reading this book years ago!!!! Oh wow this brings back memory.

This book right here is what opened me up to the thrilling rush of angst, crime and deception!! No joke!! I use to rarely read to begin with. When i saw this book laying around, literally covered in dusk, i took it up, read the first page n didnt pick it back up for months!! I don't remember why I was pulled to it then but i was!

Tracy was it? She was a strong willed woman!! OMG I love how she went thru SO MUCH and didn't break... and who doesn't love it when a woman gets revenge on people who did her wrong?? I felt it for her with every step of her journy. From in the court room, to in jail... right down to when she made a notorious name for herself. I felt it all, i screamed in frustration, cried at her loss and her situation, laughed with relieve... I swear my emotions where on high with this book and I. Loved. EVERY. Second!

And on top of that, the rush of fast life, the wittinesss and the fast pace/risky jobs at hand... all bestowed on a WOMAN...!! MAN... I love it - i LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

Running across this book brings back memory.

I use to only read popular books, and even then, i had to like said popular books so the quantity of books I read was minimized...

Gosh, I love this book so much because I feel like it was the window that opened me to both writing and reading constantly until they not only became an activity, but pure love and literally my way of life.

Profile Image for Avanthika.
145 reviews821 followers
December 2, 2014
The master of unexpected twists & turns, that's Sidney Shelton for you :D
Went on a interesting journey with Tracy Whitney :D Girl, you're amazing. I loved those pages where cute-innocent Tracy transformed herself into sexy-daring criminal :D Survival of the fittest, I call it.
I found myself following her like a shadow in prison, went to places with her to avenge on Joe Ramono, Anthony Orsatti & others. Gunther, Conrad Morgan, Ernestine - You people were icing on the cake ^_^
Jeff Stevens, I did fall in love with you. You're such a caring hottie <3
Danial cooper, the master psychopath detective of America, she's more smarter than you. Screw your lust towards her -_-

501 pages, and I bet, you'll complete it in less than 2 days no matter what your reading speed is.
You'll surely forget your own life as you'll be guessing Tracy-Jeff combo's next move. Cant wait anymore to read Chasing tomorrow :D <3
Profile Image for Jakub.
734 reviews69 followers
January 20, 2015
Really terrible. I gave Sheldon a second chance and I was not surprised. I really can't find anything to praise about this book. The plot shows a naive from a poor family soon to marry a rich guty get framed into a crime and taken to prison. She turns from a stupid young woman into a world class con artist without much ado. She survises prison, get's out early, takes revenge. It's so far fetched for me... I know that these novels do not have to realistic but remotely believable would be nice. This book did not convince me at any moment.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,721 reviews

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