Instagram Stories by Jennifer Love Hewitt #1093 πŸ“– - INBELLA
#Female Celebrities

Instagram Stories by Jennifer Love Hewitt #1093 πŸ“–

okay I said I was going to wait but I
can’t wait I’m sorry I’m not good at
keeping things here it goes I wrote a
book um I’ve been working on it for a
really long time I mentioned it briefly
in a podcast so I think some people may
have heard it some people may not have
but um it’s coming out pre-orders are
going to start like in the next couple
of months which I can’t even believe
more on that to come obviously um it is
uh a love letter to my mom it is a a
little bit of a memoir it’s my journey
through grief and how in grief I was
afraid that I had lost Magic In My Life
um only to find more magic Um how my
kids have inspired me to create Magic
every day um you will get to see uh
their little birthday parties um in a
more in-depth way than you do on
Instagram uh you’ll get to see my kids
you’ll get to see just what our life is
um I’m going to
and that magic can be whatever magic
means to you um whatever special things
you can do uh I know his moms were busy
it’s hard to do anything extra some days
um I had that this morning when I forgot
to make school lunches truth be told um
so I get it but a little extra thought
um a little
extra using your heart creates magical
memories for your kids it creates
magical memories for you and you will
remember them forever my mom was
brilliant at at that for me um and she’s
passed it on so I have a book coming out
it’s called inheriting Magic because I
did I inherited Magic from my favorite
person in the world my mommy um who I
miss every day and I’m going to give you
a sneak peek of the cover I can’t wait
for you guys to see it I can’t wait for
you to read it and um all my
love okay and now that you’ve seen the
cover finally um I can tell you the cool
story about the incredible woman Vanessa
I love you so much who did this cover um
and some more photographs inside which
you guys are absolutely going to love um
I found her on Pinterest one morning and
I saw her art I saw her pictures that
she was creating with her family uh saw
some of her stories I loved her vibe um
she seemed like a magical making mom and
we reached out and basically told her
what the book was about told her about
my love for my mom and my kids we
connected as moms and she agreed to do
this incredible cover so Vanessa I’m so
excited people can finally see it I love
you congratulations you guys go follow
her check out her stuff and yay holy
crap guys I okay the book world is new
to me um you can pre-order the book now
I just ordered some on Amazon I ordered
my own book don’t it’s fine um anyway
it’s up um Michael Rosa Mom thank you
for pre-order you’re the first person to
pre-order a copy I really appreciate it
um guys go pre-order inheriting magic
right now on Amazon the hard cover or
you can get it on Kindle I guess too um
didn’t know that was happening today


  1. I wish there were a Magic in my life.
    Sharing Magic with Kids , Im too late for it . All I see your Kids for mine . I dont know what am I saying to you ? … You were surrounded by Good Ppl in your life. Thats why, You were so persistent towards bringing Magic in your life & it also worked . Tc .

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