M&A Integration Playbooks

An M&A integration playbook is a how-to step-by-step operating manual for a post-merger integration. It clarifies what needs to be done, by whom, and by when. Effective playbooks bring consistency, predictability, and reliability to the integration process and shorten the learning curve for team members.

We offer 27 post-merger integration playbooks from acquisitions ranging in value from $2 million to $20 billion. The pdf samples of the free acquisition integration playbooks are from our client engagements. Client names and client-specific details have been removed.

PRITCHETT's Merger Integration Certification Workshop Attendees and Website Subscribers can download every playbook in their entirety. They can also access over 100 M&A integration presentations, 100 tools, 30 checklists, 100 articles, plus assessments, videos, webinars, research, and templates on MergerIntegration.com.