Driving Directions - Get Directions & Show Routes

Driving Directions

Free routing service for your car

At Driving-Directions.net, we offer you the top mappings services like Google Maps, Bing Maps, and OpenStreetMap, among other compelling Car Routing providers. Our routing service provides all the details you need to get from here to there. You can also switch between seven modes of travel: Car,  Bicycle, Motorcycle, Light Truck, Truck, Public Transportation, and Walk and get directions in words.

Get Driving Directions

Wouldn’t it be great never to have to ask for directions again? Asking for directions is often a time-consuming and frustrating experience. We help you avoid traffic jams and map your route by updating your driving directions with real-time road information. And the best part is that it’s completely free!

Para obtener indicaciones en español, visite Cómo llegar.

Before you travel, calculate how much fuel it will cost, plan your route efficiently and read tips on driving economically.

Driving Directions
Use this if you want to learn the driving directions between two addresses.
Google Maps
For visiting the globe around from your home.
Satellite Maps
The favorite tool to view your surroundings from high above.
Latitude & Longitude Finder
To learn what your or a special interests coordinates are.
Airline Distance Calculator
It can be used to calculate the distance between coordinates.
Elevation Calculator
An interactive tool to click and view the elevation of the desired location worldwide.

Driving Directions

Driving Directions is a tool that can be used to get directions and maps for any two locations. The driving Directions engine uses Google Maps directions to find the shortest path from point A to B. You can use the driving directions to find and navigate any city easily on Google Maps. You can explore your city by public transportation, walking, or cycling. Type in your current location in the “Original” field, your destination location, and travel mode; you will get a step-by-step guide on how to get from A to B on how long it will take.

Maps and Directions

If you are not good with directions, maps, and directions will be the perfect tool. You will never be lost again because you quickly check your current location and destination using the latitude/longitude finder tool and then use the driving directions to find the instructions for getting there. The maps and directions can also be used when you are planning a road trip; you can use the distance calculator to calculate the distance between coordinates or addresses and then use the driving directions tool to calculate the driving distance and estimate travel time as well as the best route to take to travel from point A to point B.

Walking Directions

If you are walking and need to get Walking Directions and navigate your neighborhood, or if you are lost. You can input your current address and where you want to go and select travel mode to walk; you will get a detailed guide to your destination. If you don’t know your exact location, use the Latitude Longitude converter to look up your current address. However, you will need to enable your browser to automatically detect your location to get both the address and latitude/longitude.

Public Transportation Directions

Suppose you want to travel by public transit and need to get Public Transportation Directions and navigate around your city. You can input your current address and where you want to go and select travel mode to transit; you will get a detailed guide to your destination. Public transportation directions are perfect when you want to explore the cities you are traveling to. You might not be good with directions, but you will always be able to get to your destination with the maps and directions tool offered on the driving-directions.net site.