How to cure dengue ns1? | HealthTap Online Doctor
A 23-year-old male asked:

How to cure dengue ns1?

1 doctor answer4 doctors weighed in
Dr. Martin Raff
Infectious Disease 58 years experience
Cannot: Ns 1 is a protein not made in the virus but accumulates on the surface of infected cells and is one of the factors which plays a major role in the leakage syndrome and hemorrhagic nephritis syndrome which may occur in severe dengue infection. This must be managed symptomatically. You cannot cure dengue. Vaccine hopefully in future.
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Dr. Donald Colantino
Internal Medicine 63 years experience
No cure: Dengue is a viral infection and as such it does not respond to antibiotics and there is no specific treatment for the actual infection. It just runs its course and is self limiting. It is rarely life threatening. Treatment is directed at relieving fever, aches, headaches, etc.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

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Last updated Oct 27, 2017

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