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If you know someone's phone number, you may be able to use it to find someone's Facebook account. As long as the phone number is associated with an account, the account will come up when you search for the phone number. This wikiHow will show you how to search a phone number on Facebook using the website or phone app.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:


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  1. Go to in a web browser. This method will work the same on computers, phones, and tablets.
  2. Click the search bar to activate the text field. You'll see this bar at the top of the page.[2]
  3. Make sure you press the Enter or Return key on your keyboard to initiate the search. You can enter the phone number like "(555)555-5555" or "5555555555," as the formatting does not matter.[3]
    • A single search result should appear. If you don't get a result, that person probably has their profile set to private and won't show up in search results. It's also possible they may not have a Facebook account connected to that phone number.
  4. That is the Facebook account associated with the phone number you entered.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Using the Mobile App

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  1. Open Facebook on your phone or tablet. This app looks like a white "f" on a blue background. You can find this app on your home screen, in the app drawer, or by searching.[4]
    • This method works for both iOS and Android phones and tablets.
  2. You might have to press the ?123 key to switch to the non-alphabetical keyboard.[6]
  3. Make sure you tap the search or enter key on your keyboard to initiate the search. You can enter "(555)555-5555" or "5555555555," the formatting does not matter.
    • A single search result should appear. If you don't get a result, that person probably has their profile set to private and won't show up in search results.
  4. That is the Facebook account associated with the phone number you entered.
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About This Article

Darlene Antonelli, MA
Written by:
wikiHow Technology Writer
This article was co-authored by wikiHow staff writer, Darlene Antonelli, MA. Darlene Antonelli is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. Darlene has experience teaching college courses, writing technology-related articles, and working hands-on in the technology field. She earned an MA in Writing from Rowan University in 2012 and wrote her thesis on online communities and the personalities curated in such communities. This article has been viewed 1,540,811 times.
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Co-authors: 5
Updated: April 5, 2024
Views: 1,540,811
Categories: Facebook
Article SummaryX

1. Go to
2. Click the search bar.
3. Type phone number and press Enter.
4. Click search result.

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