5 of the Best Ways to Heat a Garage to Keep it Warm and Cozy

a house with a green garage door
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As winter approaches, the drop in temperature can turn your garage from a comfortable workspace or storage area into a chilly and unwelcoming place. Whether you’re using your garage as a workshop, a home gym, or simply as a spot to keep your car away from the elements, keeping it warm is essential for comfort and practicality.

However, if you want to heat a garage, there are a few unique challenges due to its typically large space and poor insulation compared to the rest of your home.

Heat a Garage – Our Top 3 Picks

  • Radiant In-Floor Heating: Radiant heat is perfect for garages because it heats people and objects in the room, not the cold winter air. It’s also the most comfortable, energy-efficient, and eco-friendly of all the garage heating options
  • Portable Heat Pumps: All the benefits of a fitted heat pump, like great energy efficiency and both heating and cooling options, but at a fraction of the cost.
  • Radiant Heat Panels: The most comfortable heat at an affordable price point for smaller and well-insulated garages.

When it comes to keeping your garage warm and cozy, understanding the best garage heating options is crucial. Whether you’re exploring how to heat a garage cheaply or looking for the most efficient way to heat a garage, especially a detached garage, there are various solutions available.

From radiant in-floor heating to space heaters, and even methods on how to heat a garage without electricity, each system offers unique benefits.

This article delves into the most popular heating options for garages, providing insights on the cheapest way to heat a garage and the best way to heat an uninsulated garage. We’ll compare radiant vs convection heat for garages and discuss if a space heater will heat a garage effectively, ensuring you make an informed decision for your space.

How to Heat Your Garage – 5 Ideas

a garage floor

Radiant In-Floor Heating

Underfloor radiant heating is an excellent heating technology for garages. This system utilizes either electrical elements or tubes of hot water placed beneath the floor, emitting heat upwards and warming the space efficiently.

Despite being the most costly option, it’s highly effective and energy-efficient, especially for people looking for how to heat an existing concrete garage floor.


  • Uniform Heating: Offers even heating across the garage, avoiding uneven temperature zones.
  • Efficient Heating Method: Directly heats objects and individuals, not just the air, for enhanced energy efficiency.
  • Noise-Free Operation: Operates silently, ideal for a peaceful garage environment.
  • Space-Efficient and Aesthetically Pleasing: Keeps the heating elements out of sight, saving space and maintaining the garage’s visual appeal.
  • Minimal Upkeep Required: Needs very little maintenance after installation.


  • Complex Installation Process: This may involve significant alterations to the existing floor, making the installation process intricate.
  • Higher Upfront Investment: heating a garage floor tends to be more expensive initially than other heating solutions.

Portable Heat Pumps

Portable heat pumps are an efficient solution for garage heating, functioning by transferring external air warmth into the garage. They are a versatile choice due to their mobility and effectiveness in various climates.


  • Adaptable and Mobile: Can be easily moved and adjusted as per the garage layout.
  • Eco-Friendly: Uses outside air, making it a more environmentally sustainable option.
  • Dual-Function: Often provides both heating and cooling options, useful for year-round climate control.


  • Dependent on External Temperatures: Less effective in extremely cold climates.
  • Higher Running Costs: Can have higher operational costs compared to other heating methods.
  • Space Requirement: Requires sufficient space for optimal functioning and air circulation.

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Space Heaters

Space heaters are convenient and portable devices that provide targeted heating in smaller areas. They work by electrically heating elements which then radiate warmth into the surrounding space.

For smaller garages with good insulation space heaters will often provide more than enough heat to keep the garage warm and comfortable. For larger spaces or garages with poor insulation, they may not be quite up to scratch.


  • Immediate Warmth: Offers rapid heating, making it ideal for quick temperature increases.
  • Portable and Convenient: Easy to move and position where needed.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally more affordable in terms of initial purchase cost


  • Limited Area Coverage: Best suited for smaller areas; might not be effective for large garages.
  • Safety Concerns: Requires careful handling to avoid fire hazards.
  • Higher Energy Consumption: Can lead to increased electricity bills if used extensively.

Wood/Solid Fuel Stoves

Wood or solid fuel stoves use the combustion of materials to generate heat, effectively warming the surrounding air and heating the garage.


  • Robust Heating: Capable of producing significant warmth, ideal for colder climates.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: Offers a rustic charm and can be a focal point in a heated garage.
  • Cost-Effective Fuel: Wood and solid fuels can be more economical compared to electric heating options.


  • Requires Regular Fuel Supply: Needs a consistent supply of wood or solid fuel.
  • Installation and Maintenance: Requires a chimney or proper venting system, with regular cleaning and maintenance.
  • Safety and Regulations: Must adhere to safety regulations and may not be suitable for all garage types.

Radiant Heat Panels

Radiant heat panels provide warmth through far infrared radiation, directly heating objects and individuals in the garage without warming the air first. This method is especially effective for larger or detached garages where air heating can be less efficient.


  • Consistent Heat Across the Area: Ensures even distribution of heat.
  • Lower Energy Usage: Operates efficiently at cooler temperatures, reducing energy costs.
  • Quiet Operation: Lacks noise-making components, ensuring a quiet environment.
  • Minimal Maintenance Needed: Simple design leads to little maintenance.
  • Health Advantages: Infrared heating can have positive effects on blood circulation and muscle relaxation.


  • Higher Initial Expense: Involves a greater initial investment than some alternatives.
  • Professional Installation Recommended: Best installed by experts, adding to the overall cost.

How to Heat a Garage without Electricity

a large garage space with wooden beams

Finding ways to heat a garage without relying on electricity can present some challenges, yet there are several effective methods:

  1. Solar Heaters: Solar heaters harness the power of the sun to generate warmth. They can range from do-it-yourself projects using basic materials like black-painted cans that absorb solar heat, to more sophisticated setups involving commercial solar panels. These heaters are not only effective but also environmentally friendly, reducing the reliance on fossil fuels.
  2. Propane Heaters: These heaters are portable solutions that don’t require an electrical outlet. They’re quite efficient in heating up spaces, but it’s crucial to maintain proper ventilation to avoid any hazards and to strictly adhere to safety guidelines.
  3. Thermal Mass Heating: This method involves using materials that store heat, such as large stones or containers of water. These materials absorb heat when available, say from sunlight or other heat sources during the day, and then slowly radiate this stored heat back into the space during cooler periods. It’s a passive, eco-friendly way to maintain a warmer temperature in the garage.
  4. Wood Burning Stoves: A classic and robust method, wood stoves can effectively warm up a garage when installed correctly. It’s essential to have a proper chimney and ventilation system in place to manage the smoke and ensure safety. Wood stoves also add a rustic charm to the garage while providing substantial heat.

Choosing the right heating method for your garage depends on various factors including the garage’s size, insulation, and whether you prefer electric or non-electric options.

It’s important to consider the balance between installation cost, efficiency, and maintenance to find the best solution for a warm and cozy garage.

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Q. What is the cheapest way to heat a garage?

A combination of good insulation and a space heater or wood-burning stove is probably the cheapest way to effectively heat a garage.

Q. What is the best way to heat an uninsulated garage?

The first step is to add insulation. If that is not a viable option, your best bet is radiant underfloor heating and or radiant heat panels. For those on a limited budget, it is back to the space heater or solid-fuel-burning stoves.

However, augmenting these with even temporary insulation measures, such as weather stripping or heavy curtains, can make a huge difference to heating efficiency.

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