How can dengue spread? - Answers


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Dengue is spread by a certain vector mosquito. The problem with the dengue vector mosquito is that it is a daytime mosquito as opposed to our common household mosquito which is primarly dusk to dawn and can transmit West Nile Virus.

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2010-12-29 19:10:10
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How does dengue fever spread?

I just recovered from a serious case of Dengue Fever. From what I know Dengue Fever does not spread like the other fevers. If a mosquito bites a Dengue Infected person and then bites you, the Dengue Fever is spread to you.

Is Dengue fever the same as Cancer?

No. Cancer is a disease. Dengue is caused by a virus and spread by mosquitoes.

Statement of the problem of the dengue fever?

Dengue fever is a virus caused by a disease spread by mosquitoes. The problem with dengue fever is that there is no available vaccine.

Is dengue fever airborne?

No Dengue fever can spread only by bite of mosquito. Mosquito acts as the carrier for dengue virus thus it is not airborne

How do you preventing the spread of dengue fever?

By controlling mosquitoes.

What does dengue fever do to a body?

Dengue fever is a flu-like illness spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe, often fatal, complication of Dengue fever.

How do mosquito spread dengue fever?

You can say their blood is the poison (dengue fever). When a mosquito bites you, the blood enters your blood. Therefore, leaving you with the dengue in your blood.

How did dengue fever spread from Asia to North America?


Is dengue communicable or noncommunicable?

Dengue fever is not contagious, so it can't spread directly from person to person. (non-communicable).

What is dengy fever?

is a virus that spread by an small mosquito that have black and white strip on it body

How are malaria and dengue spread?

Mosquito is a vector for both the diseases. Anopheles mosquito spreads the malaria and culex mosquito spreads the dengue fever.

How dengue spread?

Dengue is a flu-like viral disease that is spread by the bite of an infected mosquito (Aedes mosquito). It occurs in the tropical regions of the world and cases in the US are mainly travelers returning from abroad, although, risk is growing for people living along the Texas-Mexico border. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe and fatal complication of dengue.

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