Vietnamese-English dictionary - translation - lcp


All you need to do is type the word you need to translate from Vietnamese to English in the search bar to get started. You can type a Vietnamese word to translate into English; however it works just as well the other way around as both language combinations are searched through when you search for a translation. You are then shown the result page for the Vietnamese word you entered and all the sections related to it: translations, grammatical information, synonyms, context sentences and forum entries in Vietnamese.

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In case you do not have access to a Vietnamese keyboard to type special characters, you can either use our virtual keyboard, near the search bar, or you can simply browse the Vietnamese entries below. They are in alphabetical order and you only need to hop from a list to another until you find the Vietnamese word you need.

vietnamese Vietnamese
english English

A list of some of the Vietnamese translations suggested by other users has been gathered below. You can help the Vietnamese-English community by editing translations that you think have a mistake or vote for a Vietnamese-English translation that you think deserves to be added to the Vietnamese-English dictionary.

As soon as you have joined by creating your free account, you can improve the quality of the Vietnamese-English dictionary by making it more comprehensive and more accurate. We want to become the largest online Vietnamese-English dictionary in order to help as many Vietnamese learners as possible. By adding new words, you help us keep the Vietnamese-English dictionary up-to-date and with translations for the latest Vietnamese words created for technical purposes or simply made up in the street. This is also how a language evolves. Apart from adding new entries to the Vietnamese-English dictionary, you can also verify and correct Vietnamese translations suggested by other users. These will be marked as 'unverified' until ten users have agreed they are good enough for the Vietnamese-English dictionary.
We are happy to welcome you to the language community, all you need to do is to register for free. Once you have your personal account, you can start adding translations and thus gathering points for the world ranking. The more active you are, the more points you get! You can suggest new translations for the Vietnamese-English dictionary as well as any other language combinations you master. If you have any doubts about a word, you can ask a question in the Vietnamese-English forum. The other users can provide you with information about Vietnamese grammar, spelling or dialects, or even Vietnamese culture and traditions.