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About Us

FastPeopleSearch was created to bring next generation Telephony and Big-Data access to the general public.

You can find out more using A people search by name, address search, or reverse phone lookup allows you to find the owner of a phone number, the location of a long-lost loved one, and a whole lot more. searches millions of records to provide you with valuable contact information.

Our people search is 100% FREE! And our data is updated regularly. It includes landline, cell phone, business and residential phone numbers, as well as information for addresses and people all across the U.S.

We help you to find people free…and fast. A typical people search can be a long, drawn-out process. gives you instant results when you need them. Use whatever information you may have--name, city, state--to find a person and their contact information. You can also type in an address to see who lives there now, and who lived there before.

What’s more, the people search process is completely anonymous. The person you’re searching for won’t be notified. Safely search and find people across the United States using

Address Lookup

Find out who lives at a particular address, or who used to live there. Inputting a street address will reveal current and past tenants, going back up to 40 years.

Reverse Phone Search

We've made it possible to find people, starting with just their phone number. Simply enter a number to find the owner’s name and their other contact information.

People Search

Verify the identity of someone you know now. Or find out where a former friend or associate is now, starting with a search by name on FastPeopleSearch.


Get access to our partner Endato's fast Developer API for Contact Enrichment, and Sales and Marketing Intelligence. Verify your leads, Reverse Phone and more!

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Instant Results

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What You Get

The fastest and most comprehensive people search engine in the world... and its FREE! combs through millions of available records to help you find who or what you’re looking for. We complete millions of searches every day. That makes for at least 100 million different searches each month! Our service is the quickest and safest way to find friends and family. See some of the reasons why people trust us for their search results:

Powerful Search

Cutting-edge technology, combined with an enormous dataset, helps you find the info you need fast.
FREE People Search.


We want to make finding old friends and family as easy as possible. Our people search is 100% free!
FREE People Search.

Reverse Phone

Find out who's calling – reverse phone number lookup results are instantaneous and up-to-date!
FREE Reverse Phone Lookup.

Address Lookup

Quickly and easily search any address, and get the most relevant and up-to-date results available.
FREE Address Search.

Find People Fast

Quickly and safely search our database, containing millions of records. Conduct a people search to find a person instantly, with the click of a button.

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