Henry Howard: Poems, Sonnets & Execution | Study.com
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Henry Howard: Poems, Sonnets & Execution

Instructor Joshua Wimmer

Joshua holds a master's degree in Latin and has taught a variety of Classical literature and language courses.

You might know the sonnets and plays of William Shakespeare, but you've probably never heard of Henry Howard. Keep reading to learn more about this ill-fated poet and his work that paved the way for some of the best-known poetry in the English language!

When many of us think of sonnets, the first name that probably comes to mind is Shakespeare's. Most of our exposure to these poems most likely comes from pieces in 'The Bard's' vast collection; however, the so-called 'Shakespearean sonnet' wouldn't be what it is today if it weren't for one enterprising earl.

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Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey(1517-1547), English nobleman and revolutionary poet
Portrait of Henry Howard

Henry Howard lived fast and died young. Had he lived more of a life that we might associate with a poet than a rock-star, he might've lived long enough to produce enough sonnets for them to be called 'Howardian' instead of Shakespearean. As it stands, though, the Earl of Surrey is thought to have actually composed many of the ones he did while imprisoned at Windsor between 1537 and 1539.

His father - Lord Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk - was heir apparent, or next-in-line to the throne, should King Henry VIII have no surviving male successors. While this might sound like a pretty nice position to be in, it actually caused the Howard's quite a lot of trouble.

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Many readers found Howard's earlier versions of the English sonnet to be inferior to Shakespeare's, which debuted not too long after Henry's death and soon eclipsed their predecessors. We might not call many sonnets 'Howardian' today, but it certainly applies to these composed by Howard himself!

  • 'The Golden Gift that Nature did thee Give'

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In addition to the earliest sonnets in English, Howard helped revolutionize the language's poetry even further with other poems just like these!

  • 'Complaint of the Absence of Her Love Being Upon the Sea'

With its carefully measured and rhymed lines, this poem by Howard might not appear all that innovative. Nevertheless, the fact that the narrative voice is that of a woman places Howard among the few poets to examine life from a feminine perspective. Of course, Howard here is once again following the example of several of his ancient and Italian predecessors who regularly displayed the female plight in their work.

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Though widely popularized and known as the 'Shakespearean' sonnet, this form of the English sonnet was originally developed by Henry Howard. Adapting the form from that was used widely by Italian poets, Howard endowed the English sonnet with several distinct features, including its 14-line length, use of iambic pentameter, and abab cdcd efef gg rhyme scheme. In addition to sonnets, the earl also introduced English to blank verse - a poetic form consisting of unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter. Howard met his early doom with his beheading on 19 January 1547 at the order of Henry VIII after being found guilty of treason.

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