

Kanzlerwechsel in Zeiten des Umbruchs

 Was bleibt von Willy Brandt und Helmut Schmidt?

Vor 50 Jahren tritt Kanzler Willy Brandt im Zuge der Spionageaffäre um Günter Guillaume zurück. Inflation, Rezession und Energiekrise bestimmen die Schlagzeilen. Von der Aufbruchstimmung nach den Wahlsiegen Willy Brandts 1969 und 1972 ist kaum mehr…

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Schmidt-Ausstellung nimmt Demokratie in den Fokus

Premiere im Bundestag – #Challenging Democracy wird anschließend in Bonn, Leipzig und…

Berlin, 24. April 2024. „#Challenging Democracy – Von Helmut Schmidt bis heute“ heißt die neue Wanderausstellung, die gestern im Bundestag Premiere feierte und noch bis zum 16. Mai im Paul-Löbe-Haus in Berlin zu sehen sein wird. Anschließend geht sie…

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Rückenansicht einer jungen Person, die eine Europaflagge um die Schulter gehängt hat.

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wussten Sie, dass in diesem Jahr rund die Hälfte der Weltbevölkerung zu – mehr oder weniger freien – Wahlen aufgerufen ist? Und mitten im Superwahljahr 2024 findet die Wahl zum Europäischen Parlament statt. Vom 6. bis 9. Juni…

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Check out quotes from our latest BKHS Magazine "Remaking Globalisation!"

„What does it take to make global markets serve the common good?”, we asked experts in our BKHS Magazine.

You can download the third issue of our BKHS Magazine here.

Porträt von Clara Weinhardt

We need to find ways to communicate about global trade that makes policy making more relatable to a broader public. […] A less technical, more human-centred narrative could showcase the common ground at stake. When people see how markets can serve societal goals, they can start pushing for this.

Clara Weinhardt

Porträt von Bernd Lange

People and the environment can only thrive if we have a rules-based multilateral trading system. […] We need to build sustainable partnerships with reliable partners. Both sides in a trade agreement need to benefit from its outcomes. We need to stand out and create an alternative to other powers in the world.

Bernd Lange

Porträt von Philippa Sigl-Glöckner

If we want [markets] to serve the common good, they need to be designed accordingly. Today’s markets are designed to sustain the current economic order and serve footloose capital. Changing this starts with transparency about who owns what. Property should come with responsibility. It does not as long as global markets act as a cloak of invisibility.

Philippa Sigl-Glöckner

Porträt von Melinda St. Louis

For too long, global markets have been an end unto themselves, disregarding what kinds of trade actually benefit our societies and people. Using transparent and democratic processes, we need to redesign global economic rules and institutions to prioritise human rights […] above multinational corporate profits.

Melinda St. Louis

Porträt von Julieta Zelicovich

Global markets need to be embedded in a proper system of institutionalised multilateral cooperation that ensures the protection of some core values such as sustainable development and international justice. None of this will be a spontaneous outcome [but] the consequence of strong, multi-layered commitments around the world. 

Julieta Zelicovich

Porträt von Franklin Obeng Odoom

[…] The so-called migration crisis is an expression of a political-economic system in which socially created value is privately appropriated by a privileged few. These individuals use institutions such as land and property rights, race, ethnicity, class and gender to keep others in their place […]. Socialising land rents and giving labour its due represent major steps towards making global markets serve the common good. 

Franklin Obeng-Odoom

Porträt von David Luke

Global markets must do no harm and where they do, corrective action is required. […] Many developing countries face a higher interest rate spread in financial markets where the premium on risk is often absurdly high. This situation […] puts access to finance […] out of reach for some of these countries.

David Luke

Porträt von Franziska Brantner

[…] We need a race to the top for labour standards, environmental and climate protections, and resilient supply chains. We have seen that solely focusing on shortterm efficiency and cost minimisation creates a high level of vulnerability to […] security risks, high economic and environmental costs. When everyone thinks of themselves, it doesn’t mean everyone has been thought of.

Franziska Brantner