Informatics4Life - EMCL
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Aims and Objectives

Despite remarkable progress in the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic cardiovascular diseases, they still represent the leading cause of death and hospitalization. This worrying situation is due to the ageing population and to the fact that the heart is affected by several comorbidities and sideeffects of their treatment. In the past, cardiovascular research was dominated by hypothesis driven strategies, while only recently novel computational methods allow the dissection of large datasets obtained from single individuals up to the population-level, simulation of complex disease processes and prediction of molecular and clinical phenotypes and their outcome. Despite this progress, translation of these computational technologies into healthcare requires a rigoreous translational agenda and close cooperation of different disciplines.

Informatics for life embark on the high potential of a joint approach incorporating experts from computational methods and clinical research. An important element for true translation into clinical application will be the patient-centric environment of Informatics for life.

Informatics for life represents an interdisciplinary alliance of cardiovascular physician scientist and computer scientists from the University of Heidelberg, University Hospital Heidelberg and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies.
Informatics for Life consists in 8 subprojects:

  • Subproject 1: RNA Species and Networks for Diagnostics, Prognosis and Therapeutics
  • Subproject 2: Structure-based Design of Peptide-based Pharmaceuticals against Striated Muscle Disorders
  • Subproject 3: Research Data Warehouse (RWH)
  • Subproject 4: Magnetic Resonance Signatures of Cardiac Disease – New Data Sources for Clinical Decisions
  • Subproject 5: Population-scale Predictive Networks of Myocardial Dysfunction and Heart Failure
  • Subproject 6: Decision Support Systems for Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection
  • Subproject 7: Cognition and Uncertainty Quantification for Numerical Heart Simulation
  • Subproject 8: Comorbidities in Heart Failure – A Network Approach

In this consortium EMCL is responsible for the subproject 7. Further Prof. Dr. Vincent Heuveline is Co-coordinator of the overall consortium in cooperation with Prof. Dr. med. Katus (Coordinator) and Prof. Dr. med. Meder (Co-coordinator).

Research Topics (related to subproject 7)

  • Data assimilation and uncertainty quantification
  • Cognition guidance for reliable numerical surgical simulations
  • Learning to improve and understand heart simulation models with impact on cognition guidance
  • Quantification of uncertainties within a patient-specific simulation• Translation of the innovative developments to clinical practice



  • More than 15 principal investigators are involved in the consortium Informatics4Life. We refer to the consortium webpage for an up-to-date list of all partners.

People from EMCL


  • Elaine Zaunseder


  • In preparartion

