Meaning of Hearts by Jessie Ware

Meaning of Hearts by Jessie Ware

In "Hearts" by Jessie Ware, the lyrics delve into the complexities of love, heartbreak, and the lingering pain that comes with the end of a relationship. The song captures the conflicting emotions one experiences when trying to move on from a love that has been lost.

The first verse sets the tone by describing the aftermath of a devastating event, symbolized by an earthquake. The narrator must put on a brave face and pretend that everything is intact, even though their world has crumbled. This room, which was once a safe haven, now feels empty and distant, as the person they once knew seems like a stranger passing through. The repetition of "again, again, again" suggests a cycle of heartbreak, highlighting the repetitive nature of their emotions.

The chorus expresses the confusion and pain that arise after a breakup. The line "Hearts aren't supposed to hurt like that" reflects the common belief that love should bring joy and happiness, not this deep anguish. The fast-breaking of hearts speaks to the suddenness of the end of the relationship, leaving the narrator stunned and disoriented. They question the healing power of time, wondering how long this burning pain will persist, seeking reassurance and understanding.

In the second verse, the narrator admits to their own pride, which prevented them from expressing their true feelings and led to their partner leaving. This admission highlights the complexities of human nature and the regrets that accompany the loss of a loved one. They long for their partner to miss them, but they also acknowledge the possibility that they may just be dreaming of their return, emphasizing the desperate hopefulness that lingers in the aftermath of heartbreak.

The bridge introduces the metaphor of a "smoking gun," representing the action or person responsible for causing harm. The narrator contemplates how it would feel to hurt someone, possibly implying that they themselves have hurt others in the past. They express a desire to understand the pain of losing someone by asking someone they love, possibly referring to the person they just lost. This introspective bridge provides a moment of reflection, as the narrator grapples with both their own actions and the consequences of losing someone they care about deeply.

The final repetition of the chorus reinforces the ongoing struggle to recover from heartbreak. The question of how long the burn of heartbreak is supposed to last remains unanswered, leaving the possibility that healing may take an uncertain amount of time. The repetition of the chorus throughout the song serves to emphasize the lingering pain and the desire for resolution.

"Hearts" by Jessie Ware captures the universal experience of heartbreak and the challenging journey one must embark on to heal. The lyrics explore the conflicting emotions of longing, regret, and hope that come with the end of a relationship, providing a poignant reflection on the complexities of love and loss.