Grey Court School - Welcome from Headteacher

Welcome from Headteacher

Message from Chris Rhodes, Headteacher

Grey Court is a popular, thriving and well established school. We see the school as the central resource for learning and support in the local community and continue to strive for excellence in all we do.

I am proud to say that we retained our status as an outstanding school following our latest Ofsted inspection in February 2024. Ofsted concluded that Grey Court “is a school where all pupils flourish and are kept happy and safe”, and that "all pupils experience a high quality of education". This built on the platform of excellence established when our school was judged as outstanding in all categories in January 2018 and in March 2013.


Chris Rhodes, Headteacher

I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel 

Maya Angelou

At Grey Court we hope we make all our students feel that they have the ability and support to achieve to a very high level. We work hard to ensure that they have the skills and self-belief to compete and flourish in a changing educational and social environment, no matter how challenging.

We believe the success of every student is best achieved through a close partnership between home and school. By talking about the importance of values such as honesty, self-reliance, and responsibility, together we can help our young people make good decisions and develop the resilience and emotional intelligence to function in a balanced and positive way in a rapidly changing society.

If you are a student, please be assured that throughout your school career we will know your ability and will provide you with clear knowledge and understanding of your next steps. We will support you every day and you will have fun through your learning.

Grey Court now provides the heartbeat of the Every Child Every Day Academy Trust. The aspiration of the Trust is to put every child at the centre of our educational narrative.

Please take the time to look through our website and familiarise yourself with our school. If you have any further questions we will be happy to assist. You can find details of how to contact us below.

Chris Rhodes