I Miss Those Days When…. Were “the good old days” really good? | by Kingsley Asuamah | ILLUMINATION | Mar, 2024 | Medium

I Miss Those Days When…

Were “the good old days” really good?

Kingsley Asuamah
Published in
4 min readMar 24, 2024


A family laughing together around a dinner table. The genuine smiles on their faces symbolize the importance of cherishing the present moment and appreciating the people around you. Image generated by the author using DALL·E 3

There’s a peculiar trait we humans share. We often fail to appreciate the present moment until it becomes a memory. Then, we look back with a sigh, saying, “I miss those days when…”

It’s something we’ve all said, haven’t we? We reminisce about the past, painting it with rosy colours. We call them “the good old days”. But were they really that good, or is it just our selective memory at play?

I personally believe the “good old days” are a trap. They lull us into a state of nostalgia, making us forget the anxieties and imperfections that were present back then too.

The truth is that every stage of life holds its own unique charm and challenges. And the irony is, we often don’t appreciate it until it’s a memory tucked away in a dusty corner of our minds.

The good old days weren’t always good, and tomorrow ain’t as bad as it seems.

Think about it. When you were living those “good old days”, did you truly appreciate them? Or were you too caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, too worried about the future, too burdened by the past?

The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.

It’s a common human behaviour, this tendency to romanticize the past and idealize the future, while neglecting the present. Well, guess what? The present is all we really have. And one day, this present will become “the good old days” that we miss.

We forget to cherish the “now” because we’re busy chasing money and success, the next big thing, the next milestone, the next phase etc.

We spend our days lost in our phones, scrolling through filtered vacations and picture-perfect moments of other people’s lives. This constant comparison fuels the illusion that our own lives are somehow lacking, that happiness exists somewhere else, just beyond our reach.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.

So, why not make a conscious effort to enjoy every phase of life? Enjoy your kids while they’re still young. Enjoy your colleagues, your neighbours, your friends — even the annoying ones. Enjoy the mundane tasks and the daily routines. Enjoy the here and now.

Stop and smell the roses (literally) or coffee — whatever it is that stimulates your senses.

Instead of sleepwalking through life, let’s make a conscious effort to savour the present moment. Pay attention to the little things — feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, the sound of your child’s laughter. These seemingly insignificant moments are the building blocks of a life well-lived.

Appreciate the people around you. Look up from your phone and connect with the people who share your journey.

Show genuine interest in your partner’s day, have a real conversation with a colleague, and truly listen to your children’s stories. These connections are what make life rich and meaningful, and they won’t last forever.

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

The truth is this: You’re going to miss these days. You’re going to miss the chaos of raising kids, the camaraderie with your colleagues, the friendly banter with your neighbours.

Weirdly I miss my neighbour who used to bang on my door like the police. I never liked it then because he scared the life out of me. There is another one who tortured me with rubber snakes!

I have something called Ophidiophobia — an extreme and overwhelming fear of snakes. I will literally have goosebumps, shiver and puke when I see snakes. Humphrey brings different rubber snakes around my house to scare me. I can still hear his hysterical laughter in my head as I write this.

You’re going to miss these ordinary moments that make up your extraordinary life.

The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.

So, let’s change our narrative. Instead of saying, “I miss those days when…”, let’s say, “I’m going to miss these days when…” Let’s appreciate our present moments before they become past memories. Wherever you are, be all there.

In conclusion, let’s not wait for our present to become “the good old days” before we start appreciating it. Let’s enjoy every phase of our lives, because one day, we’re going to miss it when it’s gone.

Image generated by the author using DALL·E 3



Kingsley Asuamah

Simple guy with a twisted mind. Tech Enthusiast. Software Quality Evangelist (QA). Humour Monger. I have many interests but I write mostly on Technology & Life.