Gina Haspel Sworn in as First Female CIA Director - CIA

Gina Haspel Sworn in as First Female CIA Director

A photograph of Gina Haspel speaking on stage with a CIA podium with American flags behind her.

On Monday, May 21, Gina Haspel was sworn in as the first woman to serve as CIA Director in our Agency’s 70-year history. President Trump, Vice President Pence, Secretary of State and former D/CIA Mike Pompeo, Chief Operating Officer Brian Bulatao, and hundreds of Agency officers attended the ceremony at CIA Headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

“I am truly honored to have this opportunity to lead the best workforce in government,” Director Haspel said. “It has been nearly 50 years since an operations officer rose up through the ranks to become the Director, and after the experience of the past two months, I think I know why that is,” she joked.

Vice President Pence administered the oath of office. Director Haspel addressed the workforce, emphasizing our global mission, and noting the importance of increasing CIA’s foreign language proficiency, strengthening our partnerships, and deploying more officers to the foreign field. “For me, being Director is about doing right by all of you so that you have the tools and support needed to carry out our sacred mission,” she said.

She also addressed the historic significance of the moment, especially for the women of CIA, past and present. “I would be remiss if I did not also note the tremendous pride I take in being the first woman to serve as Director. I would not be standing before you today if not for the remarkable courage and dedication displayed by generations of OSS and Agency women. In roles both large and small, they challenged stereotypes, broke down barriers, and opened doors for the rest of us. I am deeply indebted to them, and I am extremely proud to follow in their footsteps and to carry on their extraordinary legacy.”

Director Haspel’s complete remarks can be viewed here or by clicking the video below.

Warning: This video below may contain flickering or flashing scenes.

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