Adelheid Schittenhelm (1901–1987) • FamilySearch

Adelheid Schittenhelm

12 July 1901–1987 (Age 85)
Berlin, Germany

The Life of Adelheid

When Adelheid Schittenhelm was born on 12 July 1901, in Berlin, Germany, her father, Edwin Alexander Johannes Schittenhelm, was 29 and her mother, Grete Gertrud Martha Tews, was 23. She had at least 2 daughters with Hanns Emile Toussaint. She died in 1987, in Mannheim, Baden, Germany, at the age of 86.

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Family Time Line

Hanns Emile Toussaint
Adelheid Schittenhelm
Gabriele Christa Toussaint
Denise Alice Elizabeth Toussaint

Spouse and Children



Parents and Siblings



World Events (8)


Age 13

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary and his wife were assassinated in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina provoking World War I.
1914 · Germany declares war on Russia

Age 13

On August 1, 1914, Germany declared war on Russia, sparking World War I. This would not be the last time Germany caused a world war. After the Allies defeated Germany, they signed the Treaty of Versailles.

Age 32

Adolf Hitler appointed chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg.

Name Meaning

We don’t have any information about this name.

Sources (0)


    There are no historical documents attached to Adelheid.

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