George Harrison - "Badge" | Page 2 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums

George Harrison - "Badge"

Discussion in 'Music Corner' started by andy749, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. supermd

    supermd Senior Member

    San Jose, CA
    Fixed it for you. :laugh:
    DK Pete and majorlance like this.
  2. chaz bragman

    chaz bragman Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY
    George is underselling his contribution. Those licks from 0:57 to 1:05 are super tasty.
    DK Pete likes this.
  3. majorlance

    majorlance Forum Resident

    PATCO Speedline
    For me, true greatness generally requires a little more meat on the compositional bones — but I won't argue!
    supermd likes this.
  4. supermd

    supermd Senior Member

    San Jose, CA
    Just a joke considering recent posts. ;)
    majorlance likes this.
  5. majorlance

    majorlance Forum Resident

    PATCO Speedline
    Great stuff. Just finished the recent Mal Evans bio (largely based on his unpublished memoirs) and it's really easy to visualize how all of this went down.
    DK Pete and supermd like this.
  6. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    Great stuff..thanks!
  7. MarkTWIC

    MarkTWIC Forum Resident

    The other thing that always struck me about Badge is that it didn't sound like anything else Cream did. It really sounds like another band. Imagine if they'd done an entire album of that kind of music? I mean songs about banging your favourite head are all well and good but there was an opportunity to cut a really cutting edge album.
  8. Paul Gase

    Paul Gase Everything is cheaper than it looks.

    I think the Mellotron setting on “Badge” is the same/similar to the mandolin Tron settings heard during the verses of “Continuing Story of Bungalow Bill.”
  9. Paul Gase

    Paul Gase Everything is cheaper than it looks.

    Whenever I think of a “template” song for what we might consider Classic Rock of the 1970s, I think of “Badge.” A prototype.
    Boom Operator, supermd and MarkTWIC like this.
  10. Spitfire

    Spitfire Senior Member

    Pacific Northwest
    Wow. Good stuff. Makes me appreciate this great song that much more.
  11. varispeed

    varispeed what if?

    Los Angeles Ca
    The mellotron angle has been argued that it was Felix overdubbing real violin...
    or viola overdubs. Not mellotron.

    And indeed (as a mellotron owner since 1970...which is irrelevant of course), those string-dubbed areas against the triple-tracked guitar note overdubs on White Room....and particularly during the last verse of Badge... have movement that a mellotron can't do. imo.

    I've always felt the notes are a little high for viola compared to violin....but...viola/violin were instruments Felix knew how to play. Maybe Felix did an interview at some point about the topic.

    What I've always liked about the compressed piano on Badge is that....every time there's a stop....Felix really jacks up the fader on the recorded hear the volume.....and increased tape hiss! Fills in the stopped-spots so nicely.....especially at the end of the song.

    Really also clearly hear the piano sonic fingerprint......

    sort of the approach taken a year earlier for stretching piano drones out at the end of Day in the Life. of those perfect little pop singles
    supermd, DK Pete, bill44 and 5 others like this.
  12. Ephi82

    Ephi82 Still have two ears working

    S FL
    So maybe I’m stating the obvious, but I think I hear three guitars on this

    -Harrisons choppy rhythm on the left, which turns into some cool riffs as they get to the bridge, and then chords through the solo

    - the heavily Leslied guitar doing arpeggios during the bridge ( I guess played by Clapton)

    -the outstanding solo, heard left center, played by Clapton, (it took me a ton of practice to learn that one!)

    Love Claptons “playing for the song” in a melodic pop/ rock song like Badge. It would have been very interesting to hear Beatles music if Clapton took Harrison’s vacated seat as Lennon had suggested at the time.
    Umbari, supermd and DK Pete like this.
  13. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    The YouTube video is a fan creation. This is the actual mix of the live backing track:

    Badge backing track
  14. drbryant

    drbryant Senior Member

    Los Angeles, CA
    I always thought it was George playing those arpeggios on "Badge", it was so reminiscent of the fade out of "You Never Give Me Your Money". I was shocked when I found out it was Eric. That sound is just one that people associate with George. How about those Harrisonesque arpeggios in Badfinger's "Baby Blue"? God, I love the guitars on that track. Trivia - the Gibson SG Standard played by Pete Ham (on the right) was given to him by George, and was later sold for $500,000 (or something like that) at auction after Pete died, with proceeds going to Ham's family.

    Aftermath and DK Pete like this.
  15. muzzer

    muzzer Forum Resident

    Genius song imho, just genius. Distilled to essence. As elusive as it is masterful.
    supermd and Bruso like this.
  16. vince

    vince Stan Ricker's son-in-law

  17. varispeed

    varispeed what if?

    Los Angeles Ca
    You can really hear the piano fader going up at the stops. Fantastic sound.
    Aftermath and DK Pete like this.
  18. varispeed

    varispeed what if?

    Los Angeles Ca
    I've always liked George's 1969 conversation about "fast" guitarists and his appreciation of how fast, fluid playing can really add to a track.

    While he specifically pointed to Eric (and specifically expressed non-interest in LedZep in one of the conversations)....this clip shows George's thinking on the subject. He was super-aware of all the fast guitarists on the scene.

    I personally think (and I've seen discussed) that George momentarily considered practicing to get into fast-fluid-playing territory himself in those days.....but....for whatever reason....didn't go there.....but DID decide that slide work could be a way to re-identify his personal playing style.

    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
    DK Pete likes this.
  19. Judge Judy

    Judge Judy Forum Resident

    Brooklyn, NY, USA
    It's EC. The phrasing and his timing are different from GH's. It's not a huge difference but you can tell that it's him.
    DK Pete likes this.
  20. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    George is a great click-rhythm player. Basically does the same thing on Get Back a bit less muted.
    chaz bragman and supermd like this.
  21. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    I’d give Eric one week in a band with Paul.
  22. DK Pete

    DK Pete Forum Resident

    Levittown. NY
    Interesting; to my ears though I have to say they don’t sound like real strings. In fact after listening to the song about half a dozen times today (inspired by this thread), it even has a Moody Blues-ish texture to it (of course, used completely in a different context).
  23. Crimson Witch

    Crimson Witch Roll across the floor thru the hole & out the door

    One of my favorite Harrison co-writes

    maui jim likes this.
  24. lukpac

    lukpac Senior Member

    Milwaukee, WI
    Not certain, but I think it's more likely it was heavily compressed.
    dryjoy likes this.
  25. Aftermath

    Aftermath Senior Member

    Speaking of pianos, don't miss the one in Satisfaction. :whistle:
    forthlin, supermd and DK Pete like this.

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