The Meaning Behind The Song: Desperado by Linda Ronstadt - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Desperado by Linda Ronstadt


The Meaning Behind The Song: Desperado by Linda Ronstadt

Title Desperado
Artist Linda Ronstadt
Writer/Composer Glenn Frey & Don Henley
Album Don’t Cry Now (1973)
Release Date September 22, 1973
Genre Pop Rock
Producer J. D. Souther

The Lyric Analysis: A Deep Dive into “Desperado”

The timeless ballad “Desperado” by Linda Ronstadt beautifully captures the essence of a lost soul desperately searching for meaning and love. With its haunting melody and poignant lyrics, this song resonates with listeners on a personal and emotional level.

Opening with the plea, “Desperado, why don’t you come to your senses?”, the song immediately sets the tone for introspection. The Desperado represents someone who is guarded, hardened, and trapped in their own emotional prison. As the song progresses, we discover that this person has been wandering aimlessly, riding the metaphorical fences of life, for far too long.

The lyrics hint at a yearning for something more, something that goes beyond temporary pleasures. The Desperado is aware of their tendency to chase after unattainable things, leaving behind those that truly matter. The line “But you only want the things that you can’t get” speaks to a self-destructive pattern that many of us can relate to.

Throughout the song, the Desperado is confronted with the consequences of their choices. The metaphorical queen of diamonds represents the allure of material wealth and the dangers it poses. On the other hand, the queen of hearts represents the potential for true love and emotional fulfillment.

As the song continues, we also sense a feeling of isolation. The Desperado is described as walking through the world alone, with their pain and hunger driving them towards a longing for freedom. However, as the powerful line “Your prison is walking through this world all alone” suggests, true freedom may lie in allowing oneself to be vulnerable and open to love.

The lyrics evoke a sense of loneliness and despair, especially in lines like “And don’t your feet get cold in the winter time? The sky won’t snow, and the sun won’t shine.” Here, the songwriter captures the inherent sadness of feeling disconnected from the world, unable to experience joy or find comfort.

Yet, there is a glimmer of hope in the song. The line “It may be raining, but there’s a rainbow above you” suggests that even in the darkest of times, there is still a possibility for happiness and love. The Desperado is urged to let somebody love them before it’s too late, highlighting the importance of human connection and emotional intimacy.

Personal Connection: Why “Desperado” Resonates with Me

As a longtime fan of Linda Ronstadt’s music, “Desperado” holds a special place in my heart. It speaks to me on a deeply personal level, reminding me of my own experiences and the struggles I’ve faced in my journey through life.

Like the Desperado, I have often found myself caught up in chasing after the things that are elusive, believing they will bring me happiness and fulfillment. This song serves as a powerful reminder that true contentment can only be found by letting go of these fleeting desires and embracing the love and connections that are right in front of us.

The lyrics also touch upon the loneliness and isolation that many of us feel at times. It’s easy to get lost in our own internal battles, shutting ourselves off from the world and missing out on the joys that life has to offer. “Desperado” serves as a wake-up call, urging us to come to our senses and open ourselves up to the possibility of love and human connection.

Furthermore, the message of the song resonates with timeless themes of vulnerability and putting down our defenses. It reminds me to let go of fear and allow myself to be loved, paving the way for true freedom and happiness.


“Desperado” by Linda Ronstadt is a song that transcends time and speaks directly to the heart. Its melancholic yet hopeful lyrics, combined with Ronstadt’s angelic voice, create a deeply emotional and introspective experience for listeners.

The song’s message of coming to our senses, letting go of our self-imposed prisons, and embracing love is a universal one. It serves as a reminder to all of us to take a step back, reevaluate our priorities, and open ourselves up to the beauty and joy that life has to offer.

Through “Desperado,” Linda Ronstadt delivers a timeless masterpiece that continues to touch the souls of listeners everywhere.

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