The Meaning Behind The Song: Lena Is A White Table by Jane Siberry - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Lena Is A White Table by Jane Siberry

The Meaning Behind The Song: Lena Is A White Table by Jane Siberry

Lena Is A White Table is a beautiful song composed and performed by the talented Canadian singer-songwriter, Jane Siberry. Released in 1993, it is one of the standout tracks from her album “When I Was a Boy.” The song holds a deep meaning that revolves around themes of loss, grief, and transcendence. As the haunting melody and poetic lyrics unfold, listeners are taken on a profound journey of emotions.

The Symbolic Representation of Lena Is A White Table

The song’s enigmatic title, “Lena Is A White Table,” invites us to delve into its symbolic meaning. The imagery of a white table signifies a space of emptiness, of absence. It portrays a profound loss, much like an empty chair at a gathering, where the absence of a loved one is felt keenly by those present. In this case, Lena represents someone who is no longer physically present, but her essence still lingers.

Jane Siberry’s ethereal vocals and poetic storytelling take us on an introspective exploration of grief and healing. The song captures the essence of longing, love, and the delicate balance between remembering and letting go. It serves as a poignant reminder that even in the wake of loss, the emotional connection with our loved ones remains eternal.

The Journey of Grief and Transcendence

As the song unfolds, listeners are invited to embark on a transformative journey. Jane Siberry’s lyrics depict the various stages of grief, from denial and longing to acceptance and transcendence.

The opening verses illustrate the initial denial and longing for the presence of Lena. It’s a yearning for her return, a refusal to accept her physical absence. Siberry’s emotive vocals bring forth the depth of longing and the bittersweet memories that envelop those left behind.

As the song progresses, a sense of acceptance and transcendence starts to emerge. Lena’s absence is not seen as a void, but rather as a space to hold memories, love, and connection. The haunting refrain, “Lena is a white table, moving from room to room,” symbolizes the immortality of Lena’s spirit. She becomes a presence that transcends time, moving gracefully through the spaces she once inhabited.

Jane Siberry’s Lena Is A White Table is a profound exploration of love, loss, and the power of memory. Through its poetic lyrics, haunting melody, and thought-provoking imagery, the song invites listeners to confront their own experiences of grief and find solace in the transformative journey towards acceptance and transcendence.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What inspired Jane Siberry to write Lena Is A White Table?

Jane Siberry has revealed in interviews that Lena Is A White Table was inspired by her own experiences with loss and grief. The song was born out of a deeply personal journey of healing and reflection.

2. Is Lena Is A White Table based on a true story?

While the song carries autobiographical elements, Lena Is A White Table is a work of art that utilizes metaphor and symbolism to convey its message. It touches upon universal experiences of loss and remembrance, resonating with listeners from various backgrounds.

3. What is the significance of the title, Lena Is A White Table?

The title holds symbolic meaning, depicting the absence and presence of a loved one simultaneously. The white table represents emptiness, a space that holds memories and lingers in the hearts of those left behind.

4. What emotions does the song Lena Is A White Table evoke?

The song encapsulates a range of emotions. It evokes feelings of longing, grief, acceptance, and transcendence. Listeners often find themselves moved by the beauty and poignancy of the lyrics and melody.

5. How does Jane Siberry’s vocal style contribute to the song’s impact?

Jane Siberry’s ethereal and emotive vocal style adds an extra layer of depth and emotion to the song, enhancing its impact. Her heartfelt delivery resonates with listeners, allowing them to connect and empathize with the shared human experiences portrayed in the lyrics.

6. Are there any live performances or covers of Lena Is A White Table?

Yes, over the years, Lena Is A White Table has been performed live by Jane Siberry herself, as well as covered by various artists who were touched by the song’s profound message. These live performances and covers continue to captivate audiences with their unique interpretations of the song.

7. What other songs are similar to Lena Is A White Table in terms of theme and emotional depth?

Jane Siberry has a vast catalog of emotionally charged songs that explore similar themes of love, loss, and transcendence. Songs like “Calling All Angels,” “The Valley,” and “One More Colour” are just a few examples of her discography that resonate on a deep emotional level.

8. Can Lena Is A White Table be interpreted differently by different listeners?

Yes, one of the beautiful aspects of Lena Is A White Table is its ability to evoke personal interpretations. Listeners bring their own experiences and emotions to the song, allowing it to hold different meanings for individual listeners.

9. What impact has Lena Is A White Table had on Jane Siberry’s career?

Lena Is A White Table stands as a testament to Jane Siberry’s talent as a songwriter and performer. The song has garnered critical acclaim and has become one of her most beloved and recognized works. It has solidified her place as a respected and influential figure in the music industry.

10. How has Lena Is A White Table resonated with fans over the years?

Lena Is A White Table has deeply resonated with fans worldwide. Many listeners have shared personal stories of how the song provided solace during times of grief, serving as a source of comfort and healing. The song’s universal themes and emotional depth have connected people from all walks of life.

11. Does Jane Siberry discuss the meaning of Lena Is A White Table in interviews?

While Jane Siberry has provided insights into the inspiration behind Lena Is A White Table in interviews, she has also expressed the importance of allowing listeners to form their own interpretations and meanings. The song’s open-ended nature is deliberately crafted to encourage personal connections.

12. How does Lena Is A White Table continue to impact listeners today?

Decades after its release, Lena Is A White Table remains a powerful and impactful song. Its timeless message of love, loss, and transcendence continues to resonate with listeners, offering them solace, healing, and a reminder of the enduring power of music.

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