《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taiwan not engaged in arms race with China, Tsai says - 焦點 - 自由時報電子報

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    《TAIPEI TIMES》 Taiwan not engaged in arms race with China, Tsai says

President Tsai Ing-wen delivers the opening address at the Yushan Forum in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: CNA

    \\\news\ok_retouch_folder\20211009\P01-211009-pic1A.jpg President Tsai Ing-wen delivers the opening address at the Yushan Forum in Taipei yesterday. Photo: CNA

    2021/10/09 03:00

    By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA

    Taiwan has no intention of initiating military conflict, but would not shy away from defending its democracy and way of life, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said yesterday.

    Tsai made the remarks during a speech at the annual Yushan Forum in Taipei, which this year focused on international collaboration in public health and economic revival in areas affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Tsai said that Taiwan can play a critical role in the development of peace and prosperity in the Indo-Pacific region, especially at a time when the world is still trying to find its footing after the pandemic.

    The nation has much to offer to the world, including the restructuring of global supply chains, as it boasts a strong high-tech industry, with focus on semiconductors, biotechnology and renewable resources, as well as a highly trained workforce, she said.

    Taiwan also has much to offer in education, public health and natural disaster prevention, she added.

    The region requires peace and stability to prosper, Tsai said, highlighting the role of a transparent and liberal environment.

    Taiwan is in the fastest-developing region in the world, and the pace of its development would shape the 21st century, she said.

    However, the region’s increasing prosperity is not without its challenges, and rising tensions and conflict between different systems of government could severely affect the global economy and international security, Tsai said.

    Taiwan would collaborate with regional entities to ensure stability, Tsai added.

    Its collaboration with key regional players has prevented military conflicts from erupting in the Taiwan Strait and in the East and South China seas, she said.

    Taiwan does not seek military conflict and would work with its neighbors to maintain stability and peace, she said, adding that predictable behavior is key to mutually beneficial relations.

    “We will do our utmost to defend our freedom and our democratic way of life,” Tsai said.

    In the post-pandemic era, Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy is its main regional policy, helping the nation boost links with partners such as the US, Australia, India, Japan and ASEAN countries, Tsai said.

    Taiwan might not be a large country, but it has an important place in the region, she said.

    Taiwanese would not bend to external threats, as the nation is determined to be an indispensable member in the region, she said.


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