Tripadvisor | 私人半日真正的香港徒步遊 | 中國


提供者:Big Foot Tour
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  • 內幕人士的香港步行遊
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  • 講英語,有執照的導遊
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  • 根據我們的經驗,我們的客戶在4小時的香港真實旅遊中往往花費約150港元

您的導遊將在中環地鐵站與您會面,在那裡您將準備開始您的鄰里徒步旅行。在熱門景點跳過眾多遊客,您將被引導到像雕像廣場這樣的雷達式景點,這是一個風景如畫的英國統治遺跡及其維多利亞女王的半身像。 通過導遊的內幕知識豐富您對城市的體驗。了解風水藝術和真正的香港居民的日常生活,您將發現這座城市被忽視的寶石,參觀貓街市場 - 一個古董和正宗餐館的寶庫。通過瀏覽中藥市場,在城市的新鮮食品攤位品嚐當地美食,體驗傳統文化。 在這個古怪的,不受歡迎的4小時旅遊中,您還可以乘坐世界上最長的自動扶梯之一。您將步行參觀Man Mo,這是一座獨一無二的19世紀道教神廟,致力於文學之神。

  • Statue Square, Des Voeux Rd Central, Central, Hong Kong
    默認的會議地點是上午10點在港鐵中央車站K街出口。您的嚮導將戴著徽章,上面寫著“ Big Foot Tour”。 重要提示:如果您選擇了酒店接送,您的嚮導將在早上10點直接在您的酒店大堂與您會合,然後一起出發前往中央車站。
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      • 你的遊覽團出發地點:
        Statue Square
      • 途徑
        Big Foot Tour
      • 1
        Statue Square
        逗留時長: 30 分鐘
      • 2
        Mid-levels Escalator
        逗留時長: 15 分鐘
      • 3
        逗留時長: 30 分鐘
      • 4
        Graham Street Market
        逗留時長: 15 分鐘
      • 5
        Man Mo Temple
        逗留時長: 30 分鐘
      • 6
        Cat Street Market
        逗留時長: 15 分鐘
      • 7
        Western District
        逗留時長: 30 分鐘
      • 你將會返回至出發地點
      • Big Foot Tour
        2011年7月 加入
      • juan712
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
      • CSW2020
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        以前从没去过香港,不想看旅游书,想亲自去看看。我要在香港转机,只能呆一天一夜,还好找到了最好的导游Ski Yeo。他为我制定了一个旅游计划,晚上先在九龙市场逛街,一路没少吃东西。第二天一早去了港岛,跟九龙完全不同。走过老城和商务区的时候,感受到了新旧的强烈对比。我们在家餐厅吃到了推车上的甜点,简直就是人间美味!总的来说,我对香港的第一印象非常好!
      • evidam
        0 篇投稿
        4.0/5 分
      • Simon B
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
      • kay_mck
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        有趣,好玩,长见识——一定要尝试Big Foot Tour
        我和我老公定了Big Foot Tour,因为我们喜欢品尝新奇的食物。他们给的推荐都非常棒。我们见到了我们在旺角的导游思琪——事实上,是她找到我们的,因为她事先查看了我的Facebook(相当于国内的人人网),所以她能认出我来——真是有先见之明啊,从这件小事情上我们就可以看出来她是个多么聪明,有见识,办事爽利的姑娘。 我们很喜欢漫步在色彩缤纷的市场中,听着思琪讲着香港文化,生活。 我们尝试着吃了好多种之前从来没有勇气尝试吃的东西,她带我们去了我们做梦都没有想到过要去的地方。我觉得这就是订私人导游的好处,你可以自由地行走,不用着急,不用赶场,可以尝试一些全新的东西。还有,一定要尝一杯珍珠奶茶,那是一种很特别的饮料,里面加了木薯粒(珍珠奶茶里的“珍珠”),还有烤肉——真是太好吃了! 试试报Big Foot Tour,你一定不会失望的!
      • Dorothea-sds
        0 篇投稿
        5.0/5 分
        我们在香港参加了步行游,一切都很让人满意,玩得很开心。导游Ski Yeo很专业,人很热心,业务知识丰富,对城市的一切都了如指掌。真诚地向大家推荐大脚旅行团。
      查看全部 963 則評論
      這些評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。Tripadvisor 會根據我們業界領先的信任與安全標準對評論進行檢查。請參閱我們的透明度報告以進一步了解。

      5.0/5 分66 則評論

      Susan M
      8 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2023年9月 • 家庭式
      Our guide Maggie was wonderful. I worked with Ski to set up 2 private tours: Kowloon and Real Hong Kong Tour. Both were excellent. I only wanted half-day tours, and both were perfect for us – 4 hours walking around Hong Kong in the heat and humidity was a lot, but Maggie was great! Very informative, a kind, caring person we enjoyed getting to know her, and her life in Hong Kong. Would book with this company again, truly wonderful!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。

      Emily K
      2 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年7月 • 夫妻情侶
      We had such a great "behind the scenes" tour of local places in Central and Western Districts of HK. Maggie was just awesome! It was ridiculously hot, of course that was partly our fault visiting in mid-July! She answered all my questions honestly - something you can't get from a tour guide in Mainland China because they are so highly regulated, so this was a refreshing change! We learned so much about the culture in Hong Kong, which is my favorite. If you like learning about current culture and food, this is the tour for you! Honestly, I can only see so many temples in Asia before they all start looking the same. This tour was different! Maggie did take us in a Taoist Temple which was different from the Buddhist ones and also very interesting because she explained all the rituals in great detail. She took us to a couple of awesome food places (local, not touristy) to try Hong Kong French Toast, Egg Tart, and tea. Everything was excellent! We also loved touring the local food markets, with all the crazy and different food for sale (ie pig's head and cut up fish with the heart that was still beating!) She explained the herbalist doctors and what they do. We sort of booked this tour last minute, but it was my favorite thing we did in Hong Kong!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Emily K. Yes, the weather was crazy that day, but both of you were certainly troopers. You've covered lots of ground with Maggie! Hong Kong is an amazing city. Whether you are a first-time visitor, frequent traveler, expats or even locals, there is always something exciting to be discovered. Hole-in-the-wall eateries frequent by locals, interesting stories about Hong Kong, backstreets and hidden gems... we love sharing all these insiders' knowledge during our walks. We can't say this enough, but we are very grateful for this chance to share with you our love for our city! P.S: Yes, we take last-minute bookings. For more information on our walking tours, please contact us directly via our main website. Hope to see you in Hong Kong soon!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      澳洲佩里吉安海灘3 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年6月 • 夫妻情侶
      Our guide Ivan took us on a 4 hour walking tour of Central on Hong Kong Island where we saw an amazing array of sights from the towering skyscrapers to the small alley ways with tiny restaurants jam packed with locals and an atmospheric Taoist temple.
      The pace was easy going with plenty of stops and we finished with a ride on a double decker tram. Thank you Ivan. I can highly recommend this tour.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Jwalm. Your review certainly made our day! Yes, Ivan definitely has lots of passion for Hong Kong and thoroughly enjoys sharing his wealth of knowledge with his guests. Hong Kong has changed a lot since your last visit 30 years ago, isn't it? For our private tours, you can also be assured of our fullest attention and we are more than happy to further customise the itinerary to your pace and interests (e.g. food, history, culture). It's been our greatest pleasure to host you and your family in Hong Kong. Stay in touch! Side note: For the latest information on our Hong Kong walking tours, please visit our main website. You'll also find links to our Facebook (bigfoottour), Instagram (bigfoottour_hk) as well as our blog, where we offer our useful tips on Hong Kong!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Brian K
      英國比弗利215 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年4月 • 好友旅行
      We booked this tour as a group of 4 adults pretty much last minute and so glad we did. We were only in HK for 2 and a half days and this tour really brought HK Island to life and ensured we got the most out of our limited time there. Maggie our guide was excellent and, being a HK resident was brilliant at showing us places we wouldn't have seen and, more importantly, explaining the culture and history around the places we were taken too (including some very out of the way and authentic HK eateries. Would highly recommend.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Brain K, for your warm hands of friendship! As avid travelers ourselves, we know how overwhelming it can be to plan and visit a foreign country - especially one with vastly different cultures. As such, we treasure the chance to be your local friend in Hong Kong. We love to provide a behind-the-scenes look, for example, by highlighting how it feels for a local to live in such a dynamic city. We also can't wait to share with you our insider tips, from hole-in-wall eateries which are well-loved by locals, to our tips and tricks on maximizing your time in Hong Kong. We can't say enough, but we are tremendously grateful for your trust and support in us. We hope you had enjoyed Hong Kong as much as we do!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      1 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年4月 • 好友旅行
      Ivan did a great job to give us a local's view of Hong Kong. Opened my eyes to quite a few things I didn't know about.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Awhtijo. We certainly hope we can surprise you again with more local insights in your next trip to Hong Kong. Hope all of your photos turn out well - Hong Kong's an amazing city of contrast for photography, isn't it? Do share with us your photos when we meet up the next time. It'll be nice to highlight to you what has changed in this city that never sleeps!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      Ashley R
      愛達荷博伊西4 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年5月 • 夫妻情侶
      My husband and I did a private Real Hong Kong walking tour and really enjoyed it. Our guide was Maggie and she was excellent. We saw a good variety of things and her presentations were very informative. She knows so much and is very kind and easy going. Would definitely recommend!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Ashley R. Our Real Hong Kong Tour has always been our most popular private tour as it provides travelers with a perfect overview of Hong Kong in the most honest and entertaining way possible. Although the tour is based around Central District, we do not focus on shopping. Instead, we love guiding our guests to go beyond the facade of these shopping malls, flashy cars and designer stores. Through observation, participation and lots of fun, we cover a range of topics from history to culture to the everyday life of a local!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      南非比勒陀利亞3 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年5月 • 好友旅行
      we had a great couple of hours on our first day with Celia from Big Foot Tours. she is so knowledgeable and gave us good insight into the local scene and introduced us to the food and showed us around Central. she assisted us with finding our feet and afterwards we could get around, taking the bus,MTR, ferry and eating at local places. was the best decision ever.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Paulinesmith2016. Your review certainly made our day, especially Celia's! We can't say this enough, but every guest of Big Foot Tour is not just merely a customer, but a special friend of ours. We love keeping our walks light-hearted, happy and intimate. As fellow foodies ourselves, we also enjoy guiding our guests to eateries that are well-loved by locals (read: no tourist trips nor overpriced food). Thank you so much for letting us be part of your first trip to Hong Kong! Celia sends her regards and hopes you enjoyed the rest of your trip!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      charyl r
      10 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年5月 • 夫妻情侶
      Our guide, Maggie, was superlative. We went with her for a walking tour of the mid-levels in Hong Kong and learned so much. Her depth of knowledge was incredible. She explained culture, architecture, food and religion. She took us to a tiny tea shop that we would never have found with the guide books and we were able to try the superlative Hong Kong French toast. We traveled past open air markets and she explained how the butchers and the fish mongers were selling their foods. We got to see the dried foods; from dried squid to dried sea cucumbers to dried fruits. Fascinating! Maggie expanded our horizons so much with her stories and facts. She was so pleasant. I thought that we had 'done' Hong Kong in the few days before going on a tour with Maggie. We found out that we had just scratched the surface. Our only regrets are that we did not go out with Maggie earlier in our stay and that we only went for a few hours. Thank you, Maggie!
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Charyl R, for allowing us to share with you our passion for Hong Kong. Yes, Maggie certainly has lots of enthusiasm! She has been in the travel industry for more than 25 years and always fancy meeting travelers who are keen to to have an insider look into her city! Did you have a good Dim Sum lunch after the tour? We hope you like the view at the Peak too, especially at our secret spot. It's definitely one of our favourite places for a panorama view of Hong Kong's charming skyline! Psst.. For tips on beating the crowd to Victoria Peak, you can find the article link at our blog. More details on our main website and Facebook Page (bigfoottour).
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      南非約翰內斯堡5 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年4月 • 好友旅行
      Ivan was our tour guide for this tour, and he was most helpful and most informative. He ensured we would know how to get around on our own - helped us with the transport and gave us an excellent tour and overview of Hong Kong. I would highly recommend this tour to any first time visitor to Hong Kong.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Vivvh. For our guests who have only a short stay in Hong Kong, we love to help by providing a concise overview of Hong Kong through our Real Hong Kong Tour. By immersing our guests in a real Hong Kong environment, sharing our local cultures as well as highlighting the challenges that Hong Kong faces, we provide an insider's perspective of this dynamic city. We look forward to the day when you visit Hong Kong again as we can't wait to share more hidden gems and interesting stories!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      5 則投稿
      5.0/5 分
      2019年4月 • 夫妻情侶
      We highly recommend this tour and Ivan as a guide. He gave us wonderful local insights and history. He took us to places we would not have seen or appreciated on our own.
      這則評論是 Tripadvisor 會員的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。 Tripadvisor 會檢查評論。
      Thank you, Mark R. We are simply delighted to be given the chance to show you around. Ivan had a wonderful time too, especially hearing about your memories of our old Kai Tak Airport. Hong Kong has changed a lot since, isn't it? Do let us know when you visit Hong Kong again. I'm sure we have lots more stories and personal recommendations to share with you!
      這則回應是管理階層代表的主觀意見,而非 Tripadvisor LLC。

      顯示第 110 頁結果 (共 66 頁)

