The Feral Irishman: Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....

Friday, May 28, 2021

Friday Femme Fatale Farrago.....








"Pssst... We "netted" a visit from Mrs Smith"

  A few readers have asked about the numbering. Please go HERE to get a tutorial.  Enjoy!!


Carry on.......
















Enjoy the weekend and remember:









  1. Colorado Alex in ExileMay 28, 2021 at 9:19 PM

    Trying this again.

    My guess is 158...

  2. I've fished the Crazy Woman creek. Has a bit part in the movie, Jeremiah Johnson.

    1. We don't have Crazy Woman Creek here.
      We have Crazy Woman Next Door...
      Crazy Woman In Parking Lot...
      Crazy Woman In Checkout Line...
      Crazy Woman In Kitchen Where Knives Are...

    2. Why is my ex-wife stalking you?????

  3. As always, a wonderful bunch of lovely ladies and assorted pictures of other sundry goods. And I also thank those who gave their lives fighting for the freedom that we still possess here in America. May we not allow their sacrifice prove to have been in vain.

  4. Ten tons of tittays! Outstanding post.

  5. Great post Mr. Irish a couple of those fillies rocked my boat.

  6. Sooo, no word game so that we could figure out which of the 170 or so (discounting the pics of booze, food guns and vehicles) pics might be Mrs. Smith?

    I'm pretty sure that "Mrs. Smith" wouldn't want to have her face visible for obvious reasons. However, that leaves several dozen that might qualify.

    I thank the person who invented yoga pants. Those red heads at 25, 112 and 153 will definitely put a hurtin' on ya, but what a way to go.

    #178 yes, I remember gassing behind a license plate, and yeh I was young then. Now, not so much.

    #184 again best for next to last.

    Another great FFF. Thanks and have a great weekend, try to stay dry.


    1. Pssst, Nemo........

      Irish, "NETTED" a pic of Mrs. Smith.
      Like, maybe - fishnets, perhaps?

      Whitehall, NY

    2. Daayyummm. Were there more than one?

      Coralynn looking wild and crazy. Thanks Irish.

  7. #143, I love it when the carpet matches the drapes!

  8. Pic 39 is my choice. Long platinum blond/silver/grey hair. Of course, I would not turn any of the others away unless the long haired lady told me to make a decision.

  9. I'd say 158----nice 'nets'

  10. 7 - The best part of waking up.....

    8 - A Mopar I'd actually own.

    13, 28, 35 - More square bodies. I'm sensing a trend.

    14 - Pineapples. Hmmm. I wonder if she tastes like a baked ham?

    17 - Damn. Just, damn.

    24 & 26 - Two words : Goody Coles !

    29 - What's New?

    32 - My favorite body style; this time in a '69 High Boy. Sweet.

    38 - Rockford should have stuck to gold.

    47 - Seems to me you used to have one of these. If I remember correctly.

    72 - Tactical Seifuku. Cosplay done right.

    76 - Talk about prepared. She brought hair-ties and her own napkin.

    81 - Cadillac Northstar. Still easier to change than an Escape alternator.

    131 - Somebody is a lucky dude.

    93/142 - It's deja vu all over again.

    147 - Envy wears a green dress.

    153 - Cue, C.W. Swanson : Freckles, they are good. (DAMN Right they are)

    158 - Thank you, Ma'am!

    164 - Mud crickets.

    185 - A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
    John Stuart Mill

    Outstanding line-up, again.
    Just when we think that you can't top yourself, you prove us wrong.
    Thanks, Boss. You made our week.

    I'd say enjoy the weather, but WMUR has rain straight through Tuesday.
    Nothing says ya can't grill up some quality grub and hoist a few brews, regardless of the weather.
    Enjoy it anyhow!

    Whitehall, NY

    BTW - When I tried to look up the quote, for 185, the only results Gulag would forward to me were all BLM related. Pretty much harping about how whypeepoo, especially the males of the species, need to be more in touch with how awful we are. Bing on the other hand, gave me the result I was looking for first, but still had the racial hand-wringing - just not as bad.
    I am so sick of the brainwashing of the masses.

  11. Epic Post!! The girl with the coffee cup and bobby sox!!! Thanks Irish!!

  12. I'm guessing the brunette in the bodysuit.
    Boobs and booties aside, growing up, my folks had a pair of Plymouth Furys that I'd flip the license plate to fill the tank. Gas was 79 cents back then.
    Great wisdom in the memes, particularly Americana Mama. I'm stealing that one.

  13. I'm guessing the brunette in the bodysuit.
    Boobs and booties aside, growing up, my folks had a pair of Plymouth Furys that I'd flip the license plate to fill the tank. Gas was 79 cents back then.
    Great wisdom in the memes, particularly Americana Mama. I'm stealing that one.

  14. One more thing, in the first picture, wtf is she shooting, and where can I get one?

    1. Barrett .50 BMG, M82A1CQ. Don't think they make that model anymore, but you might try Gunbroker for the suppressor ready M107A1.

  15. I remember 178. Back when it didn't matter which direction you were pointing when you pulled up to the pump!

  16. Nice Memorial Day 1957 traffic jam on 4 as hubby races to the other side of the car calling to the guy in the next land, "Hey, buddy, honk when they start moving".

    Nice chablis on 23

    Nice tush on 104, 40. Or at 40.

    Nice pillows on 90 - 92, 106, 108, 148

    Nice (extremely) older lady on 154.

    Nice mermaid on 118.

    Nice flotation devices on 184.

    And 90 needfs to read some history because doesn't know what he's talking about.

    PS Why did you wait to 90 to start most of the good stuff?

  17. 64 has that "I'm not sure you could handle me" smile....

  18. Yay! Another excellent job by Irish, as usual.
    I'm guessing #82, as in Mrs. Smith's Apple Pie.

  19. Just got around to perusing the FFF. This may be the best lot yet. Thank you!


  20. Happy and Healthy Memorial day men.
    We made it another year above ground.
    Carry On,

  21. Excellent photography...again. OG

  22. Some fine outdoorsy types and milfs. :)

  23. On the gas can thing. Don't leave water and sugar. Leave gas and a good amount of fiberglass resin mixed in (10%) . The heat from the engine will act the same as the hardener that is mixed with the resin to cure it. Once the engine cools the valves will lock into place. Car no go no more.

  24. #127, YES! Concur on the great older lady #154


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