Our Fees | Pre-Prep, Prep, and Boarding | Felsted School


Felsted is an independent school, overseen by a board of governors who agree the fee levels each year. Founded by Richard Lord Riche in 1564, Felsted School is a charity (no. 310870) and as such reinvests any surplus made back into the school, ensuring that future generations of Felstedians receive the very finest of British education that their predecessors have experienced over the past 458 years.

Felsted aims to keep its fees as low as possible and sits at a very competitive level compared to schools of a similar type nationally. We appreciate what a commitment it is for parents to pay for a leading education and as such would recommend that you gain independent financial advice to secure the best method for paying these fees.

The best investment I have made to secure my children's future


Payment Methods

Payments can be made by bank transfer, cheque, via our online payment system (Flywire) or by telephone using debit/credit card. Please see below for more information and instructions for online payments, direct debits and paying fees in advance.



Contact information

Please contact the Finance Manager for further information on payment schemes:
Mr Peter Beament
Telephone: 01371 822628/626
Email: headfinance@felsted.org

Thank you all for the support and encouragement you’ve given our son. His progress over his years at Felsted has been nothing short of phenomenal. We’ve always has faith in his potential, but turning that potential into achievement is a testament to the expertise of the Felsted teaching team. He has tremendously grown in confidence and relishes the many, many opportunities he has. No other school could have done better. Thank you.