Family Guy S 19 E 6 Megs Wedding / Recap - TV Tropes

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Recap / Family Guy S 19 E 6 Megs Wedding

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A lonely Meg enters a relationship with an unexpected suitor: Bruce. Meanwhile, Peter gets his arms torn off and is stuck with stubby replacements until they grow back.


  • Affectionate Nickname: Bruce and Meg have given each other affectionate nicknames. Meg is "The Megalodon" and Bruce is "Bruce Almighty".
  • An Arm and a Leg: Peter's arms get ripped off by chains at a Cherry Poppin' Daddies concert.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: Meg plays of Bruce's famous "Oh no!" with Jeffrey's "I know!".
  • Comically Missing the Point: Peter and Lois' first concern about their 18-year-old daughter dating a 52-year-old man (old enough to be her father, and technically almost old enough to be her grandfather) is that the man is clearly gay. The age gap is never brought up once in the episode.
  • Coming-Out Story: After 52 years of being in the closet, Bruce finally comes out to his parents.
  • A Day in the Limelight: This is the first episode where Bruce gets a major role.
  • Fully Automatic Clip Show: The end of the episode features a supercut of a bunch of funny things Peter did, while he was cursed with tiny arms.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Lois goes into hysterics over Meg and Bruce's marriage, and Peter smacks her with his arms while saying the phrase word-for-word (well, except with "man" changed to "woman", of course).
  • Given Name Reveal: This episode reveals that Bruce's last name is "Straight". Also doubles as an Ironic Name, given that it's Bruce we're talking about.
  • Hidden Depths: Peter apparently knows A Farewell to Arms well enough to assume Dr Hartman showing him the book was him saying he fell in love a nurse. Dr Hartman is even incredulous that Peter knows the book.
  • Self-Deprecation: Peter puts himself down, possibly on purpose.
    Lois: Peter, I'm sorry. I'm just not okay with our daughter marrying a man who is clearly gay.
    Peter: You know, you're starting to sound an awful lot like your own mother.
  • Sham Marriage: Bruce only goes along with the scenario to placate his parents.
  • Subverted Catchphrase: During Bruce and Jeffery's wedding, they declare, "Oh, Bruce!" "Oh, Jeffery!" Then the Kool-Aid Man bursts through the wall saying his trademark "Oh, yeah!", only to stop short and leave with a Rapid-Fire "No!", taking The Bible with him.
  • Suicide by Sea: Parodied. The janitor and the single father kill themselves by filling their pockets with rocks or bowling balls and standing in the water to sink to their a mop bucket.
  • Suicide Pact: Esther joins a suicide pact with her boyfriend, Bobby.
  • Wedding Episode: The marriage between Meg and Bruce which, after a series of wacky, shocking, and revelatory events, changes into the marriage between Bruce and Jeffrey.
  • Why Waste a Wedding?: Downplayed. Bruce proposes to Jeffrey right after Meg calls off the wedding, but the priest refuses to marry them in his church so they have to move to a Walgreens parking lot and have Peter do it.
