F-Sharp Minor Scale: Natural, Harmonic And Melodic
Music TheoryHarmonyScales

F-Sharp Minor Scale: Natural, Harmonic And Melodic

Written by Dan Farrant

Last updated

Minor scales have a dark and mysterious sound that is used to create tension and emotion in music. They’re essential scales to learn for composers and musicians, but they can be a bit confusing as there are three different types.

In this post, we’re going to be exploring the natural, melodic, and harmonic forms of F-Sharp minor scale. So, if you’re ready to dive into the key of F-Sharp minor, let’s get started!

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale

The first form of F-Sharp minor that we will look at is the natural minor scale.

It’s made up of seven notes starting on F-Sharp (which is known as the keynote). It then follows the natural minor scale formula of whole and half steps.

This gives us the notes: F# G# A B C# D E

As you can see, it has three sharp notes: F#, C# and G#

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale in the Treble Clef

Here are all the notes of F-Sharp natural minor scale in the treble clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Ascending in the Treble Clef
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Treble Clef Descending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Descending in the Treble Clef

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale in the Bass Clef

Next up, we have F-Sharp natural minor scale in the bass clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Bass Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Ascending in the Bass Clef
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Bass Clef Descending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Descending in the Bass Clef

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale in the Alto Clef

The least common of all the clefs, here we have F-Sharp natural minor scale in the Alto clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Alto Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Ascending in the Alto Clef
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Alto Clef Descending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Descending in the Alto Clef

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale in the Tenor Clef

And finally, here are all the notes of F-Sharp natural minor scale in the tenor clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Tenor Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Ascending in the Tenor Clef
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Tenor Clef Descending
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Descending in the Tenor Clef

Natural Minor Scale Formula

The natural minor scale, like every other type of scale, is constructed by using a certain combination of intervals between each note.

The formula, using whole steps and half steps, is:

Whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step.

This is abbreviated to W W H W W W H.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale Treble Clef Ascending With Whole and Half Steps
F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale with Whole and Half Steps

Using the British terminology of tones and semitones, this would be:

Tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone.

Which gets abbreviated to T S T T S T T.

F-Sharp Natural Minor Scale with Tones and Semitones

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale

The next form of F-Sharp minor scale we’ll look at is the F-Sharp harmonic minor which is slightly different from the natural minor in that it has a raised 7th note.

So, the notes in F-Sharp harmonic minor are: F# G# A B C# D E#

Notice that the seventh note is raised from an E to an E#.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale in the Treble Clef

First, let’s look at F-Sharp harmonic minor scale in the treble clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Treble Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Ascending in the Treble Clef
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Treble Clef Descending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Descending in the Treble Clef

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale in the Bass Clef

Next, we have F-Sharp harmonic minor ascending and descending in the bass clef.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Bass Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Ascending in the Bass Clef
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Bass Clef Descending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Descending in the Bass Clef

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale in the Alto Clef

The least common of all the clefs, here we have F-Sharp harmonic minor ascending and descending in the alto clef.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Alto Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Ascending in the Alto Clef
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Alto Clef Descending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Descending in the Alto Clef

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale in the Tenor Clef

And now we have F-Sharp harmonic minor in the tenor clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Tenor Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Ascending in the Tenor Clef
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Tenor Clef Descending
F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale Descending in the Tenor Clef

Hamonic Minor Scale Formula

The natural minor scale, like every other type of scale, is constructed by using a certain combination of intervals between each note.

The formula, using whole steps and half steps, is:

Whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole and a half step, half step.

This is abbreviated to W H W W H WH H.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale with Whole and Half Steps

Using the British terminology of tones and semitones, this would be:

Tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone and a semitone, semitone.

Which gets abbreviated to T S T T S TS S.

F-Sharp Harmonic Minor Scale with Tones and Semitones

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale

And the last type of minor scale we’ll look at is F-Sharp melodic minor scale. This one is a bit different from the others, though.

When it’s ascending, it’s different from the natural in that its 6th and 7th notes are raised.

This gives us the notes: F# G# A B C# D# E#

But, when descending, the 6th and 7th notes are lowered a semitone.

This means that it’s the same as the natural minor scale when descending, giving us the notes: E D C# B A G# F#

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in the Treble Clef

Let’s take a look at F-Sharp melodic minor scale in the treble clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Treble Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Ascending in the Treble Clef
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Descending in the Treble Clef

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in the Bass Clef

Next up, let’s take a look at F-Sharp melodic minor scale ascending and descending in the bass clef.

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Bass Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Ascending in the Bass Clef
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Descending in the Bass Clef

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in the Alto Clef

Now we have F-Sharp melodic minor scale in the alto clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Alto Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Ascending in the Alto Clef
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Descending in the Alto Clef

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale in the Tenor Clef

And here’s F-Sharp melodic minor scale in the tenor clef, ascending and descending.

F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Tenor Clef Ascending
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Ascending in the Tenor Clef
F-Sharp Melodic Minor Scale Descending in the Tenor Clef

What is the Key Signature of F-Sharp Minor?

Every minor key has a key signature, just like the major scales. This tells us which notes should be played sharp or flat (other than the raised notes in the harmonic and melodic minor scales.

F-Sharp minor has the same key signature as A major, which is three sharps in its key signature: F#, C# and G#.

F-Sharp Minor Key Signature

What is the Relative Major Scale of F-Sharp Minor?

Every minor scale has a relative major scale, and every major one has a relative minor one. But what is the relative major scale of F-Sharp minor?

The relative major scale of F-Sharp minor is A major.

Here is A major scale, which uses all the same notes as F-Sharp natural minor but starts on A, which is its keynote: A B C# D E F# G#

A Major Scale Treble Clef Ascending
A Major Scale Ascending in the Treble Clef
A Major Scale Treble Clef Descending
A Major Scale Descending in the Treble Clef

But how do we know that A major is the relative major scale of F-Sharp minor?

Well, to work out the relative major key of a minor one, all we have to do is go up three half steps (semitones).

So from F-Sharp, we go up one half step to G, a second half step to G-Sharp, and a third half step to A: F# > G > G# > A

To learn more about the relative major of F-Sharp minor, see our guide to A major scale here.


That’s it for our guide to the scale of F-Sharp minor! We hope it helped make a bit more sense of everything.

Feel free to use this post as a reference and let us know if you have any other questions.

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Dan Farrant, the founder of Hello Music Theory, has been teaching music for over 15 years, helping hundreds of thousands of students unlock the joy of music. He graduated from The Royal Academy of Music in 2012 and then launched Hello Music Theory in 2014. He plays the guitar, piano, bass guitar and double bass and loves teaching music theory.