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Some Queries Based on Movie.sql
# Write a query in SQL to find the name of all reviewers who have rated their ratings with a NULL value.
select rev_name from reviewer , rating
where reviewer.rev_id = rating.rev_id
and rev_stars IS NULL;
#Write a query in SQL to list the first and last names of all the actors who were cast in the
#movie 'Annie Hall', and the roles they played in that production.
select a.act_fname ,a.act_lname , mc.role
from actor a , movie_cast mc , movie m
where m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and mc.act_id = a.act_id
and m.mov_title= 'Annie Hall'
#Write a query in SQL to find the name of movie and director (first and last names) who directed a
#movie that casted a role for 'Eyes Wide Shut'.
SELECT d.dir_fname, d.dir_lname, m.mov_title
FROM director d, movie m , movie_cast mc , movie_direction md
and m.mov_id=md.mov_id
and md.dir_id = d.dir_id
and mc.mov_id = m.mov_id
m.mov_title = 'Eyes Wide Shut'
#Write a query in SQL to find the name of movie and director (first and last names)
#who directed a movie that casted a role as Sean Maguire
select m.title , d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname
from movies m , director d , movie_direction md , movie_cast mc
where m.mov_id = md.mov_id
and md.dir_id =d.dir_id
and mc.mov_id = m.mov_id
and mc.role like '%Sean Maguire%'
#Write a query in SQL to list all the actors who acted in a movie before 1990 and also in a movie after 2000
SELECT a.act_fname, a.act_lname, c.mov_title, c.mov_year
FROM actor a, movie_cast b, movie c
WHERE a.act_id=b.act_id
AND b.mov_id=c.mov_id
AND c.mov_year NOT BETWEEN 1990 and 2000;
#Write a query in SQL to list first and last name of all the directors with number of genres movies the
#directed with genres name, and arranged the result alphabetically with the first and last name of the director.
SELECT d.dir_fname,d.dir_lname ,g.gen_title,count(g.gen_title)
from director d , movie_direction md , genres g , movie_genres mg
where d.dir_id=md.dir_id
and g.gen_id = mg.gen_id
and mg.mov_id = md.mov_id
group by d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname, g.gen_title
order by 1 , 2 asc ;
#Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with year and genres
select m.mov_title , m.mov_year, g.gen_title
from movie m , genres g , movie_genres mg
where m.mov_id =mg.mov_id
and g.gen_id =mg.gen_id
#Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with year, genres, and name of the director.
select m.mov_title , m.mov_year , g.gen_title , d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname
from movie m , genres g , movie_genres mg , director d , movie_direction md
where m.mov_id = mg.mov_id
and g.gen_id = mg.gen_id
and d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and md.mov_id = m.mov_id;
#Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with title, year, date of release, movie duration,
#and first and last name of the director which released before 1st january 1989,
#and sort the result set according to release date from highest date to lowest
select m.mov_title , m.mov_year , m.mov_time , m.mov_dt_rel , d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname
from movie m , director d , movie_direction md
where m.mov_id = md.mov_id
and d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and mov_dt_rel <'01/01/1989'
order by 4 desc;
#Write a query in SQL to compute a report which contain the genres of those movies with
#their average time and number of movies for each genres.
select g.gen_title , avg(m.mov_time) , count (g.gen_title)
from genres g , movie m , movie_genres mg
where g.gen_id = mg.gen_id
and mg.mov_id = m.mov_id
group by g.gen_title;
#Write a query in SQL to find those lowest duration movies along with the year, director's name,
#actor's name and his/her role in that production.
select m.mov_title , min(m.mov_time) , m.mov_year , d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname , a.act_fname, a.act_lname, mc.role
from movie m , director d , actor a , movie_cast mc , movie_direction md
where m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and md.mov_id = m.mov_id
and d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and mc.act_id = a.act_id
select m.mov_title , q.Mini, m.mov_year , d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname , a.act_fname, a.act_lname, mc.role
from movie m , director d , actor a , movie_cast mc , movie_direction md , (select min(m.mov_time) as Mini from movie m) as q
where m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and md.mov_id = m.mov_id
and d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and mc.act_id = a.act_id
and m.mov_time =q.Mini
#Write a query in SQL to find all the years which produced a movie that received a rating of 3 or 4,
#and sort the result in increasing order.
select distinct m.year from movie m , rating r
where m.mov_id = r.mov_id
and r.rev_stars in (3 ,4)
ORDER BY m.mov_year;
#Write a query in SQL to return the reviewer name, movie title, and stars in an order that
#reviewer name will come first, then by movie title, and lastly by number of stars.
select rw.rev_name,m.mov_title , r.rev_stars
from movie m , rating r ,reviewer rw
m.mov_id = r.mov_id
and rw.rev_id = r.rev_id
order by 1 ,2 ,3
#Write a query in SQL to find movie title and number of stars for each movie
#that has at least one rating and find the highest number of stars that movie received and sort the result by movie title
select m.mov_title , max(r.rev_stars)
from movie r , rating r
where m.mov_id = r.mov_id
group by m.mov_title
order by 1 asc;
#Write a query in SQL to find the directors first and last name together with the title of the movie(s)
#they directed and received the rating
select d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname , m.mov_title , r.rev_stars
from director d , movie m , movie_direction md
where m.mov_id = md.mov_id
and r.mov_id = m.mov_id
and d.dir_id = md.dir_id;
#Write a query in SQL to find the movie title, actor first and last name, and the
#role for those movies where one or more actors acted in two or more movies
select m.mov_title , a.act_fname, a.act_lname , mc.role
from movie m , actor a, movie_cast mc
where m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and a.act_id = mc.act_id
and a.act_id in (select act_id from movie_cast
group by act_id
having count(*)>=2
#Write a query in SQL to find the first and last name of a director
#and the movie he or she directed, and the actress appeared which first name was Claire
#and last name was Danes along with her role in that movie.
select d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname , m.mov_title , a.act_fname,a.act_lname,mc.role
from director d , movie m , movie_direction md , movie_cast mc , actor a
where d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and m.mov_id = md.mov_id
and mc.mov_id = m.mov_id
and mc.act_id = a.act_id
and a.act_fname like '%Claire%'
and a.act_lname like '%Danes%';
#Write a query in SQL to find the first and last name of an actor with their role in
#the movie which was also directed by themselve.
select m.mov_title , a.act_fname,a.act_lname , mc.role
from movie m , actor a , movie_direction md , director d , movie_cast mc
where m.mov_id = md.mov_id
and a.act_id = mc.act_id
and mc.mov_id = m.mov_id
and md.dir_id = d.dir_id
and a.act_fname =d.dir_fname
and a.act_lname =d.dir_lname;
#Write a query in SQL to find the cast list for the movie Chinatown.
select a.act_fname , a.act_lname
from actor a , movie_cast mc , movie m
where mc.act_id = a.act_id
and mc.mov_id = m.mov_id
and m.mov_title='Chinatown';
#Write a query in SQL to find the movie in which the actor appeared whose first and last name are 'Harrison' and 'Ford'
select m.mov_title
from movie m , actor a , movie_cast mc
where m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and a.act_id = mc.act_id
and a.act_fname ='Harrison'
and a.act_lname='Ford'
#Write a query in SQL to find the highest-rated movie, and report its title, year, rating, and releasing country
select m.mov_title , m.mov_year , m.mov_rel_country , max(r.rev_stars)
from movie m , rating r
where m.mov_id =r.mov_id
group by m.mov_title , m.mov_year , m.mov_rel_country;
select m.mov_title , m.mov_year , m.mov_rel_country , r.rev_stars
from movie m , rating r
where m.mov_id =r.mov_id
and r.rev_stars = (select max(rev_stars) from rating);
#Write a query in SQL to list all the information of the actors who played a role in the movie 'Annie Hall'
select a.act_fname , a.act_lname
from actor a , movie m ,movie_cast mc
where a.act_id =mc.act_id
and m.mov_id = mc.mov_id
and m.mov_title = 'Annie Hall';
#Write a query in SQL to find the name of the director (first and last names) who directed a movie that
#casted a role for 'Eyes Wide Shut'. (using subquery)
select d.dir_fname , d.dir_lname
from director d , movie_direction md
where d.dir_id = md.dir_id
and md.mov_id in (select mov_id from movie where mov_title = 'Eyes Wide Shut')
#Write a query in SQL to list all the movies which released in the country other than UK.
select m.mov_title from movie m
where m.mov_rel_country not in ('UK');
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