Caxias vs Ypiranga Erechim Stats | 04/03/2023 | APWin
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Caxias 3 - 0 Ypiranga Erechim

Caxias logo
8 out of 10

04.03.2023 - 19:30

Stadium : Estádio Francisco Stédile


Ypiranga Erechim logo
5 out of 10


After-Match Statistics


Ball Posession






Shots On Target



Shots Off Target



Corner Kicks


Find Out More About the Match of Caxias vs Ypiranga Erechim

When and where is the Match for Caxias vs Ypiranga Erechim

The Match between Caxias and Ypiranga Erechim takes place at the home of Caxias, in 04 March 2023, at 19:30. The match is part of the 10th round of the Gaucho 1, where Caxias is in 4th place in standings and Ypiranga Erechim is in 3rd in standings. The match will take place at the Estádio Francisco Stédile.

Caxias Performance

Caxias is in 4th place in the Gaucho 1. They have played 9 matches, with a total of 3 wins, 5 draws and 1 loss. Caxias averages 1.56 Points Per Match in the Gaucho 1 with a total of 15 goals scored and 11 goals conceded.

Playing at home, Caxias is currently at 4th place. They have played 5 matches in total with 3 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss. Caxias averages 2 Points Per Match in Gaucho 1 at home with 11 goals scored and 7 goals conceded.

Ypiranga Erechim Performance

Ypiranga Erechim is in 3rd place in the Gaucho 1. They have played 9 matches, with a total of 5 wins, 2 draws and 2 losses. Ypiranga Erechim averages 1.89 Points Per Match in the Gaucho 1 with a total of 17 goals scored and 12 goals conceded.

Playing away, Ypiranga Erechim is currently in 3rd place. They have played 5 matches in total with 2 wins, 1 draw and 2 losses. Ypiranga Erechim averages 1.4 Points Per Match in Gaucho 1 at away with 6 goals scored and 6 goals conceded.

What is the Form of Caxias?

In the past 5 matches, Caxias has won 2, drawn 3 and lost 0. They averaged 1.8 Points Per Match in the past 5 matches compared to their 1.56 average in the competition.

At home, Caxias has won 3, drawn 1 and lost 1 in the past 5 matches. They averaged 2 Points Per Match at home in the past 5 matches compared to their 2 average in the competition.

What is the Form of Ypiranga Erechim?

In the past 5 matches, Ypiranga Erechim has won 4, drawn 1 and lost 0. They averaged 2.6 Points Per Match in the past 5 matches compared to their 1.89 average in the competition.

Away, Ypiranga Erechim has won 2, drawn 1 and lost 2 in the past 5 matches. They averaged 1.4 Points Per Match at away in the past 5 matches, compared to their 1.4 average in the competition away.

Head 2 Head between Caxias and Ypiranga Erechim

In the past five years, Caxias and Ypiranga Erechim have played 4 times against each other. Caxias has won 1, and Ypiranga Erechim has won 1 with 2 matches ended in a draw.

When the match is played at Estádio Francisco Stédile, there were 1 win for Caxias, 1 win for Ypiranga Erechim and 2 matches ended in a draw.