entre-deux translation in English | French-English dictionary | Reverso
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entre-deux translation | French-English dictionary

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Collaborative Dictionary     French-English
intervening period ; jump ball
drop ball; dropped ball
[Sport]; [Football]
in the meantime
lace insert
'entre-deux' also found in translations in English-French dictionary
indécision ; entre-deux ; intermédiation
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Context"entre-deux": examples and translations in context
Maintenant il y a des choses qui seraient entre-deux. Now there are things that would be in-between.
La zone jaune est une sorte d'entre-deux. The yellow zone is a sort of in-between.
Cela semble ennuyeux de voir la vérité quelque part entre-deux. It seems boring to see the truth somewhere in between.
Ce qui m'effraie, c'est l'entre-deux. It's the something in between that scares me.
Il faut aller dans un entre-deux. We'll have to go into an in-between.
Le cercle linéaire, l'entre-deux infini. This linear circle, the infinite in-between.
See how “entre-deux” is translated from French to English with more examples in context
