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Emmett Miller MD

Master Therapist, Coach, Mentor
Acclaimed “Father of Mind-Body Medicine”

Over 50 Years Ago

Dr. Miller realized that the most powerful tool for healing was the mind-body connection. He made it his mission to develop a deep understanding of the role of the higher levels of the mind in producing profound healing and life transformation. To use his world-famous voice to create powerful mind tools for the healing mind, body, emotion, and spirit.

My Vision:

I envision a world where we have upgraded our “mental operating systems,” evolved beyond the ruling paradigm of intimidation, fear, conflict, and Violence, and eliminated the mind control algorithms that program us against our will. Instead, we have deepened our wisdom to inspire a New Paradigm of Love: compassion, caring, joyful relationships with self, friends, family, community, and environment.

~ Emmett Miller MD

Rewiring the Brain & Mind:
Dr. Miller’s Revolutionary Approach to Healing

Dr. Miller’s healing journey began with the discovery of the serene “Healing State,” a synthesis of meditation, prayer, autogenic training, and hypnotic induction. This state, characterized by profound peace and tranquility, proved to be a direct antidote to stress.

Recognizing the potential of this calm, receptive mental state, Dr. Miller saw it as a gateway to deep healing of the body, mind, emotion, and behavior, as well as a conduit to inner wisdom and spiritual insight. Since research indicated that most afflictions stem from mental algorithms, ingrained nervous system reactions formed during past traumas, he devised the Coherency Theory of Health and Disease and the highly refined Selective Awareness Exploration age regression technique.

Deep Relaxation Session with DrMiller
Deep Relaxation Session with DrMiller

This unique approach, beginning with patients’ presenting symptoms and behaviors, gently reveals traumatic events, gradually desensitizing and reprocessing them (mental image rehearsal). (someone listening thru earphones relaxed)

Through the recordings made during the live session, daily immersion in rescripting imagery, accessed in the self-induced Healing State, old wounds are healed, and new neural pathways are forged (neuroplasticity). The result is rewiring the nervous system (neuroplasticity) and creating new adaptive responses and deep healing.

Dr. Miller’s groundbreaking work culminated in the world’s first catalog of guided imagery meditation tapes, addressing ailments ranging from headaches and labor pains to smoking cessation and sports performance enhancement. The collection was entitled “Software For The Mind,” because they presented new algorithms (behavior patterns) listeners could learn to reprogram their thinking and rewire their brains.  These programs were widely embraced by individuals seeking healing and peak performance, health professionals prescribing them, and psychologists and therapists studying and applying his techniques.  Keeping up with modern technology his growing catalog of programs have been published as CDs, and are now available to download or stream on this site. 

With Dr. Miller’s soothing voice as a guide, people have found a simple yet potent means to reprogram their thinking and rewire their brains. Over the years, his ideas have gained traction, have become integral to modern science and therapy, and are revered by professionals worldwide. Today, most mental health professionals include in their practices many of the mental tools originally discovered 50 years ago in a young doctor’s mind-body practice in Carmel, California. 

Through Dr. Miller’s pioneering approach, the once-elusive path to healing became accessible to all, marking the start of a paradigm shift in the healing arts and ushering in a new era of holistic wellness at the individual, group, and global levels.

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life!

Healing Journey

Listen to this clip from “Healing Journey” the audio program that awakened the world to the power of Deep Relaxation and Guided Imagery to heal.

Dr. Miller Bio Sketch

Often referred to as “The Father of Mind-Body Medicine,” Emmett Miller, MD, is best known for his recorded Guided Imagery Meditations. His revolutionary work in creating the holistic approach to healing and the first Guided Imagery audiotapes in the 1970s placed him decades ahead of mainstream medicine and psychology, where he continues to generate new insights, breakthroughs, and products.

After graduating from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine (1967), he quickly realized that, in many ways, mainstream medicine was missing the boat. To this young physician, it seemed clear that most of our illnesses were caused or exacerbated by stress, stress-induced habits, and addictions. Unaware of this, physicians and psychologists were failing their patients by not teaching them to use the power of their minds to heal, eliminate addictive behaviors, and take charge of their lives. 

Because he was a mathematician who had studied computer programming in 1962, he was one of the first physicians capable of realizing that the mind/brain is actually a bio-computer. It perceives, reasons, and experiences emotions according to the algorithms (sets of rules followed in calculations and other problem-solving operations) programmed into it, usually without our knowledge or consent, especially in childhood. He then proved that certain states of consciousness, such as deep relaxation, hypnosis, meditation, and profound prayer, are really programming states for the mind/brain. 

His next step was to develop patterns of mental images that would quickly result in desensitization, reprocessing, reprogramming, and literally rewiring the brain (via neuroplasticity and creating your own future. 

Emmett with Ram Dass

His first Guided Imagery recordings spread knowledge of his techniques worldwide in the 70s and 80s, as he and a few colleagues (see footnote) worked to transform the fields of medicine and psychology. The notion of writing new scripts for the mind/brain (cognitive behavior therapy) is, at last, becoming much more accepted in today’s world.

Dr. Miller received professional acclaim for his first book, Selective Awareness, The New Science of Mind-Body Medicine (1973)

This Book explained his new theories and practical approaches. Along with his newly invented Guided Imagery audiocassette programs, it spread awareness of this robust set of healing tools throughout the health care field.

In the 1980’s many elite athletes, including many Olympic and professional team members, discovered they could maximize their performance using his Mental Image Rehearsal technique. People who desired peak performance in other fields, such as musicians, entertainers, students, and businesspeople, found his inexpensive tapes a godsend. 

Dr. Miller went on to serve as a lecturer or preceptor at many universities and medical schools, including the University of California and Stanford Medical School. His book, Deep Healing – the Essence of Mind-Body Medicine (1997), has become a classic in the field. He has also trained many classes of health professionals and consulted with numerous companies and health care organizations.

Deep Relaxation Session with Dr. Miller

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Miller has continued to work with patients and clients by Zoom and telephone, publish new applications of his “Software for the Mind,” and produce regular free Guided Imagery Meditation webinars.
His patients and clients continue to appreciate Dr. Miller for his warmth, gentleness, wisdom, experience, and of course, the magic of his voice.

Dr. Miller’s Guided Imagery Products


Many years ago, Dr. Miller realized that the mind-body connection was the most powerful tool for healing, and that it was being ignored by the Healthcare System. It became his professional mission to introduce the psycho-bio-social approach into the field of medicine and psychology. Since then, he has become a trusted source of knowledge and wisdom in the healing field and is committed to creating quality self-healing Mind Tools and products for individuals and professionals to use to heal the mind and the body. He started by inventing the first guided imagery cassette tapes and has continued to publish the finest programs as CDs and instant MP3 downloads.

Acknowledgement, with love and respect for my colleagues, fellow movers and shakers in the holistic health and Mind-Body field: Ken Pelletier, David Bresler, Larry Dossey,  Ram Dass, Martin Rossman, Joan Borysenko, Jeanne Achterberg, Jon Kabat Zinn, Herbert Benson, Peter Mutke, Carl Simonton, Francine Shapiro . . . Thank you.

“We are the music makers, And we are the dreamers of dreams, Wandering by lone sea-breakers, And sitting by desolate streams”…A. O’Shaughnessy.