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I love Emily Young

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u/notbadhbu avatar

Listen, I get it's everyone's choice or whatever. But this is a KID friendly channel. Some ideas are too dangerous to expose children too, and I for one hope the community stands up against Arch Linux. If kids are exposed to Arch Linux at a young age, they can grow up with crazy ideas. What would YOU do if you caught YOUR child cloning a repo that hasn't been updated since 2013 just to get a printer working? Or saying things like "System clocks are bloatware" and "It's actually a good thing to compile your file explorer"

Anyways, even though she's an arch linux enjoyer it's great to see Emily finally be herself and hope to see her back one day. I've been binge watching all her old videos for the last few weeks, and have been hopelessly f5'ing she's back.

Anyone who has anything negative to say should be condemned to daily drive Arch until they realize they can never be half of what Emily is.

If you see this Emily, enjoy your vacation, and hope to see you again! You will be a GREAT role model and are already an awesome representative. I don't think I'm alone in saying that many people consider you the most "technically proficient" member of the group, and seeing this very heartfelt and honest video makes me appreciate the struggle it can be just to be yourself. I'm glad you found the strength, and I will keep f5ing no matter how long it takes.

u/thesirblondie avatar

You had me in the beginning.

“How is this the top comment… oh ok”

I was so concerned when I saw the awards I almost didn’t finish reading I was like were doomed

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I use arch Linux daily and you can use it too without it breaking.


I get it that you'd be right. But what about the other 23hours of the day?

It NEVER broke on me since 2020.

2020 is the year I started using it

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If you don't break your install at least once every couple of weeks are you even trying?

No, I install AUR packages, I DO NOT update my system everyday, and it never broke

(it was a joke)

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u/nullable_ninja avatar

Yep. I have my entire system on ZFS. I break something, I rollback. easy!

u/thieves_are_broken avatar

The community does not need people like you… how dare you… lol. Have you thought of the children? For case and point the resident child member of the group Linus proved what happens when you expose children to such atrocities.

I mean, in 2023 there are more atrocities done to children than just showing them another "FREE and that DOES NOT COLLECT PERSONNAL DATA" OS.

I hope this was a joke, if not, just, mind your own business. We don't need someone like you to tell us what to do with our life.

It’s most certainly a joke lol

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Emily has always been my favorite videos at LMG and I think its a big consensus that Emily is one of everyone's favorite hosts in tech. Nothing more relaxing than enjoying a wholesome video by a host that is neither condescending nor agitating in any way after a long day. It's obvious that this is a person that shares our love for tech and being welcoming and inclusive so it is the least we can do to be the same.

u/Rixmadore avatar

I panicked

legit my hand was on the downvote button for a hot second there lol

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You are Damn right

I must admit, I was ready to fire off a downvote and scroll on down. I am glad I didn't. Masterfully done.

Excellent shit post. 10/10

Ngl read that as a King's Indian Defence friendly channel. Been reading too much chess theory

I have Linux running in a VM and use it Going to run it on a computer that is running slow.

We are here for you Emily and enjoy your vacation hope to see you on LTT soon!

I completely agree keep your kids away from Arch Linux. Linux from Scratch is the only way children should learn. Nothing else.

Have you tried it on an M1 or M2 MacBook yet?

I think arch has an ARM version, if not there is still asahi Linux, it is based on arch and is made specifically for M1 and soon M2 macs.

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We Stan Emily, so happy for her

Hate the fact that it even has to be a big deal just because of the Chris situation. On one of my favorite YouTube channels, Funhaus, one of their best creators transitioned to Charlotte and she is the most loved member of the community. I hope the same for Emily

u/SCHARKBAIT11 avatar

I honestly don’t think the actual true LTT peeps are going to care( obvi some might not feel okay ) It’s the randoms who are going to want to talk their shit and make it a giant ordeal

Me personally even as Emily said it would’ve been nice to go at it a little more personal and under wraps but unfortunately that’s not the case being linked to LTT ..

I applaud the strength and courage to go public and finally be free!

I agree, I don't think most tech people (most LTT watchers) will care. It's been memed a billion times that an abnormal percentage of men in the IT field are feminine, wear "programming socks" (google it), are trans or are furries. You can also see this in the likes/dislikes of the main post.


My dad introduced me to programming when I was 5.

I’ve been a furry since I was 9 and now I’m questioning my gender identity and use Linux daily.

The pipeline is real. Parents be warned.

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Forgive me but what's the "Chris Situation"?

u/SCHARKBAIT11 avatar

Like 3 comments up….mr beast and his friend ///// friend is trans ig community backlash etc etc

Yeah my bad, I didn't see that comment!

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What is/was the Chris situation?

One of MeBeast's friends, Chris, came out as trans. Chris and MrBeat as a whole have been under fire for Jimmy voicing support for them.

Thanks, I will look it up

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Part of that issue is that he deals with a much younger audience with less scripted video. That worries parents. And then you have the issue with her family resulting from this that other parents don't like.

But this is LTT we're a more mature audience... I mean we are old enough to understand what's going on and make our own decisions

u/WVjF2mX5VEmoYqsKL4s8 avatar

You're projecting your own transphobia on others, "AidsOnWheels".

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I don't think Stan (stalker fan) is the right word

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I'd really only be upset if she came out as a Mac user.


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As a fellow Linux + iOS enjoyer come join the lightly dark side.

We have the nerd street cred and are also accepted by the normies 😎


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Opposite for me.

I have a MacBook for work. I by far prefer Gnome + Fedora to it.

I won’t switch away from the the iPhone because genuinely as cliche as it is the “ecosystem” is great.

By far the best experience I’ve had with wearables and tablets has been on iOS.

To me I don’t use my phone to cater to my tinkering itch for me it’s a white good. I don’t even change my default wallpaper. So I just want it to “just work” (I’m sorry for this really)

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tbf Mac has a pretty good unix environment


I don't know if this is a hot take, but macOS is such an underrated OS in the PC landscape. Yeah, it only works (well) on Macs, but it's such a wonderful and pain-free experience it's unreal. Everything just works. You could show the OS to a total newbie and have them get comfortable in mere hours. The App Store is honestly super useful, since it provides easy access to a bunch of quality apps (it basically feels like Steam but it has more productivity software than games). The only gripe with macOS is, well, Apple. Their decisions to either deprecate 32 bit support, have a set lifespan for a device, their use and handling of proprietary and closed-source tech such as Metal, and them just refusing to put a decent graphics chip into $1,300 machines during the Intel era. Apple is crippling their own OS with their dumb decisions.

If the OS was open to download to any device, had 32 bit support and could run software that used Vulkan, I would choose it over Windows any day, even if it didn't have any games or lacked some "enterprise" features.

As someone who does computer service with a variety of devices and types of customers, Macs do not always "just work", and it's not so intuitive that anyone can just sit down and learn it in a few hours. I'm glad it treats you well, and it's possible that those statements are more often true for Mac than, say, Windows, but it's not so true as to be able to make a blanket statement as such.

u/Lost-Entrepreneur439 avatar

Yeah, it only works (well) on Macs,

I'd disagree with this. While the setup can be quite difficult, once macOS is running, a hackintosh works just as great as a real Mac. In everyday usage, you wouldn't really be able to tell the difference, and for long-term, really the only thing you'd have to do that's different than a real Mac is you'd have to update OpenCore and your kexts every now and then.

(this is coming from someone who uses a Ventura hackintosh on her desktop and a Catalina hackintosh on her laptop)

I had a hackintosh for about 6 years and it was a dream when it wasn’t being pissy for some reason or another. I fully admit I’m a dummy, but fixing issues with kexts that aren’t really present on tonymac is a huge headache.

Now I use that previously-hackintosh’d system for a home server and have a MacBook Pro m2 as my main computer.

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that is not that much of a hot take imho. I will almost never buy a macbook for myself (got one for work), but I can't deny their merit. In my environment (academia), they provide a very uniform environment, with long lasting battery so that I can sit in seminars and conferences for days without worry about the battery. I can also get a pretty similar environment to what I have on my cluster/HPC

If my framework get a battery as long, I would not touch a Macbook tho

u/hishnash avatar

Their decisions to either deprecate 32 bit support

Apple game us devs 10 years notice on this, devs that were still shipping 32bit only applications any time close to the cut off were being very irresponsible.

have a set lifespan for a device

That life-span is long when you remember they continue to ship sec updates for Macs that they shipped in 2013.

their use and handling of proprietary and closed-source tech such as Metal

For apple market, Metal is a way better choice than VK, VK has a firm focus on gaming and in that space it is very much targeted at big engine devs, the Unreal/Epic size companies not individual or small teams of developers. What apple need from a GPU api is a compute display hybrid, somthing were you can easily adapt CUDA code to run (metal is very good for this) but you can also very easily ship the restuls, or working results to the users screen. For the interactive workstation use case on Macs metal is likly the best option, it has the flaexibiilyt and similarity to CUDA to be great for compute but it is also much easier to link that compute through to displaying data to the user without needing to go through a horrible COUDA -> DX or CUDA -> VK bridge that is a nightmare to manager compared to metal dispatch of draw calls directly form your compute kernels.

If the OS was open to download to any device

Would need to cost a fortune to cover QA and driver dev for any device, making the os just run is all about knowing exactly what it will be running on 5 years before that HW hits the market. If you could just download macOS and run it on anything apple would need to charge $1k+ per year in licensing fees if not more if you expected the same level of HW os integration.

it just works

My experience with OS X from snow leopard to mountain lion begs to differ.

u/GarythaSnail avatar

I just want a standard mod key functionality. I had to switch over to Mac at my new job and it is just so frustrating having to relearn copy paste shortcuts, home and end, etc. It's hard context switching between standard style and mac.

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u/smontesi avatar

Well, she is, always has been! Haha (seriously)

Emily has been a MacOs user for years though. At least when it comes to laptops.

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The overwhelming support for her has made me so happy.

There are always going to be a few assholes. Honestly I’m impressed because let’s be honest most of the time literally half of this sub hate Linus/LMG. 😂

u/Dear-Hamster4839 avatar

I kept hearing talk of 'hate in the sub' regarding Emily but it seems to have been censored pretty effectively.


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Besides insulting her do you have a solution then? Because gender affirming care does really help people suffering from gender dysphoria a lot. And what she chooses to do doesn't hurt you at all.

Transphobia is a mental illness.

you will die unfulfilled, without love

u/Dr_Ben avatar

Brother I see you actually made the same kind of transphobic comments in the mrbeast sub about their staff member transitioning. You care way too much about what other people are doing to their own bodies and it's sad.

Shhhh no one cares about your opinion.

I'd say you can go fuck yourself, but I don't even think you have standards that low.

So is playing pretend with war thunder. It’s weird dude get a real hobby that’s not a real hobby.

u/Redhawk911 avatar

Only one with mental issues here are you. Mind your own business and shut the fuck up. It’s 2023. Not 1823

you closeted bro?

dude follows War thunder, Fishing, and Conservative subs.

they’re definitely sensitive and scared of the boogeyman coming for their rights 🤣

u/Wendon avatar

She's a woman who is a woman; you're an asshole who's a piece of shit. Stay mad. 🥰

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She ruled when she was Anthony. She rules now she's Emily. If anyone in the community isn't with her 100% of the way, then they don't belong here. Go Emily!


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I think you poorly interpreted their response and the distaste was unnecessary.


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Everyone experiences life and gender differently. I used to be another gender, that's why I hated myself. It was still me, just trying to force myself to comply with what means to be that gender, and since I was complying, I was.

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A revision doesn’t erase the past… She was Anthony before, and we loved him for it, but she’s Emily now, and we love her for that.


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Eh I think it depends on the person. I know quite a lot of trans people, and unless they associate seriously negative feelings with their past identity most of them seem to be ok with acknowledging it.

I think for the sake of removing ambiguity it’s ok to refer to her past self as Anthony, given that she’s presented as such up until now. If she voices any wishes on the contrary then we have to respect that, but given that we’re literally in a “transitional” period right now it doesn’t seem worth sweating over just yet.

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u/Ilikereddit420 avatar

She was and WILL CONTINUE to be my favorite host. Nothing but clear cut excellence with Emily Young!

Who’s that?

Oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up

You’re welcome!

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u/PranavYedlapalli avatar

Still the CEO of Linux

I love her name but all I think of when I see her name is that tv show that replaced Daniel Cook. This is Emily Young.

Edit: Turns out it was spelt Yeung

u/throwawaydirl avatar

Remain young, Emily. 🙃But seriously for whatever reason I found myself not in the least bit surprised. Seconds into the video I knew where it was going. Maybe it’s because I’m trans myself, but yeah, I punched the air in delight. You go, girl!

u/just_Okapi avatar

Ditto, something about the way she carried herself was setting off my egg detector something fierce the last few times she appeared on camera.

It was for me as well. The plushies, Linux, retro consoles, and also the video discussing her weight loss and anxiety. I all kinda clicks into place. We stan 🏳️‍⚧️

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u/K14_Deploy avatar

Some of the hate towards her is disgusting. Not unexpected given people suck, but disgusting nonetheless. Worse that the mods don't seem to want to do anything (fellow gamers, let's report the transphobia as the hate that it is).