Ohio: Attorney General Says He’s Going to Use Ancient Anti-KKK Face-Covering Law to Ruin Students’ Lives with Felony Charges, by Andrew Anglin - The Unz Review
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Ohio: Attorney General Says He’s Going to Use Ancient Anti-KKK Face-Covering Law to Ruin Students’ Lives with Felony Charges

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This sure seems very extreme.

The reason students are hiding their identities in the first place is that the Jews are using facial recognition software and making blacklists, telling students they will never be able to get a job in any Jewish-controlled industry (which is effectively all industries in America).


Ohio’s top lawyer has advised the state’s public universities that a law written to deter Ku Klux Klan demonstrations could be used to impose felony charges on students who wear face coverings while protesting the war in Gaza.

In a letter sent Monday, after weeks of pro-Palestinian campus protests around the country, Republican Attorney General Dave Yost advised the presidents of Ohio’s 34 public, four-year universities — which his office represents — to forewarn students about the 1953 law.

In our society, there are few more significant career-wreckers than a felony charge,” the letter said. “I write to you today to inform your student bodies of an Ohio law that, in the context of some behavior during the recent pro-Palestinian protests, could have that effect.”


Threatening to ruin people’s entire lives for questioning Jewish domination.

Dave Yost
Dave Yost

It’s a bold move, Dave.

Let’s see if it pays off.

The law is contained in a single sentence: “No person shall unite with two or more others to commit a misdemeanor while wearing white caps, masks, or other disguise.” Violating this “anti-disguise” law is punishable by a fourth-degree felony charge, up to $5,000 in fines and five years on community control, Yost wrote.

Protesters around the U.S. and the world have increasingly taken steps to remain anonymous by wearing a combination of head and face coverings, in a world where facial-recognition software can easily lead to negative repercussions. Not all do so to hide their identities, however. Some wear religious hijabs or medical masks used to prevent exposure to COVID-19, or as a political statement on the virus’ ongoing impacts.

This really complicates the law, if we’re taking things at face value. America’s diversity protections are very extreme, and if any woman in a hijab was charged for wearing it, that could result in a legal crisis for the state.

Of course, this crisis, if it were to occur, would happen far in the future. The American court system is nothing if not slow.

(Covid masks are probably also protected somehow by university policy.)

Yost, a fourth-term state official who is considering a run for governor in 2026, wrote that students should protest “within the bounds of the law,” not commit crimes, not use the First Amendment as “a sword against fellow students,” and “own their advocacy and avoid wearing masks.”

Among Ohio’s 34 public universities are Kent State, whose name is synonymous with clashes between Vietnam War protesters and National Guard members that left four dead in 1970, and Ohio State — a site of several protests in recent weeks where dozens have been arrested, most for criminal trespass.

Ohio State spokesperson Ben Johnson said the university had received Yost’s letter and was reviewing it. In a March 6 letter, Yost had told President Ted Carter that Ohio law prevents the university from divesting its interests in Israeli assets, one of the calls of protesters.

Wow. Israel is very important to this Yost fellow.

He must really remember the Holocaust hard.

This guy is like the Eddie Van Halen of Holocaust remembrance. He is shredding that memory of the six trillion who were forced to take off their shoes so that diabolical Germans could throw them into a pile.

(Republished from The Daily Stormer by permission of author or representative)
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  1. Ohio’s top lawyer has advised the state’s public universities that a law written to deter Ku Klux Klan demonstrations could be used to impose felony charges on students who wear face coverings while protesting the war in Gaza.

    First, then came for the Klan, but I did nothing; indeed, I celebrated, for I hate those racists.

  2. Anonymous[240] • Disclaimer says:

    Look at the sniveling antiDuchenne shiteating grin on that pedo Yost. You know Mossad’s got HD video of him facefucking JonBenet’s corpse yelling Mommy!

    • LOL: Patrick in SC
    • Replies: @The Alarmist
  3. Altai4 says:

    Meanwhile in more destruction of the law in the name of Israel’s right to kill as many children as it wants.

    Germany has banned Yanis Varoufakis from Germany (A big legal decision given he is an EU citizen entering Germany from inside the Schengen Area) as a security threat! Why? He was to speak at a conference set up by a Jews for peace group in Germany. The German state immediately put a stop to this dangerous event!

    This apparently happened 3 weeks ago but now he is suing the German government.

    Varoufakis is generally a fake radical who is also generally a massive political failure. But that also means he is “safe” for the MSM to quote and talk to. And he loves himself and loves talking so banning him was a big mistake but also revealing of just how much we’re reaching levels of ShutItDownism that are completely irrational and ultimately helping end the farce of Zionism.


  4. Big deal. The DOJ’s motto is “Show me the man and I will show you the crime”.
    If they want you in prison, they can always find a crime. If they don’t, there is always the “no reasonable prosecutor ” card.

  5. DogZ says:

    Y’all see the video of the bully IDF tourist / ASU professor attempt to intimidate and incite a Muslim woman to a confrontational response so that his gay partner could film and post on social media and claim the anti genocide protestors make the jews feel unsafe!? Unreal!?

    “Muh. What about Oct 7th bro!?”

    In other news, the keffiyeh is a number one seller online right now.

  6. Notsofast says:

    hijab is the answer, if all protesters wear a burka, they are protected. and in this day and age you cannot question anyones gender, without cancellation and a big banner stating “we’re all palestinians now!”

    in this day and age, people are going to have to become creative, in order to express themselves. we’ve moved beyond the day and age of guy fawkes masks.

  7. anarchyst says:

    Masks were legitimized for COVID. The protesters should all claim that they are wearing masks for medical reasons to prevent the spread of COVID.
    Problem solved.

    • Agree: Thomasina
    • Replies: @Roger
  8. Andreas says:

    It won’t apply to Antifa. The law will be selectively applied only to those who oppose Jewish Supremacy.

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  9. Ohio law prevents the university from divesting its interests in Israeli assets

    then ohio is a colony of dipshits. but then i’ve been to the place so i already knew that.

    that’s always been the laughable part of ziotards whining about BDS; they act like they can enforce what people do or don’t buy. like they’ll have “I”DF apes patrolling store aisles and cuffing anyone who buys the wrong hummus. i wouldn’t be surprised if the idiot behind obamacare “mandates” was an “israeli”. i’m betting all my chips on rahm.

    i’d bet the counter-protesting ziobros would be able to wear anything they want. this is as realistic as that “pull yer pantz up nigurz!” law some inbred put forward a few years back.

    • Replies: @HammerJack
  10. anonymous[170] • Disclaimer says:

    Grow a pair, fatmericans. You are all Palestinians now.

    • Agree: Understory
  11. If only a small percentage of goyim acted towards Jews the way the Jews act towards the goyim, 90% of the world’s problems would be solved.

    • Replies: @Andreas
  12. Why aren’t they being thrown in prison like the j6 election protesters were?

    • Replies: @36 ulster
  13. Anon[371] • Disclaimer says:

    A couple of years from now having a rap sheet for opposing genocide will be a badge of honor

    • Disagree: HammerJack
  14. Andreas says:

    They are despised for their weakness.

  15. @Altai4

    He was to speak at a conference set up by a “Jews for peace” group in Germany.

    “See? We persecute some jews (bad jews!), which proves we’re not anti-anti-semitic like you’ve been saying!”

    Also: “Righteous judaism spits you out!”

  16. @Andreas

    Like pretty much all laws at this point..

  17. @MegaHerzls

    then ohio is a colony of dipshits.

    Replace “Ohio” with “the ex-USA” which is full to the brim with brainwashed merkins. And the many fans of Republicans here on unz.com should really take note at some point..

  18. Oh NOW it’s a problem to cover masks. Not a problem when BLM and Antifa covered their masks to attack people.

  19. “In our society, there are few more significant career-wreckers than a felony charge,” the letter said. “I write to you today to inform your student bodies of an Ohio law that, in the context of some behavior during the recent pro-Palestinian protests, could have that effect.”

    Remember, the Republicans are the ones in favor of free speech!

    Now, quoting the Clash:

    As long as you’re not dumb enough to actually try it!

  20. Attorney General Says He’s Going to Use Ancient Anti-KKK Face-Covering Law to Ruin Students’ Lives with Felony Charges

    In case anyone, missed it, the Republicans are equating protesting the Israeli genocide with the KKK burning crosses.

    Pretzel logic, but notice that the MSM aren’t objecting.

    Jews: “We do not wield inordinate power, and if you dare imply otherwise we will crush you like the pathetic little insects you are!”

    • Replies: @inspector general
  21. @Anonymous

    The mustache hides the hallmark thin upper lip.

  22. Anonymous[315] • Disclaimer says:

    “4 Dead In Ohio” … Remember!

    • Replies: @36 ulster
  23. Anon[987] • Disclaimer says:

    It’s absolutely positively not an academic boycott. Nobody wants to go to kike school, that’s all.


  24. Is David Yost part Shar-Pei?

  25. @Altai4

    But now no one can argue plausibly that any of us are free people or that Israel isn’t everyone’s real master.

    King Bibi, indeed.

  26. As ever Zionazi demands of their Sabbat Goy stooges only ever grow and grow. Their sense of entitlement is INFINITE. As where freedom of speech is being DESTROYED because some Jew whines that they ‘feel threatened’ by the truth, the destruction of society from within is in full spate, all to protect Jews from the truth of Israeli barbarity and genocide, and to hide that truth from the general public. So, all society will be policed by goy sonderkommandoes on the Zionazi payroll, and the ‘feelings’ of ANY Jew will be the new law of the land.

  27. Ohio: Attorney General Says He’s Going to Use Ancient Anti-KKK Face-Covering Law to Ruin Students’ Lives with Felony Charges

    The laws were passed for the very reason the “students” are covering their faces.

    Threatening to ruin people’s entire lives for questioning Jewish domination.

    The solution, Anglin, is to grow up and protest in a legal manner. If they won’t, they get what they have coming. Your stupidity notwithstanding.

    • Replies: @Ennui
    , @36 ulster
  28. Ennui says:

    Dispensationalist heretic has thoughts. Your belief system is a satanic mockery of actual Christianity.

  29. Anonymous[227] • Disclaimer says:

    It is time to install GDL; Goyim Defense League

    • Agree: Cloud Posternuke
  30. Mrs Keays says:

    Every politician making a fuss is depending in on AIPAC support. It has nothing to do with “terrorism” and everything to do with elections.

  31. Sam J. says:

    This is actually a good law, “if” universally enforced. When antifa came to Alabama to protest, they were told they would be arrested if masked…they left.

    • Agree: 36 ulster
  32. 36 ulster says:
    @Hang All Text Drivers

    Maybe after they send in the Ohio Guard…

  33. 36 ulster says:

    Since the Left controls almost every institution, public OR private, their unmasking may actually help those privileged gerbils get a gig.

  34. If there was ever a need for those Guy Fawkes masks (V for Vendetta movie)…

    it is !!!NOW!!!

    • Agree: anarchyst
  35. Roger says: • Website

    There are laws which dictate that people cannot wear masks when they enter banks, but when the insanity named COVID hit, banks were among the most vocal in demanding that everyone wear them. It is a mystery to me why some “enterprising” criminals did not take advantage of the situation by wearing full-face ski masks while robbing the joints.

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