How To Get The DuckDuckGo Browser on Windows | DuckDuckGo Help Pages

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Our free web browser is a privacy-protecting alternative to Google Chrome and other browsers. It comes with seamless privacy protection built-in, including our search engine that replaces Google and doesn’t track your search history, plus tracker blocking, increased encryption, Email Protection, and more. The DuckDuckGo browser is available for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android .

Problems with installation?

Unsupported Versions of Windows
If you get an error message when attempting to install DuckDuckGo on Windows indicating “this package is not compatible with the device”, try the following:

Application Package Error Message
If you get an error message when attempting to install DuckDuckGo on Windows that says “Error parsing application package”, try the following:

  1. Download the following MSIXbundle installation file instead:
  2. Once downloaded, open the DuckDuckGo MSIXbundle in Downloads
  3. Select Install

Learn more about DuckDuckGo for Windows.

Prior versions on GitHub.