The Meaning Behind The Song: #9 Dream by John Lennon - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: #9 Dream by John Lennon

The Meaning Behind The Song: #9 Dream by John Lennon

John Lennon, the legendary singer-songwriter and co-founder of the Beatles, left an indelible mark on the world with his music. One of his most iconic songs, “#9 Dream,” holds a special place in the hearts of many fans. Released in 1974 as part of his album “Walls and Bridges,” this mesmerizing composition captivated audiences with its enigmatic lyrics and dreamlike melodies.

The Enigmatic Lyrics

The lyrics to “#9 Dream” are known for their poetic and enigmatic nature. Lennon himself admitted that the song’s lyrics were inspired by an actual dream he had, which added to its mystique. He once revealed, “The tune came to me in a dream and I had to keep humming it because if I stopped, it would fade out. So I got up and put it on tape…That’s where the words came from too. I’m a poet and didn’t know it.”

The opening line, “So long ago, was it in a dream? Was it just a dream?” sets the tone for the entire song. Its shifting perspectives and ethereal imagery invite listeners to embark on a journey deep into Lennon’s subconscious. The chorus, with the repeated phrase “Ah, bowakawa, pousse pousse,” adds an otherworldly quality to the composition, creating a sense of enchantment and intrigue.

The Spiritual Undertones

“#9 Dream” also carries profound spiritual undertones, reflecting Lennon’s exploration of his own spirituality. The number nine holds significant symbolism in various cultures and belief systems, often representing transformation and enlightenment. This theme is evident in the lines, “So long ago, was it in a dream? You know, love was in the astral plane.”

Lennon’s fascination with Eastern spirituality, particularly Buddhism, further adds depth to the song’s meaning. The lyrics hint at his spiritual journey, as he sings, “Keep your hands off my ‘lasso of truth’, my Catwoman.” This reference to Wonder Woman’s “lasso of truth” alludes to the search for inner truth and self-discovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What inspired John Lennon to write “#9 Dream”?

John Lennon derived inspiration for “#9 Dream” from an actual dream he had. The melody and lyrics came to him in a dream-like state, and he felt driven to capture them on tape. The surreal and enigmatic nature of the song’s lyrics reflects the ethereal quality of his dream and serves as a testament to his creative genius.

2. What is the significance of the number nine in the song?

The number nine holds deep symbolic meaning in various cultures and belief systems. It represents transformation, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. John Lennon’s inclusion of this number in the song suggests a profound exploration of his own spirituality and personal journey of self-discovery.

3. Did John Lennon explain the meaning behind the repeated phrase “Ah, bowakawa, pousse pousse”?

Despite the repeated use of the phrase “Ah, bowakawa, pousse pousse” in the song, John Lennon never explicitly explained its meaning. However, it adds an otherworldly and dreamlike quality to the composition, contributing to its enigmatic charm. The phrase’s significance ultimately lies in the interpretive power it holds for each individual listener.

4. How did the song contribute to John Lennon’s solo career?

“#9 Dream” played a crucial role in solidifying John Lennon’s solo career. As one of the standout tracks from his album “Walls and Bridges,” the song showcased his songwriting prowess and ability to create captivating melodies. Its success further cemented his artistic legacy outside of his Beatles tenure.

5. Are there any hidden messages or Easter eggs in the lyrics?

John Lennon’s lyrics often contained cryptic references and hidden messages. While the exact meaning of certain lines in “#9 Dream” remains open to interpretation, it is worth exploring the song’s lyrics with a keen eye. Lennon was known for his clever wordplay and allusions, so there may very well be hidden messages waiting to be unearthed within the poetic verses.

6. How did fans react to “#9 Dream” upon its release?

Upon its release, fans and music critics were mesmerized by “#9 Dream.” The song’s dreamy and ethereal sound, combined with its mysterious lyrics, captivated audiences worldwide. It showcased John Lennon’s ability to create music that transcended traditional boundaries and touched the hearts of listeners on a deeper level.

7. Did “Walls and Bridges” receive critical acclaim overall?

“Walls and Bridges,” the album on which “#9 Dream” appears, received generally positive reviews from critics. It showcased Lennon’s creative versatility and further established his solo career. The album’s exploration of personal themes and its eclectic mix of musical styles resonated with both fans and critics alike.

8. How does “#9 Dream” embody John Lennon’s musical and artistic style?

“#9 Dream” encompasses many elements that defined John Lennon’s musical and artistic style. Its dreamlike quality, poetic lyrics, and exploration of spirituality echo his desire to create music that was both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. The song’s ethereal melodies and captivating harmonies further showcase Lennon’s talent for crafting timeless compositions.

9. Was the song commercially successful?

“#9 Dream” performed well commercially, reaching the top ten on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Its success further solidified John Lennon’s solo career and emphasized his standing as a respected and influential artist. The song continues to be celebrated by fans and remains an essential part of Lennon’s musical legacy.

10. How has “#9 Dream” influenced subsequent generations of artists?

“#9 Dream” has left a lasting impact on subsequent generations of artists. Its dreamlike quality and introspective lyrics have inspired musicians across genres, ranging from alternative and indie rock to pop and folk. The song’s ability to evoke emotions and transport listeners to a different realm continues to resonate with aspiring artists and fans alike.

11. Is there any live recording or performance of “#9 Dream” by John Lennon?

While there are no official live recordings or performances of John Lennon singing “#9 Dream,” various cover versions by other artists can be found. These interpretations offer unique perspectives on the song and pay tribute to Lennon’s musical legacy.

12. How has “#9 Dream” stood the test of time?

“#9 Dream” has stood the test of time, remaining one of John Lennon’s most beloved and iconic songs. Its ethereal and introspective nature transcends the era in which it was released, continuing to resonate with listeners of all ages. The song’s enduring popularity attests to its timeless appeal and the profound impact of Lennon’s musical genius.

As a music-related website, delving into the rich meanings behind songs such as “#9 Dream” allows readers to connect with the artistry and creativity that shape the music they love.

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