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1. (also dōN) Used formerly as a title for male members of Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, aristocracy, and hierarchy, preceding the given name.
2. Roman Catholic Church Used as a title before the names of Benedictine and Carthusian monks in major or minor orders.

[Portuguese, from Latin dominus, lord, master; see dem- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Roman Catholic Church) (sometimes capital) RC Church a title given to Benedictine, Carthusian, and Cistercian monks and to certain of the canons regular
2. (Historical Terms) (formerly in Portugal and Brazil) a title borne by royalty, princes of the Church, and nobles
[C18 (monastic title): from Latin dominus lord]


abbreviation for
1. (Architecture) Deo Optimo Maximo
2. informal Dirty Old Man
abbreviation for
(Automotive Engineering) Dominican Republic (international car registration)
[(for sense 1) Latin: to God, the best, the Greatest]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(dɒm; for 2 also Port. dɔ̃)

1. (sometimes cap.) a title of a monk in certain monastic orders.
2. (usu. cap.) a Portuguese title affixed to a man's given name; Sir: formerly a title of certain dignitaries.
[1710–20; short for Latin dominus lord, master]


a suffix forming nouns that refer to domain (kingdom), collection of persons (officialdom), rank or station (earldom), or general condition (freedom).
[Middle English; Old English -dōm; c. Old Norse -dōmr, German -tum; see doom]


1. Dominica.
2. Dominican.


1. domain.
2. domestic.
3. dominant.
4. dominion.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Dom Claude Frollo had, however, abandoned neither science nor the education of his young brother, those two occupations of his life.
And then it was a fine report in Latin, which the sub-monitor of Torchi carried piteously to Dom Claude with this dolorous marginal comment,-- Rixa; prima causa vinum optimum potatum .
Accompanied by his wife, the Empress Theresa, and by a bevy of courtiers, the Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro de Alcantara, walked into the room, advanced with both hands outstretched to the bewildered Bell, and exclaimed: "Professor Bell, I am delighted to see you again." The judges at once forgot the heat and the fatigue and the hunger.
A wire had been strung from one end of the room to the other, and while Bell went to the transmitter, Dom Pedro took up the receiver and placed it to his ear.
From that mo- ment, I understood the pathway from slavery to free- dom. It was just what I wanted, and I got it at a time when I the least expected it.
The original rag is at my home in Durban, together with poor Dom Jose's translation, but I have the English rendering in my pocket- book, and a facsimile of the map, if it can be called a map.
When I had finished reading the above, and shown the copy of the map, drawn by the dying hand of the old Dom with his blood for ink, there followed a silence of astonishment.
But this was quite a different type of man to the mean fellows whom I had been accustomed to meet; indeed, in appearance he reminded me more of the polite doms I have read about, for he was tall and thin, with large dark eyes and curling grey mustachios.
As a result, these revenues were already quadrupled, and yet the burden was so much more equably distributed than before, that all the king- dom felt a sense of relief, and the praises of my ad- ministration were hearty and general.
But I'm dom'd if ar can gang to bed and not tellee, for weedur's sak', to keep the lattle boy from a' sike scoondrels while there's a harse to hoold in a' Lunnun, or a gootther to lie asleep in!" Repeating these words with great heartiness, and with a solemnity on his jolly face that made it look twice as large as before, he shook hands and went away.
During the same-day return flight following the tournament, guests will experience a plenitude of Dom Perignon P2 2000, and before landing at Palm Beach, guests will receive a personalized Dom Perignon gift.
Steph says: "You'd think being on top of each other all the time we would argue - but the longer we're together, the less that is the case." Dom adds: "Other than being husband and wife we're also best friends and we like to have a really good laugh."